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Show How To Observe il Thanksgl vlng Day. tin The lait Thursday in November set this apart by great country of di) arid ours, (these grand glorious United States) for Thanksgiving day, a da wherein evtry man. woman and child should how their heads in prayer to our Maker for the multitude of b I rMlngs which He hus seen fit to bestow upon ion u ipaaoi K DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND OUR 2 loc ft rand IS ALL IT WILL COST YOU CENT jur big FKEE BICVCLK catalogue line of most romrjlt-tBICYCLES, TIKEs) and SL NUKIES) at f'BJ''ES BELOW auy other OMWfactaft t r dealer In the world. j write i owiug tti liigh-prad- e DO NOT BUY A BIGYOLE ZZTPZ of U and low-srra- d ltuinft every kind ol hieh-radrat and Laintt iiimirie, .i:m n cium uui r umikuuic i.vj vw bicycles, oh 1CKS and iroiMiirrfiiiwTTr offers made ponttible y selling from iattory 11m oaXU rach anil every one of us, though wicked and sinful we might have been all of our lives. He has been good to the sinner OM APPROVAL f SHIP on1 m.1 I.. ' -- it .... , I r .i o December 6th 1906. Freight and t.rr.i.: .vnVl. ,.th,.. Icaui everythiag aud get much valu..WyfT IN Ri-S- $8.50 i , viug as a holy day. The Farmer. The farmer has the most sane, and natural occupation, and ought to find life sweeter, if less highly Reasoned, than atn other. He alone, strictly speaking, has a home. How can a man thrive and tako root without land? He writes his history upon his fields. How many ties, how many resources, he has his friend ship with his cattle, his team, his dog, his trees, the satisfaction in his growing crops, in bis improved fields; his intimacy with nature, with bird and beast, and with the quickening elemental forces hi with the cloud, the sun, the seasons, heat, wind, rain, frost; nothing will take the various distempers which the city and artificial life breed out of a man like forming, like direct and loving contract with the soil. It drawsont the poison. It humbles him, teaches him patience and reverence, and restores the proper tone of hll system. Blessed is he w hose youth whs passed upon a farm. Cling to the farm, nuke much of it, put yourself into it, liestow your heart and your braiu upou it, so that It shall savor of you and radiate your vlrtures after your day 's work Is done. Ex. The question is asked by a Chicago newspaper, Why not be proud of the great crops that are being raised this year on the farms Of course the farme rs are proud of their crops, and the tradsmen are proud of them, and the merchants rejoice and the manufactures are glad. Proud of the great crops? Certainly. It is strange that one should ask such .80 You st Saittpto v don c4 rare muical programme will GLASS WONT LET OUT THE AIR uniy SOUVENIRS GIVEN TO ALL LADY CALLERS. 5EAUTTFUL n NAILS. TACKS OR 1 N PUHGTURE PROOF TIRES Alii. . i'ei To XntfoduGO We Will Sail Holiday Qpening dnil. " house la the world Will do. able Information by simply wriung us a We need a Agent i" every town aud can offer an opportunity to make money to suitable youu meu who apply at. once. You Will wel a? to the saint, hy has cmirc I tLe rai to fa'l uj on the unjust as Well ts the just, and yet how far we fall short of our duty to our Maker. A great many people, certainly misconstrue the object and purposes of Thanksgiving day. There are some who with gun and dog take to the fields to shoot the innocent and unsuspecting quail or dove; many others, for any kind of sport, fun or frolic, amusements of any nature, any thing but the real purpose for which this t'ay was intended. Some few ave a differ cut view and these will remain at hon t and talk, and discuss their neighbor their faults and habits, not for a momei t do they speak of the good traits of these friends and neighbors, but gossiping and tnttleing seem to be the ruling enjoyment of the day . Then there is a class, who well know the object and purpose of Thanksgiving day and this class though small, yes, very small, will re tpect this good day and sper.d it as the day should be. A few of these good people will meet in their holy sanctuary and there lift up their voices in prayer to their Marter for the many blessing and comforts showered upon them and theirs. This class of people are few and far between, yet the good Lord will hear and answer these prayers. My dear young folks, stop and reflect e'er you desecrate this great and good day. Celebrate it as it should be and at it was intended to he, a day of prayer and thanksgiving to our good Master for his goodness and kindness to its through all our lives. As the day rolls around we oft times reflect w hen we ce the youth of the country preparing for wicked and siutul sport that he intends to participate in, how greatly the meaning of this good day is misconstrued. Turn over a uew leaf, young folks, in life's history and vow to do so no more, but instead assemble with those who do know aud who will always be found doing the right thing at your church aud thare in humble submission to His will, offer up to your good Master a prayer for his blessings. Do not desecrate this good day in the wicked and siuful way that you have been doing in the past, hold this Thank-- a question. happens its in tiie "Times". o CA3H WITH ORDER $4.55) rto rtOflE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of If vcars experience in tire making. No tUnger from THORNS, CAC- Notice the thick robber tread A" ami puncture atrlpa "B" and "1," alao rim atrip "H" Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can to prevent rim nutting. Tbia be vulcanized like any other tire. tire will oatlaat any other Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Over mate-so- n, sold last Thousand r;.sv KioiNti.klasiiv Seventy-fivyear. pairs OESSRSPTIOMl Made in all sizes. It is lively and easy ruling, very durable and lined inside With I ipecta! quality of rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small punctures without allowing the ah to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers stating They weign no more than that tin ir tire; have oul y been pumped uponee or twice in a whole season. an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several lajers of thin, specially felt when riding on asphalt nreyar.-- i' fabric ou the tread. That "Holding Back" sensation commonly or aofl roads is overcome by the patent "Basket Weave" tread which prevents all air from being all suction. The regular price of these squeezed out between the tire and the road thus overcoming tires is U u Per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the rider of onlv 4 H per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship C.O.D. on approval. ou ao not pay a ceut until you have examined aud found t.'itm strictly as represented. We vili allow a cash discount of 5 per cent (thereby makiug the price 94.55 per pair) if you send send one nickel FI'I.L CASH Willi ORDKK anil enclose this advertisement. onWe will also closers full paid orders (these metal punctuie plated hiaaa hand pump and two Sampson metal knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned of case in intentional be used to losers puncture at OU K expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are peif fitly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bauk. Ask your Postmaster. Banker Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about us. If you order a ,air of wear better, last longer and look these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, 6uer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. Wc- know that you will be so well pleased We order. wailt you to send us a small trial us will a your give hal when you want bicycle you )rder at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. saddles, pedals, parts and repairs, and rl CO; everything in the bicycle line are sold by us at half the usual COAS f-men. Wriu- for our big Sl'NUKV catalog. Dikes ehnmed bv tZimim hutrepair write us po.s.al today. DO NOT T1HNR OF BDYINO a OU rtOw we bicycle or a pur of tires from anyone until you know the new and a postal to learn everything. Write it NOW. costs onlv are making. It wonderful offers TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. O be rendered during the afternoon and evening hours, by Jorgensen's brated Orchestra, of Brigham City. Cele- D For this occasion our entire Store put on its Holiday attire and becomes truly a Christmas Store. You'll miss a Souvenir worth having and a Musical Treat if you fail to attend. Don't forget the date. e q c . "tlUn efft MM WJill ' HEAD CYCLE n, . COMPANY, Dept. "JL" CHICAGO, ILL. Dr. William Alack il We don't care whether you buy a dollars worth of goods or not. We want to meet you face to face and store in the coun want you to see the most try and get our prices, then you will readily under- - O stand why our business is growing so rapidly. up-to-da- YOU CAN DO FISHBURN'S ALWAYS BEST te AT ONE PRICE AND THAT THE LOWEST. Stores at Brigham and Tremonton. THE GERMAN OPTICIAN 10 Will be iu TremontoB on or near January 15th. 1907. SALE GARLAND STABLE Anyone wishing to buy, sell or trade, Horses or Mules, Draft or Driving, will please call at my stable. If I don't have Avhat suits you I will get it. For anything in the above lines call at the Sale Stable of. w. v Pi 0l m. j fife: Garland, Fryer Barn. Utah. Cement Block Factory Blocks of all designs for Buildings aud Chimneys. Factory East of Boothe's Store. Which are You Paying For? Load or the Little Load. The Big If you have an ordinary heater you are buying the big load of soft coal where the small load would be sufficient fuel to produce the same amount of heal in the A . B. ManaUSa, Stearns J ust opened up WILSON HE.ATE.R. The celebrated not Blabt Down-Draf- t in the Wilson produces perfect combustion and the burnable fumes which escape in other heaters are t i a consumed in trie Wilson so that every shoveltul ot coal in the Wilson Heater will produce 40 per cent more heat than the same amount of coal in other heaters. No one likes to waste money why throw away 40 per t i i - i Lohr & a place of business in the saloon building formerly cupied by J L Stahl. e i er oc- THE PLACE TO BUY! cent on every dollar you spend for fuel. y Stock of General Merchandise Groceries, Queensware, Hardware k Clothing. A Complete Line of Fur- nishings fc Dry Goods. PROFIT IS NOT ALL ON ONE SIDE- Wilson Lumber Co., UTAH. TREMONTOX, The crops are bumper ones this year. They will surpass those of 1905 by several millions in value. And the crop of last year was no small one certainly not one to be ashamed of. In all the world there is no country where such jrreat, varied and valuable crops are produced as on the American farms. M arc near every acre of this ar-k- cs WE CONSIDER THE - PEOPLE, And Our Aim Is To Please All With Our Prices. Call And See Us Examine Our STOCK, Compare Our PRICES and You Will Be Glad We Are Here. the where. The good crop means an STEARNS surplus and transport it to the abundance of distributed new land. Utah. Garland, The railroads absorb market centers of the country or the world. And that which is left behind will not be sold for a cent less than what it could be sold for farther away: or, putting it in another way. nothing will be shipped away for less than it In other will bring at home. words good prices prevail every. wealt h. Why not finish the roads as fast as they are graveled and & TREMONTON, LOHR THE KENT HOTEL UTAH C& SHORT ORDER HOUSE. M. A. M. to 10 P. Meals 25c. Served From not leave the loads all in a pile Good Meals and Good Rooms. Satif.iction Guarnteed. as it is now for a scarecrow to Telephone Connection With Both Lines The horses. Tremonton, Utah. gravel E A. KENT, Prop. frighten will soon freeze and then it will down. be hard Go ! |