Show I Many Attend Unveiling Of Holy HolyCross Gross Cross Marker With a large gathering present the monument and marker on the grounds of the Holy Cross hospital in honor honorof of the Catholic pioneer Sisters of the Holy Cross CrOS was unveiled un d Wednesday at t p. p p. p m. m at special ceremonies conducted under the auspices of the Utah Pioneer Trails and nd Landmarks association tion Sister Mercedes who has been a Sister of the Holy Cross for lor 54 years coming oming to Salt SaIt Lake in 1880 to teach at t St. St Marys Mary's academy unveiled the landmark Governor George H. H Dern was the principal speaker Other addresses were given by Dr William D. D Donoher Don Don- oher her member of the hospital staff the ie Rt Rev Monsignor D. D G. G Hunt and nd Professor Levi Edgar Young who delivered a historical sketch George Albert Smith president of the Pioneer Pioneer Pio Pio- neer eer Trails association presented the monument which was formally ac- ac by Sister Madeleva The program opened with ity singing led by Albert J. J South South- wick Invocation was offered by the Rev Patrick Kennedy of Ogden and music was furnished by the Thirty Thirty- eighth infantry band a of f Fort Douglas This year also marks the tha fiftieth anniversary an an- of the completion of the hospital at its present site |