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Show At Published Every Thursday Tremonton, Utah. mi i:l n ill brine results '.liar ronltl Expo- j Subscription rati". rar aihanir 81.85 wlviuieo ."" make thN itatemcnl a patent fact, when the importance of the celebration, Its geographical location anil Ira unique not $l.3ii character is remembered. A slight con- ccption of the favor with which the Kx- met may be forme!, wnen Discontent is the peg in your position has it is pointed out thai more tban low shoe that hurts. fifths of the available exhibit Krai has been applied fur, seven months before A women s smile is the little I he the opening date. applicant) repre poem we find in the prose of life. M.lis,.v.r. jnc of domcstic ,nd forelgn manufacturers and producers, who real Ex The up that a similar oppotuuity f ir impror will cost approximately position jj romiiu'reeanc! trade conditions gen$10. 000, 00(1 when the gates arc erally throughout the t'nttcd States, En- ropcan snd South American countries opened in 1900. () in- - nol in ail - has never before been tillered. ex The Jamestown Tor (.'i iUeniii.il is a Member new and distinct departure in KxposiCommercial PP" Exposition js" " k lions. Former exhibitions have lavari-ablorganizations are exerting efforts in this l.een held in inland cities, and were direction that promise to result in many as as was all of one gem fa! character, w hile this it everyone good cities being represented along thU line. ClerK they think their neighbors ought It has been satisfactorily shown that the celebration is situated on the shore, of to be. what a splendid world this Jamestown Exposition will have attend the finest and most historic body of wa- Treasurer tor in America, large enough to float the jj wonld be. unce never before equalled, With the navies of the world, and upon which exception of Ih.) Oreat World's w II be held the greatest naval render.-Isn't it better to say to the boy Pairs, and the advantages of displaying reus in the world's history. when you want him to do some- - tJ"' Vttrious "'""'''- - raw materials tt is within a few hours' travel of j onvprnfir manufafturl products, ami exploiting wish and would." "I you thing, and more ban 21.000.000 oersOM, InfliiiwtmAnta in nanir.nl KHAblncr invrwt Alaska-Yukon-Pacif- ic y y Pills Anti-Pai- n Cure Headache no had Almost instantly, and leave effects. They also relieve every other Scipain, Neural'gia, Rheumatic Pain, atica, Backache, Stomach ache, Ague1 Pains, Pains from injury, Bearing-dow-n pains, Indigestion, Dizziness, Nervousness and Sleeplessness. All Pain is D c Roush. " SB Watland. Nerve Pain s$SSi George Shuman. John Shuman. ills ram is sure to follow any strain or weakening influence upon the nerves. It may be caused by in IS W c Wyatt STATE John c cutler. j ' Mires' Dr. J c Gates. pos-siii'- not, "You must?" te EMWyatt. baa ''"' 11 Aati-Fai&'HIl- Official Directory. ic Eleven large exhibit palaces The plan of combining municipal will form the main picture of the ihibits with manufacturers of cities . Massachusetts, Connecticut, North Caro- Suites or any foreign COUttt rv. lina, South Carolina Georgia, Kentucky Miebigtn, Wisconsin, Rhode Island, and Milwaukee is a great ship build several arc expected, while inch State ing city. Thousands of "schoowill contribute to the great historical, ners" are annually pushed over Icimmerical ami industrial exhibits. the bar in that city. Cities tliat will participate independent of the States in which they are situated will embrace Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Hartford, Syracuse, Milwaukee, Richmond, all of whloh will TREMONTON make i xtcn-iv- e displays, combining municipal, commertlal and industrial featurea. chairman of Board, J A Fishburn. ... Alaska-Yukon-Pacif- '"ill ire rime-keeper- s :i One year in Six Month i I j It U iinnosfcihlc to rxtlmate tbe raluo rrnriil ciOl HMttft A pril tteerne to hi' tangible retill thai III TllllK'llllill l'.Mil :ii Um P"l OffiM ii fnl countries sialic, Munii ijialii s. and I i. ill uaii( tin' :nl ..f NUnM lowing participation in the Jamestown Mar, h :!ril 1S7!. at Norfolk, V"a., In 1907. reasons and advantage tombing to Manj Kulcn-- trout nrv . In sition In 1907. ftbrman KdiloraHd nutitaspr i; R, Jamestown DRi MIXES' four hours of two tttirdl f OfSw-sof (he I'nitcd population cr sccomplbbed throufh tnv ah li:i i i'hmIv reached tr aerwi preit ttu hosineai channel. nd lines six of rail3r of steam Iii renpoose iii President RnoBereH's twenty invitation to participate tlicac nations ship, whfch centor a tlx Tidewater eit- have accepted, and will be n prcsentc lesof Norfolk Portsmouth, and New either by warships, detachments nf troops Prl News. World's Fairs have hciflll the or civildelegations, nhilcsome will inaki of progress, but the Jamestown industrial and technical exhfbita: Oreat is the adv in e agent of hi,rb sUtoa. Britan, Germany, Riuatia, It lay, Prance, Exp fJclguim, Mexico, Vener.nela, Denmark, civilization, which will create an era of Japan, L'oata (ilea, Argentine Itepublic, increased prosperity and material ad vsnceim nt, and at the .same time will Obile, (inatemala. Switzerland, Haiti. than realize the prediction to be mote Uany of the States of tbe Union have erected buildings, including Virginia, the greatest, most gorgeous and novel New York, New Jersey, Missouri, Ohio, celebration ever undertaken in the United Foreign Nations and Slates Wiil Take Part in the THE TREMONT TIMES. Charles S Tingey. Secretary M A Bredden. General Atty. p"B Auditor J A Edwards. Treasurer James Christiansen of Public Instruction Supt. colds, inoverexertion, heat, intense mental effort, excites or digestion, or any cause that depresses, .sensitive are they that the So nerves. the agitates least pressure or strain causes suffering. By sooth-strengthening and quieting the nerves, Dr. Pills relieve the pain. jiiles' Anti-Pai- n a They are sold by druggists, 2;c a box,orunder money guarantee that the first box. win benefit, refunded. Never sold in bulk. MILES MKDTCAL jO.. Elkhart Ind I The Alaska-Yukon-Pacif- Ex- ic position grounds will cover over 2")0 acres. CONFIDENCE A C Nelson. When, at eve, at the bounding of the landscape, the heavens appear to recline so slowly on the State Senator Co Com 4 Co Com 2 ' Breed to the Best. MOINEAU living. Home is where the 44324 n Farm. i Tremonton Horse Breeders' Association, Any old thing will do J. I K 01 COR tmm -j ""- NURSERY Located on the wesA bank cA Bear River in orinne. 40,0W) PruM Tree, and Roses, Comtto tho Nurserj and select your trees ami live a good sum it.j mm You Purchisa Any Other Write THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY N N E of money and get Tree tlmt v lx N cttnttrade. Tll bead of all M HW iMU Hlajh-rm- lr l iAt.r j nlrr oiilj . eiv Manila Justice F.. B. BHRNKMNS, Ajcent. haul ivinptns Dcsions Ac. Copyrights Ion mm mid Si wisti Tifmotiinn MBS , I'tali At $5. aii'l up A al aopply of t be best wan on hind. D. S. LOHR, T MAC ( Ml sod C'ORINNK, aeei 0 kolrri 1..eript rnrtniii imr i.ini,.n rrve wrninpr AnTnnn'niin licnl nutrklr u tloimtrlotiTOonOdiittl. HANDBOOK onPMenu naliut. friii froe. nMi'M iio.,i t d.r Kmirlnit I'aiiMiK (liken ttfoaak nana a Co rvcurfl tfrrial wtlct, wlihout ilmriie. In the A If. I SCKnnnc American. 9 MM ao V A hn.ln.'tiipi iiiinim m i rniin, f .'IPI'I mi j ' 'ii culnlii'n "f Ht reiir : lour nii'iittw, II1. fioUlbynll nrwiiifsteM MUNN & llrm"-i-i um". 361Bro,dw.feWY0rk V St.. VMnge n li AMI BELT, PHONE KN' have bought the Blacksmith Business of Peasnall and will run a iirst class shop and do a Drake. General Blacksmith Business. My work is all guaranteed and will be promptly attended to. 1 1 Horse Shoeing A Specialty. ROBERTBUBGE, ,,,, TREMONTON, UTAH I TIME TABLE. O. S. L. .1 mm I Changed Hands Al Ilolinpreu II P Thorea d Prank Walker Dewey Wood hal VOtJ NDEPEN Blacksmith Shop Constable I Place Your orders now . SnsBH 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE took. for I .MAI. v Baltord Jokn II Wal Tbos Law ARRIVE A I. Petersen ( ' w Bobbin K II Prldal Cbas Kroks No. 31 NO 83. Bnowvllle w. I Tremont Times, Tremonton, Utah. Charles Cheal D ParklMon Portage Rawlins Apple trees l per 100, two years old None liettn and five fert tal tamily tewing macltineS H1( by niitliorif i il 'on Ittn -- V7. j 11 C PieldlDg No Diseased; no Dried Up Trash Here, but good healths Cheap advertising like cheap shoes is dear at any price. Our advertisers get results, which accounts for our having the largest advertising patronage in Box Elder county. Call us up and get our rates. S N Cole Andrew Funk C'lius Cheal Vanausdeln T K Sccrisl R Walter J E Montgomery N ,1 ShU E Efodd Plymouth House Gvo Chas Card Promontory E .1 Bassett (i I? Parsons Terrace Clear Creek S K Haker Park Valley I) Blrschl WKWbitoker s W Cook Grouse Creek Phil Paskett .Ins A J Badfleld Riverside Capener Geo J Wells 8 N Cook Willard Three Mile TC Young Alnum Wight N C Jeppsen Hans Kelhir Mantua W W Lasley fj Hunsakcr Calls Port .1 D B Martile 0 Dewey Deweyville .1 Tw itchell It Stiwling Collinston (' E Jam6s Coll I' It Ilndley Malad Brigham Sunset .... , Bfora ORANGt, MASS. Many Snwtnc Machines ar ma le to ell recard w llim-- " Is inJa less ot quality, but the " never runs out. to wear. Our cuara-.itVe maka Sewing Machines to suit all condition ADVERT Christena Madson Nephi J Valentine, Charles E Foxley ' Attorney James N Holdaway Surveyor Assessor Elias Jensen A E Jensen School Supt Justice of Peace Andrew Funk Pear River . in sending your orders to us. Joseph Josephson Constable i Hut it' you want the "best" work done on Watches, clocks and Jewelry, goto Practical Watch Maker W. LEWIS, wmmmm i resent. Our job printing department is one of the best in the county and you make no mistake E H Jones. Sheriff Treasurer Recorder Clerk we keep all promises and never misrep- on us MB Hart. yrs yrs Precinct Tl h eart is. NO. ' Imported F resell Perchcon freight 8150, will be at has. SchmntJ miles west rf Trcmonton for season of lliufl. Terms of servii (30,00 live toal. For further particulars apply or write to A can. F W Fishburn Judge 1st Judical District Willard W Maughan. Dist Atty F J Holton. Chairman County Com. A W Valentine. Sometimes one has more flowers piled on his coffin and grave than he ever had given to him' in all his life. We want our flowers while we are living. The dead are past all that. If we would do good let us do it while we are alive to those who are that Confidence in the people you deal with is an important factor in the business world. In letting us do your printing you can depend BOX ELDER COUNTY s?ems silently to repeat that man is immortal. pitcher of water, a log cabin and perfect love there is happiness for you, whether the day be rainy or sunny. It is the heart that makes the home, whether the eye rests on a potato patch or flower garden. The heart makes home precious, and it is the only thing District Peter Clegg. Representative garth imagination pictures beyond the horizon an asylum of hope, a native land of love; and nature A crust of bread, a 1 tt A. K. 0;U lii:lii 6:83 B 10J7 (l:-- ii 8 7 7 7 in 88 88 :(.' 88 U l.'oi 1:00 A Brtfhan CortBM Waakagaa 8 10x81 11 No. 32. j lOitf li DEPAR1 P. M. 8:10 8:90 10:89 i BRANCH. m m m B M i AD VALLEY p.m. VMI IBoolta 18 TREMONTON 4s BO Grariaad 07 In Rirenidt PieUUni Plj month '.'() c tuo P. M. 4tH :0T 4:: 4:18 H 4 0." M. Ml 8 80 8:80 8:48 s:40 8:88 8:21 8.P'i 7:88 Waabakk 7:.'i2 BM Malad 7:11 r- - The mirril trnln riti (klg BnWCh H 'lnilv rxrrpt Sihii1v. 'o. 84. IM BtBO 848 y'.i 8)88 2:52 2:4.r 2 25 1 20 |