Show Back Street Is Gripping Drama At R-K-O R Theater Back Street triumph of the screen from the pen of Fannie Hurst which grips the audience at the opening opening open open- ing scene and holds it till the fInal Una fadeout is the attraction at the R K Orpheum Irene Dunne and John Boles Bolcs are the stars Its strong story is made into a strong picture relating a genuinely moving love story It achieves a fine honesty in it its striking appeal appeal appeal-an an appeal appeal appeal ap ap- ap- ap peal that is directed particularly to women Miss Dunne gives a a. human excil exciting ing log portrayal of ot the emotional Ray Schmidt adding considerably to th the prestige of this star who did so welin well wel wellin in Cimarron Back Street is the stor story of two characters a man ant anthis and his mistress over a period of twenty twenty- five years His dependence her unswerving unswerving unswerving un un- un- un swerving devotion in the face of all al humiliation are the stuff of oVa ota a human drama that is out of the ordinary and tremendously reaL There Ls is not a false note in the entire film Urn Here are arc two people of good Impulses who love each other and who are caught caugh in the net of circumstance Some of the characters who move In and out of their story are Freda Schmidt the pathetic stepsister June Jun Clyde Kurt the boy who wh would marry Ray George M Meeker ker Richard Walters Walter's son William Bakewell Bakewell Bake Bake- well Beth his daughter Arletta Arietta Duncan and many others Back Street is a picture that i is decidedly worth anybody's time It is one o othe of the best to come out of Hollywood this year car Back Street will end its run Thursday Wheeler and Woolsey's latest lat lat- at- at est comedy riot Hold em Jail JaU starting Friday 4 |