Show Coast Girl Gets First Acid Test In lt YWCA Meet Miss Elizabeth Anselm sensational net star from Los Angeles faced her first stiff opposition in the Y W W. C. C A A. tennis meet Wednesday as she took the court against Miss Mary Gibbs city recreational champion The coast feminine has experienced experienced ex ex- little difficulty in her first two rounds but she was expected to receive a bitter argument from the University of Utah netter Another feature match Wednesday saw the defending champion Miss Agnes Norris parry shots with Miss 1 Rosella Christenson These two feminine feminine femi- femi nine stars met In the final last year Miss 1 Norris winning in three hard hare sets The champion showed her mettie met met- tie tic Monday in eliminating Miss Marj Mary Lee of Los Angeles Miss Frances held the spotlight spotlight spot spot- spotlight light in Tuesdays Tuesday's round as she eliminated Miss Maurine one of the outstanding feminine netters lin in the state for the past four years Miss Victory park won 6 4 6 4 Misses Anselm and stamped themselves as the favorites in the doubles winning their first firs round match at the expense of Misses ML Lanore Rothel and Mary Henroid 6 3 6 Tuesdays Tuesday's Results Result Singles Singles Frances Frances defeated defeat d Maurine 6 4 6 4 Edith Von Hadeln defeated Gladys Clawson Clawson Claw Claw- son 6 0 6 0 Frances defeated Stacie Irvine 1311 13 6 62 Doubles Verona Doubles Verona McGhee and Bernice Ber Bel nice Peterson defeated B. B Ellsworth Elisworth and Stacie Irvine 6 3 6 4 Elizabeth Anselm and Mary defeated Lanore Rothel and Mary Henroid 6 3 6 0 Edith Von Hadeln and Rosella Christensen defeated Misses Clayton and default Wednesdays Wednesday's Schedule Singles SIngles Frances Frances Collier vs Grace Norris a. a m. m Elizabeth Anselm vs Mary Gibbs p. p m. m Ruth Crow vs VB winner of the Grace Grac rac Norris Fran ces Collier match Rosella Christensen Christensen Christensen Chris Chris- vs Agnes Norris Doubles May Doubles May and Clawson vs Wilson Wilson Wilson Wil Wil- son and Wells Sears and Sears vs Case and Fisher |