Show STARS STAR'S DRUNK SUIT SEEKS HOLLYWOOD CaL Sept Sep 14 JP- JP Allegations Allegations' of dissipation today were the basis for tor one of ot the largest damage damage damage dam dam- age suits in the history of tumultuous ous Hollywood Charging Samuel Goldwyn company com corn pan pany y Inc described him in a publicity publicity pub pub- licit story as a lover of ot the screen who Improved his Ws amorous conquests conquests con con- quests before the camera camela by getting getting getting get ting slightly more than drunk Ronald Colman sued the veteran Goldwyn holder of his contract for damages of In an informal reply Goldwyn placed the blame on the tone of a newspaper story which had been built partially around material supplied supplied supplied sup sup- plied by the studio A publicity agent Lynn Farnol said the statements were made on remarks obtained from Colman him him- self The complaint said one statement described the actor thus He feels that he looks better beUer for pictures when moderately dissipated than when completely fit He b be be- lieve that by getting etting slightly moro more f than drunk he plays love scenes scenes- well more in love Charging the descriptions were falsehoods made with malice maUce Colman Col Col- Colman man said he had demanded retractions retractions but all appeals were ignored Goldwyn said he had offered an apology apology apol og ogy although he was not responsible for the phrases and knew nothing about them until he saw them in print a n week later |