Show One Player Forms Battery in Finns Finns' Game S Says ys Y Tel Teacher Teacher- cher PROVO Sept 14 Pitchers 14 Pitchers In Finland Fin Fin- land must mut catch their own own- pitching Informs Miss bliss Wilma Jeppson director tor of physical education for women at Brigham Young university who returned returned returned re re- turned September 12 from a tour lour of 13 European countries and later graduate graduate grad grad- study in New York state The Finns have altered our game of baseball she explains In their version the pitcher stands over the home plate and hurls the ball down down- ward The batter must hit it as it falls or on the first bounce If he mIss misses s the pitcher retrieves the ball thus becoming the catcher Miss Jeppson praises the physical education program for women in Fin Fin- land She saw women chiefly working girls and married women participating in activities at the national national national na na- na- na women's sports and athletic festival in Lahti GERMANS IN SPORTS Germany however roused her greatest enthusiasm The Germans she avers have the best recreation and play centers In the world They are transforming the palaces gardens and hunting parks of the emperor and former noblemen into great recreational recreational recreational places In one one such center in Berlin BerUn she counted 75 tennis courts 25 soccer football fields and three swimming pools There are probably 40 or more of these parks in the capital capital capital capi capi- tal she believes Cemeteries ar are being being being be be- ing stripped of tombstones in s seine seme me gases cases to make room for playgrounds People who regard Germany as a aland aland aland land of muscled huge-muscled gymnasts per per- forming on cumbersome apparatus are misinformed states Miss Jeppson Physical education there now has freedom and variety and is aimed at coordination and well-rounded well devel devel- All countries she visited In Europe have In fact abandoned the formal Cormal type of activity TOURS EUROPE Miss Jeppson toured Europe in April May and June as os a member of a Pocono study party of eight In charge of Professor Protessor J J. J B. B Nash physIcal physical cal education expert of New York university On returning to America she pursued graduate studies In physical cal education and recreation at the summer camp of New York university at Sloatsburg on on Lake New York LIGHT GUA GUARDS DS Two watch charm guards Letsinger Let- Let singer and Peters each weighing less Jess than pounds are leading candidates candidates candi candi- dates for this years year's Purdue eleven |