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Show Dr. Wii'iams' Pink Pills Restored Wrecked Nerves to Normal Condition and Good Health Followed. The sufferer from too u resorts to drugs in order to secure the coveted rest. But sleep obtiuned by the use of opiates is not refreshing and the benefit is but temporary at best. Mrs. H. A. Fletcher, of 59 Bloc pet street, Manchester, N. H., is living evidence of the truth of this statement. She says: "I received a shock of an apoplectic character. It was so severe that the sight of my right eye was affected, causing me to see objects double. I was confined to my bed about four weeks, ut one time being told by the doctor that I could not get well. When I could leave my bed I was in such a nervous statethat I could not sleep at' night. I would get up and sit on a chair until completely tired out and then go back to bed and sleep from exhaustion. "I had been under the doctor's care for six weeks when my sister, Mrs. Loveland, of Everett, persuaded me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I began taking the pills with the result that I soon experienced relief. One night soon after taking them I lay awake only a short time and the next night I rested well. From that time I slept well every night and soon got well and strong. I have recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a number of times, and my niece has taken them for weak nerves and poor blood and found them very beneficial." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured many severe nervous troubles, headache, neuralgia and sciatica as well as diseases of th blood such asiinseiiiiu,riieuiiinti sin, pale and sallow complexions and many forms of weakness. All druggists sell Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, or they will be sent by mail postpaid, on receipt of price, 60 cents per box, six boxes for $2.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. of-te- habit-funnin- g Women at Strenuous Tasks. On the western coast of the United States, at Monterey, Cal., Mrs. Pish keeps the lamps lighted in the Point Oh the eastern Pinas lighthouse. coast, at South Portland, Me., Mrs. Gordon earns her living by working as a deep-sediver. Sprinkled over the country between these two women are thousands of other members of the female sex who deserve to be enrolled as auxiliaries to Mr. Kipling's corps of "Unafraid Gentlemen. " And then, from the woman in Utah who is sheriff and hangs murderers, to the woman in Chicago who bosses a gang of Italian street cleaners, he tells the role of women who are engaged in strenuous occupations In the United States. Wherever man has tried to wrest a living from unwilling nature there woman has also left the impress of her daring exploits. Technical WTorld. a Treatment of Habitual Criminals. The New Zealand minister for justice has introduced the habitual criminals and offend era bill, which provides that where a person has been twice convicted of a criminal assault or four times of wounding, robbery or burglary, he may be regarded as an habitual criminal and at the expiration of his sentence detained in a reformatory. After six convictions for vagrancy a man may be treated in the same way. Discharge from the reformatory will be secured only on the recommendation of the court, while the detained offenders will be made to work and wages will be placed to their credit or toward the support of their SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. Tliey also relievo Dls- - tress iromjjyspepsia. ludigestion and Too Hearty A perfect rem-Eating. ody for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Had Taste In tUo Mouth, Coated Tottrae, Pain In the Side, ItOKPID LTVER. Tliey regulate tbo Bowels. Purely Vegetable. B SMALL PILL. ll p H ' SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear CARTERS Signature iTTlE IVER pills. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. He Knows the kind of Waterproof Oiled Clothinq that stands the hardest service DoYmKnow SS3 Made for nil kind of wet work or sport SOLD EVERYWHERE mJmSmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi W ..-S- A MISSOURI NEWS SUMMARY INSOMNJA CURED 1 Tells Major General William R. Shafter, U. S. A., died at Bakersfield, Cal., on the 12th, from pneumonia. Herbert Bradley, a wealthy flour exporter, was killed by a pet deer on the preserves at his home near Mont-clair- , N. J. Four men were killed and a score injured, several fatally, by tbe explosion of a boiler of a cotton gin at t'aulksville, Ark. The streets of Warsaw are again in control of the cavalry in consequence of threatened disorders because of the high price of meat. The first-clas- s Japanese battleship Satsuma, 19,000 tons, the first battleship to be launched in Japanese waters, was launched on the 15th. A reactionary newspaper of Moscow demand the expulsion of Count W'itte from Russia, and says he will remain in Russia at the risk of his life. .Representative Bourke Cockran and Miss Annie Ide, daughter of Henry C. Ide, formerly governor general of the Philippines, were married on the 15th. Prince Albert of Flanders, the heir apparent to the Belgian throne and nephew of King Leopold, has been sworn in as a member of the Belgian Senate. Although there exists no law to the contrary, the government of Peru has refused to allow a local firm of bankers to ship 12,000 silver sols (about 12,000 pounds) to London. V. C. Sweatman, of Philadelphia, dropped dead while running to catch a train. He was 85 years of age and was one of the heaviest dealers in malt in the United States. Mrs. Charles A. Strong, daughter of John D. Rockefeller, died at Cannes, France, on the 14th. Mrs. Strong had been ill for some time and suffered a paralytic stroke on November 12. Wliliam R. Hearst, Independence league and Democratic candidate for governor of New York, has certified to the secretary of state that he spent $386,370 in promoting his canvass. Mrs. Charles Mowry and her three children, Homer, aged 6 years; Louise, 3 years, and a baby of 6 months, were burned to death in their home on a farm at Batavia station, Michigan. Six men were killed and five seriously injured when a boiler in the power house of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railroad, in Collin-wood- , a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, blew up. Generals Rolan and Castellanes were near Valencia, severely wounded Spain, as a result of the explosion of a land mine during experiments which were being conducted by the military engineers. Two persons were seriously injured and a number of women and children bruised and otherwise slightly hurt in a panic caused by an incipient blaze at from a moving picture machine Evansvffle, Ind. Dr. W. C. Phillips, aged 83 years, former secretary of the state of Texas, and brother of United States District Judge John F. Phillips of Missouri, committed suicide at Rocheport, Mo., by drinkingipoison. Three robbers escaped with the con- tents of the safe of the Bank of Walk- er, at Walker, Mo. The safe and front portion of the bank building were wrecked by the explosion of a heavy charge of dynamite. President Roosevelt will be asked to deliver the address at the unveiling of the monument to General Lawton, being erected at Indianapolis by the people of Indiana. The ceremony will take place next Memorial day. The American International Congress on Tuberculosis was held in New Dr. F. E. Daniel of York last week. Austin, Texas, tho president, declared the keynote of the convention is to be the prevention of tuberculosis by legis-- ' lation. t Robbers dynamited a safe in the Bank of Lohoma, in Oarfleld county, Oklahoma, and escaped with $2,700 in cash. The bank had just received to farmers pay $10,000 ton, but the robbers for their overlooked cot- this money. Bert. Seeley, who was under suspicion in connection with the murder of Edwin Garwin, in West Haven. Mich., was found dead In his bed, and lying beside him was his young wife, also dead. It is thought that the couple committed suicide. The United States grand Jury at Pensacola, Fla., after four days' sesindictments returned sion, against twelve persons, charging peonage in connection with cases which originated at the Jackson Lumber company's camp several months since. The Worklngman's Savings and l,OHn company of Greenville, g, C, the nnly negro banking Institution In the state, has closed Its doors by order of the state hank examiner. Careless said to be the cause bookkeeping f the bank's embarrassment. after congress con Immediately vens next month, Senator Cullom of Illinois will Introduce a joint reflation In the genate ptovldlng for the appointment of an expert tariff commission to consider and report on those schedule" which would be a WOMAN FearfulPains Carpets can be colored on the floor with AM KADELEKS DYES. Ask your druggist, luc per package. PI TS Story of Awful Suffering and Wonderful Relief. furnishes Germany To-da- flve-Bixt- of the dyes used in the world Mrs. J. B. Johnson, of 603 West Mrs. Hlu.luD'i southing Syrup. Hickman street, Columbia, Mo., says: for children lofteus tliv giiai., Ktlucei "Following an oper-atio- n ≪s lAlli. I'llrea wuiU ,!!.. two years ago. Dick (looking at picture-book- ) "I dropsy set in, and my left side was so wonder what the Noahs did with themswollen the doctor selves all day long in the Ark?" Msaid he would have abelFished, I should think." Bobto tap out the water. bie "They didn't fish for long." Dick Bobbie There was constant and Mabel "Why not?" pain and a gurgling "Well, ydU see, there were only two sensation around my worms!" Punch. heart, and 1 could $100 Reward, $100. not raise my arm readers of tnls paper will be pleased to leara above my head. The kidney action tliTbetbere 1. at least i,ne dreaded dl.eate hat icleuce been able to cure la alt (u stages, aod that la was disordered and passages of the se- hat, Caurra. Hail's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cretions too frequent. On the aavice cure uuw kujvn to the. medical fraternity. Catarrh a cuusUlulluaal dlseaae, requires a ouistltu of my husband I began using Doan's being tlonal trealmr.ut. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Inblood tlie aud mucous aoUug directly upon Kidney Pills. Since using two boxes ternally, surface, of ibe system, thereby destroying tbe This trouble not has foundation of the patient tbe and Klvlutf my disease, reappeared. tfeugih by building up tbe cxnstttuttoB ami assistIs wonderful, after suffering two ing uaiure in doing Its wort. The proprietors have SUGGESTIONS HOW WOMEN MAY FIND RELIEF. it years." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-MIlburCo., Buffalo, N. Y. His Monument. There has been set in a cemetery tn Orwell, Oswego county, N. Y., as the memorial of a lumberman, framed of granite and marble, the exact reproduction in miniature of a sawmill in the town of Redfield, which was owned by the deceased. On the scale of an inch to tbe foot, the mill is complete in every detail, being provided with saws, carriages, rollers to carry off the sawed lumber, skids with three logs placed thereon ready to roll on the carriage car, which is loaded with lumber. So one man has escaped from the conventional angel with outspread wings, the recumbent sheep, and all the rest. Springfield Republican. "OLD MAN" LIBBY'S DEER. oilmen faith In Us curative powers tliat tbey offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send far list of testimonials. Addrese F. J. CUE MET & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, T.ic. Tate Mali's Family fills for constipation. Boston Society Fad. Dealers in pet stock say that suburban residents of Boston are adopting as the latest fad the raising of game chickens. The stately carriage and brilliant plumage of these belligerent fowls make them valuable for decorative purposes on the lawn to people who would, however, never dream of putting their combative qualities to the test. The dealers are prophesying that before long the fancy of keeping gameoocks chained with silver chains on the lawns of country houses will be revived. Boston Record. While no woman is entirety free from periodical suffering, it does not seem to be the plan of nature that women should suffer so severely. This is a 6evere strain on a woman's vitality. When pain exists something is wrong which should bo set right or it will lead to a serious derangement of the whole female organism. Thousands of women have testified in grate ful letters to Mrs. l'iukham that Lydia E. l'inkhani's Vegetable Compound overcomes woman's special pains and irregularities. It provides a safe and sure way of escape from distressing and dangerous weaknesses and diseases. The two following letters tell so conA Remedy. E. l'inkham's One of the oldest, safest and most vincingly what Lydia will do for Compound Vegetable favorably known remedies in the women, they cannot fail to bring hope world is Brandreth's Pills a to thousands of sufferers. blood purifier and laxative. Being Miss Nellie Holmes, of r.40 N. Division purely vegetable, they can be used by Street, Buffalo, N. V., writes: old or young with perfect safety, and Dear Mrs. I'inkham: " Youi modiciiii' ig indeednn ideal medicine while other remedies require increased for years with doses and finally cease acting alto- for women. 1 suffered misery periods, headaches, and bearing down gether, with Brandreth's Pills the painful different I two consulted phvsicians same dose always has the same effect, pains. but fuilivl to get any relief. A friend from the east advised me to try Lydia E. Hnkliam's no matter how long they are taken. Vegetable Compound. 1 did so, and no longer One or two pills taken each night for Buffer as did before. MypsriodS are natural; a while is the best thing known for every ache and tiu is gone, and my general bealihisimich improved. I advise all women any one troubled with constipation, inwho suffer to take Lydia K. riukham's Vegeor trouble digestion, dyspepsia any table Compound." arising from impurity of the blood. Mrs. Tillie Ilart, of Larimore, N. D., Brandreth's Pills have been in use writes: for over a century, and are for sale Dear Mrs. Pinkliam: . everywhere, plain or "I might have been spared many months old-tim- e Weil-Know- n y Remarkable Story of Killing Told by Blind Guide. ; "Old Man" Libby is one of the best in the known guide camp keepers state of Maine, and for years has been totally blind. Four years ago he car ried into Bangor the carcass of a deer, and had it taken to toe office of Fish and Game Commissioner Car the wish penter. Libby expressed that the venison be given to the Bangor hospital. Carpenter wanted to know who killed the deer, and was much Libby claimed to have been the destroyer. "Why, Libby." he asked, "how did you, a blind man, manage to kill this deer?" "Wal, you see," drawled Libby, "I was standing outside my tent yesterday morning, ax in hand, just going to chop a leetle wood, when I felt this I durned critter rushing onto me. thought 'twas a b'ar, so I hauiei? on" and soaked him." The commissioner always has a grin on tap when telling this story, for he has doubts as to vjho killed the deer. CHINA THE LAND OF DUCKS. sur-whe- Staple Article of Food for Residents of Celestial Empire. There are. more ducks in China than in all the rest of the world. China, literally, is white with these birds, and day and night the country resounds with their metallic and scornful voices. Children herd ducks on every road, on every pond, on every farm, on every lake, on every river. There is no back yard without its duck house. There is no boat, little or big, without its duck quarters. Even in the cities of China ducks abound. They dodge between the coolies' legs. They flit squawking out of the way of the horses. Their indignant quack will not unseldom drown the roar of urban commerce. All over the land there are great duck hatching establishments, many of them of a capacity huge enough to produce 50,000 young ducks every year. The Chinese duck is extremely tender and delicate the best tame duck for eating in the world. Duck among the Chinese is the staple delicacy. It is salted and smoked like ham or beef.and duck eggs are eaten as chicken eggs are in America. -- sugar-coated- of sufVeriiur and nain hud onlv known Of the efficacy of Lydia E. fiukham's Vegetable The man of many parts seldom parts his name in the middle. Ask Mrs. Pinkham's For Infants and Children. iTITu'lim.niiilllltlilll'ill drug-stimula- d citability, nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, melancholy, they should! remember there is one tried and' true remedy. Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. Refuse to buy any i for you need the best. Don't hesitate to write to Mrw e, other-medicin- ' Plnkham If there la anything about your aiekneM you do not understand. She will treat you with kindness and heradvieeis free. No woman ever regretted writing her and she has helped thousands. Address Lynn, Mass. a Woman's Ills. Best Understands IN WORLD W.LDougla, $4 Silt Edga line . cannot be equalled a t any price y 1 Tfe Shift Dealtn: W. U DOQfflM' .Tot- ma. Huiie is ttirt most MD&plote in t his rouutry Send for W V Ueiweff The Kind You Have IlfflllniliiMi,iUit.immlliiiiimiiiilli!i;iii AvegdaUe Preparationfor Always Bought As- similating IheFixidandUcguIa ting lite Stoinadis and Bowels of Bears the Signature Promoles Digeslion.Cheer(ur-nes- s and Rest.Conlains neilher Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral. of Not i An cone. FOB EVERYBODY AT ALL PRICES, Mtm'a Sho. $5 to SI. 80. Boya' Bhoea, S3 uSl.25. Woman'! Shc.,. $4 OO to 1.80. Mia a' & Ctnldinn's Sli ms. $2 88 to (l.OO. audi Try V. I., IMig!n Women's. M BHOES iAt7 f Children's alio'; for atvlf, nt aud wear Un'T nxoel otasf makes. If I could take you Into my at Brockt on, Mass. ,and show you how careiully W.I.. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other make. large-factorie- Seai- - I'umpkm , Wft ' Aaue W - In $nlyHHvi flavor Use A perfect Remedy forConstipa Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms ,( Convulsions .Fevensh-nes- s find Loss SLEEP. For Over of Tac Simile Wherever you live, you can obtain W. L. Douglas shoe. His name and price la stamped on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and Inferior shoe.. Takr no MubttU tute. Ask your dealer for W. L. Oouglus slioei and Insist upon having them, fall Color Eyelets used; thru witl not it far brassyu Write lor Illustrated Catalog of l all Styles. W. la DUUOLAS, UtpU 12. Brockton. Mass. You Cannot Sitfimture of Thirty Years NEW YORK. all inflamed, ulcerated am catarrhal conditions of the murous membrane SUCH as nasal catarrh, uterine-catarrcaused by feminine ills, sore throat, sore mouth or inflamed eyes by simply h About Coffee. There has been much discussion U to Coffee and Postum lately, so much In fact that some of the coffee importers and roasters have taken to type to promote the sale of their wares and check if possible the rapid growth of the use of Postum Food Coffee. In the coffee Importers' book a chap-te- r Is headed "Coffee as a Medicine," and advocates its use as such. Here is an admission of the truth, Boat important to all Interested. Every physician knows, and every thoughtful person should know, that habitual use of any "medicine" of the type of coffee or whisof the ky quickly causes Irritation tissues and organs stimulated and finally sets up disease in the great majority of- - cases If persisted In. It may show In any one of the many organs of the body and In the great ' majority of cases can be directly traced to coffee in a most unmlstak- able way by leaving off the active irritant coffee and Postum using Food Coffee for a matter of ten days. If the result Is relief from nervous trouble, dyspepsia, bowel complaint, heart failure, weak eyes, or any other malady set up by a poisoned nervous system, you have your answer with the accuracy of a demonstration in mathematics. "There a reason" for Postum. well-earne- W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes '3.50BEST&$3.00 THE EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. a Book Such testimony should be accepted by all women as convincing evidence that Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound stands without a peer as a remedy for all the distressing ills of women. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound rests upon the gratitude of American women. When women are troubled with pain or irregularities, displacements or uL ceration of the organs, that bearing-dow- n feeling, inflammation, backache, bloating (or flatulency), general debility, Indigestion and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, ex- A Woman AdvicK COFFEE IMPORTERS Publish Compound sooner; for I have tnea so many remedies without help. "I dreaded tho approach of every month, os it meant so much pain and sutl'ering for me, but after I had used the Compound two mouths I became regular and natural and cud now perfectly well and free from pain. I am very grateful lor what Lydia E. Piukhaiu t Vegetable Compound ha done for me." dosing the stomach. But you surely can cure these stubborn affections by local treatment with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic Morlho WQchinrtfnn lira ' Qoiiiiituii jTim Comfort Sboes sre msde for genuine comfort. It is a pleasure and relief to wear them. . .. .. . rri i...,, UnrU M to lace. You just slip tliem on and oft at will. The elastic at the jides expands and contracts with the natural motion of the Can foot, Insuring perfect esse and comlorl. be worn all year round. Your dealer will Three stylea, low, medium and high. If not, write to ua. Look for the name and supply you. trade-maron tht sole. Wr also make the popular "Western I ady" shoes. tndtlie name of a dealer who does not lian.l I "Marina Washinqlon" shoes and we will sendyou free, postpaid, a beautiful picture Oa "Marfba Washington, size l ixa). wA which destroys the disease germs'.oherks discharges, stojis pain, and heals the Inflammation and soreness. Paxtine represents the most successful local treatment for feminine ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box THE m -- ED llviaa bllw ILL A FAXTON CO.. Hoaton. ftftst. We want Apents at? once in every county. Write NOW a this will not appiv ir.nn W f r'fioirat CTsh no deposit. You can easily m.ike from to $5 in an evening. Send ioc stamp or silver) for plahs and instructions Minuta Hirers Afenu Aocistlon. Ul AnjrlM. Cslit. FPFP F. Mayer Boot K. siring to buy any- thing adrertlsed in Its columns should insist upon bating what Ihsy ask for, refusing all substitutes or imitation-- .. Shoe Co. MltwaakM. Wis. say aaj i f ajj 'F I"l I W. N. U.. Salt Lake City, f 1 I N. I aSJI. a 47, 190fc |