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Show THE BINGHAM NEWS .After Every Meed :, It's the longest-lastin- g confection you can buy , and it's a help to dl-- f gestlon and a cleanser ' k.A for the mouth VpLj- - and teeth. , jtAZ, Wrlflley'a means benefit as well as Sure Relief FOR IMDIGKTimr xTjmA Hot water ' ?, kvPi Sure Relief M 25$ AND 75$ PACKAGES EVERYWHERE It indispensable In all case of Distemper. Influenza, Cough, Colds, Heave and Worms among hone and mule. Used and endowed by leadina tock farm, breeders and driver of United State and Canada for thirty year. Sold In two sizes at all drug store. MOTHER! Child's Best Laxative is "California Fig Syrup" IF Tongue Shows If Lc Jl Biliu, Constipated Harry Mother I Even a fretful, peevish child loves the pleasant taste of "Cali-fornia Fig Syrup" and It never falls to open the bowels. A teaspoonful today may prevent a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali-fornia Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother 1 You must sny "California" or you may get an Imitation fig syrup. With colds and influenza all toocommonjustnow.itpay to take regular preventive measures against them. Spray your nose and throat night and morning with Zonite (direction on the bottle). Preventionisalways-easier- , better and less exoen. give than a cure. fiW KILLS GERMSgjf , WOMEN! WARNING! " DON'T BE FOOLED j - Btwaret Not All Package Dyes Ar "Diamond Dye." ", Always ask for "Diamond Dyes" and If you don't see the name "Diamond Dyes" on the puckugerrefuse jit hack 1 ' Each 15-ce- package of "Dlnmond . Dyes" contains directions so simple any woman enn dye or tint skirts, dresses,, wnlsts, sweaters, stockings, kimonos, oats, draperies, coverings everything .new, even If she has never dyed before. Choose any color at drug store. Itefuse Substitutes I GIRLS! HAIR GROWS THICK AND BEAUTIFUL "Danderine" Does Wonders for . Lifeless, Neglected Hair. . A gleamy mass of luxuriant hair full of gloss, lus-ter and life short-ly follows a genu- Pfine toning up of neglected scalps with "Danderine." dependable Falling hair, itching scalp and the dandruff Is corrected Immediately.. Thin, dry, wispy or fading hair Is quickly Invigo-rated, taking on new strength, color and youthful beauty. "Danderine" Is delightful on the hair; a refreshing, stimulating tonicnot sticky or greasy I Any drug store. Advertisement. ' Only the Best Ingredients, ' are used in Brnndreth Bills. For con-- stlpatlon they have no equal. Take one or iwo at bed time. Adv. Lift Off--No Pain! - Doesn't hurt one bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on nn aching corn, Instant-ly that corn stops hurting, then short-ly you lift it right oft with fingers. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufllclent to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or ' corn between the toes, and the foot calluses, without soreness or Irritation. The Cuticura Toilet Trio. Having cleared your skin keep It clear by making Cuticura your everyday toilet preparations. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder and per-fume. No toilet table Is complete without them. Advertisement Hairs Catarrh Medicine sL,SrJ rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. Sold by drvitisti for ovtr 40 yart . P. J. CIIENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohio Green's August Flower The remedy with a record of fifty-seve- n years of surpassing excellence. All who suffer with nervous dyspepsia, (our stom-ach, constipation, indigestion, torpid liver, dizziness, betdtches, coming-ti- p of food, wind on stomach, palpitation and other indication of digestive disorder, will find Green s August Flower an effective snd efficient remtdy.For fifty-seve- n jrar thi medicine has been successfully used in millions of households all over the civil-iie- d world. Because of its merit snd pop-ularity Creeps August Flower can be found today wherever medicines are sold. 30 sad 93 cent bottles. "DANDELION BUTTER COLOR" A harmless vegetable butter color used by millions for 00 years. Drug Stores and general stores sell bottles of "Dandelion" for 33 cents. Adv. EYEWATEREv HELPFUL EYE WASH C$Sy& lib HiTer. Tror. N. T. ttoukluk S W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. I rmlrlntC" ni Glili Avm""n" 4,,,"lj A,k, ir" tr atht Irrtuti.m. f-- T. old HirnU itroitr S y t D,,! tin, WKot.mipj irlnf OCc2iIlV. O u n,nai.i. I-- "'!""'' For SORE EYES SAY 4 4BAYER" when you buy-of- ee Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for, Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumlxigo Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism eOii ylPtS 2& "Ra.ver" rackago fjfVWrf which contains proven directions.. t Jr riandy "Bayer" boxea of 12 tablet S Also bottle of 24 and 100 Druggist! Al4rlS I tl tn4t aurk f Bur Miaufrctof of MoeoaotUcactdtstor of SkllcjUcacl4 fi mUitreakTwrChUiuxi fl w. ,.,-- I fcL. ofitr, ....... KttSHtu: r.soflcrmiwxim7.'w'KJMi.aaMJ I .1 I1AIK JUALSAM A'iiT ' 1 K"t"r Co! r cJ h- ,.,rA-,- ,,..1.d,,,!,,lT,..,,, H I U DE :? C OR U S on,, c,i. (mil', !., u m .l ttu riihui-- comMtV to tl.m tvrU mnk- -i a .ktu rs-- Ifcu. I f tr l Uruj gill, ll.swu L JjtUiU'at I'ukl-ut- t Ladies Let Cuticura Keep Your Skin Fresh and Youn So 23, Oiolnwirt 25 nd 50t, Ttltmm 2Si. m mpfm iwa Snd mnOul f dmwlnir fnr-I- I I Lp I V ruiuU"ll. ll,ght r'IirDon. I U I I ll I Ii tt'Oiltn. I'lmjiln - I 11 I UH I W ,r,-- Vtntaou K. filniii, Buoklot t'UKS. rui ui.. " "No Man or Woman Should Be Permitted tc . Carry a Revolver Unless" By FRANK C. NICHOLS, Colt's Manufacturing Co. it be distinctly understood that American manufacturers do LET favor promiscuous gun toting. We believe no man or woman be permitted to carry a pistol or revolver unless properly licensed, and such licenses or permits should be granted only to such persons as are proven capable of properly handling a loaded firearm and have a legitimate reason for going armed. We believe every pistol or revolver should bear a manufacturers' serial number. This number should be recorded at time of sale. ' v The unfortunate angle, however, is that neither laws' nor records have so far kept pistols and revolvers out of the hands of criminals. Our feeling is that the free possession of small arms by this class is due to the general lack of enforcement of existing laws. ' . . It may be questionable, even in these days of common violence, whether there is an advantage in a reputable citizen being armed, but if circumstances should justifiy such means of a license to carry should be procurable. However, waiving the "carrying" problem, we now turn to the pos-session of arms for home protection. That is the constitutional right, we .believe, of every American citizen and we, as manufacturers, believe we have the right to supply that want. As to more legislation, we doubt its usefulness, except it be a clear-ing up of the conflicting state laws, greater penalties for the misuse of small arms, the recording of all sales, the stoppage of sales to irrespon-sible persons through the medium of the mails and sales to be 'made to known and reputable persons by a responsible dealer over his counter. It is our opinion that shipments to individuals by mail should be prohibited in order to insure proper respect for city ordi-nances and state laws. We believe the indiscriminate distribution of arms through the mail to persons of unknown age or character is a menace, Bomter ifiiJ ': MOTHER BROWN BAT "lly dear little children," said Mother Brown Bat to her two But babies,. "you, must hang on tight to your mother while she curries you about t with her. )Tou are not yet two weeks, old and you must stay with mother all the time. . "Hang on tight and you will be safe as I fly through the air. For every nlgl J must go "Some like to do their mnrketlng 'early lit the morning. It Is then that they think they get the best pick of everything. "But Mother Brown Bat likes the , fi.rly .Avenlng., best, for,, then, the - are --out and the markets are AIM with dtflelons goodies.- - " - "Of course I mean, the Insect mar-kets when I,8uk of our murkets. "When you lire a little older I will leave yon ut home while I go market-ing suid you will be safe waiting for me. "But when yon ure so very tiny and y helpless mother must have you wltli.lyuall he time. i "Yes, my babies, such are the it "When yorj are three months old yon Will 'be able to look out for your- - j .selves.. ,...w .. ...... . ..... .1 " "Ah, how splendid you WH he then, and ow much ymi will know, but you Mother Brown Bat Flew Off. won't he jour mother's little babies any longer find I will miss you, my little loves.", . i Mother Brown Bat flew off for In-sects. Such deP'-acle- s ns she knew how to Pick out, She knew how to feel things before she even touched them. . Oh, Mother Brown Bat was not stu-pid. And afte they were home again, and beforb Mother ' Brown Bat was ready to, hang herself up by the hind "feet for a comfortable day's si p, she had more to say to her bublefc. .And In her funny, little squeaking voice, Bhe Bald : "Oh, my babies, It Is very unfair the way we are talked about. It 1 very unfair, Indeed. "They say we are dirty, and we aren't dirty 1 Tou know they think It Is horrtMe If we come around. becau.e they suy we are so dirty and It's un-true gossip. "That's what It Is. It hurts us par-ticularly as we are so very clean. You know how I've taught you to take such care of yourselves und how rlennlinesa Is something: we must ail think about "You must lick every part of your body you can possibly reneh and yon will find you can Just about reach every part of It by twisting and turn-ing and getting into funny positions. "Then you must take your splendid claws of your hind feet nnd comb your hair nently snd thoroughly. "A Brown Bat would be a dlsg-a-oe to Bat circles If he didn't take care of himself. Ve nil do, every one of us. "Why people sry we are dirty I do not know save thnt once some one j must have said so who knew nothing about us so many talk who don't know of what they nre speaking and so the gossip spread. . "And when you think of the Injects we cut nnd of the wonderful help we are to people it seems very sad nnd rerv unfair e.nd very itnltft that pco- - pie should shudder wh-- n they see us and should sny: j "Tgh, see the horrid, dirty bat!' j "But sonic day they will know bet ter, I hope, nnd In the meantime, fur our sakes and for our own pride and for our own love of cleanliness, we will bo ns neat ns we can be. "Good-day- , my b.ildes And Moth-- 1 Pr Brown Bat nnd her b.iMcs went to sleep, for daytime wxs breaking. : ' Stingy - ,, 1 A Scotsman thought that the best method of suvlng money for Chrlstmus l was to put a penny lit a money box 'every time he kissed his 'wife. . ! This he did regularly until the holi-!da- y period came round. Then he jopened the box and out came not only ' pennies but sixpence, shillings' and half crowns. i The man was amazed and asked his jwlfo how she accounted for It. "Weel, Jock," she replied, "It's no Jivery tuon Unit's as. stingy, as you are!" . Mad as March Hare There Is no suclh snlmul as a "March" hure. The common expres-sion should be "mad as a marsh hure." Hares that live In marshes are usual-ly very wild and ungovernable, hence when onQ is unduly excited, he Is as made (or ns wild) as a mursh hure. However, the March hare has become nn established figure of speech.' Plans of Father and Son Movement Now Pecu-liarly Appropriate By CALVIN COOLIDGE, President United States. In view of the present conditions throughout the world, which might involve even our own country, now so contented and peaceful, it seems peculiarly appropriate that there should be launched in our home land a program that has as its chief objective the desire that fathers reconse crate themselves to their paternal obligations,, and that the attention of sons be directed to their obligation to their fathers, to their homes and to their country. The father and son movement is intended to lead sons to a greater appreciation of their fathers and of their homes, and to a higher respect for them. It is also intended to encourage them to accept in a larger way their responsibilities as citizens. , With the process of recuperation now going on throughout thi world, it is imperative that the basic principles on which America rests should be recognized by all our citizens. History points in no uncertain terms to the fact that great advances in civilization have come as the result of the awakening of the spiritual forces within the individual-- No mors appro-priate way to accomplish this can be devised than that proposed in the plans of the national father and son movement. Unclassified , ,A violinist entered a little music shop In London. "I want an E string, please," he remarked to the man be-hind the counter. Producing a box, the latter said: "Would you mind picking one out for yourself, sir? I 'urdly know the 'es from theshes." , .... i ' When a womnn tins poor luck with her cake she doesn't save nny of It for ' " " "company. i Men who know. when they get enough muy be too fult for utterance after ' setting It. ,... t. ..,..-- ....... What "Soteria" Means The use of soteria In England Is new. It Is a Greek word which means salvation. It derives Its meaning from two other Greek words, one meaning deliverance or safety; the other to rescue from dunger. There-fore the English word may well have the full meaning of safe deliverance from danger. " ' First Impressions, of dental students .are seldom the best. Anyone has to "practice Belf:sncrifle to be called ao angel. The Adoption of the Dollar-and-Ce- nt System by the British Empire By J. RUSSELL GUBBINS, in the English Review. The main reasons for giving the preference to the dollar-and-ce-nt system (over the existing English coinage, or a pound subdivided into a . . thousand "mils") may be summed up as follows: Its adaptability for every-da- y transactions, and its greater simplicity for the keeping of accounts. If we are to aim at one uniform empire currency, that object is more likely to be attained through the dollar than through pound and mil. In not many years from now the number of people using the dollar will be much larger than the number of those using any other coin. This will make the dollar- - the predominant 3tandard. The adoption of the dollar by the British empire would bring us into line with the'great English-speakin- g communities of North America, and strengthen ties between Anglo-Saxo- n nationalities. Bright Colors Favored Experiment to determine Just why women wear bright colors and whether they dress to please themselves or to please men friends are now being con-ducted at the University of California. Four Millions of Americans Lost to Civilization and to Progress By ALBERT V. EI.MIS, in McClure's Magazine. ' Today in the United States 4,000,000 native-bor- n American citizens, ons and daughters of Amcricun-I)r- n parents, are locked up and lost to progress and civilization on an "inlr.nd island" 100,000 square miles in areathi. Appalachian mountain region of the Smith. Many of th"m are today living as their forebears did two centuries ago in some cases not even as well. In the pa.-- t year I have talked with persons in these mountains of Kentucky, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia and Tennessee who have never seen nn American (lag, who have never seen a railroad train, a j citv, a building more than two stories high, a movie, a radio,a telephone, an airplane. There nre thousands of families there whose cash income for a year docs not reach $."0. I know a schoolliouse, if you can dignify the shack by that name, that never had a bench or a chair in it, where the children sit on a rail around the walls nnd where they speak the language of ShakesK'are, s inctimes using words almost olmohtu in Shake pea re's day. Poorer Than the Worm "The worm will turn.'you know." "That's where it has the advantage of wp; I don't know which way to turn." Would Welcome Celibacy Tax Says an old bachelor: "Few single men would object to a tax on celibacy, as they would gladly pay for such a luxury." 1'otters' field U as comfortable a final resting place as the most mag-nificent 'mausoleum. ' A new set of teeth doesn't enhance the value of n smile. Why He Waited Bobby usked for a cent's worth of randy, nnd the proprietress, reronniz-ng Mill ns n neighbor' child, serwd him. and then handed him Ms penny buck. This was repented for several mornings, the little fellow receiving bot'n candy and penny. At lust the j proprietress thoucht Ii was retting a i bit strong so one morn'.nn she kept the penny. The little chap lingered around nnd when asked why he wnlt-- I d be replied: "I want my chanfre." Boston Transcript. "Settlement Based on Fair Play and a Sporting Chance for Under Dog" By CAPT. I'KUCY in'Dl'I'.RN CREED, Briti.-.- h Sportsman. j There can he no put el on i art It or .ird will, or the settled conditions on which trade and t oinnn-- t!;e lifelil. ,,d of liuiiianit y, depend until a settlement is readied l..a.-c- d n fair play for all and a sporting cliance for the uinler dtr. It is i,;i to tin- - ?p..rttn. n of the worhl to ;;r-- t to'etlier and to infuse int., tH. pnldie opinion of the uyrld and of their own countries llie spirit and f;e, n;,i onrv of sportsmanship, for in this spirit lies the only hope of ' num. No real sportsman was cer a bad Chri.-- t :an. And it is up to America to lead the way. She holds the. Yachting i cup, the Polo cup, the International Horse Ifaeinjr cup, and most of the championships in games and athletics. She is the largest country. She ' is the biggest nation. A gesture from the spurtsmea of Ajueiuvii would ' have h i 112 aId immediate reactions. Considerate Lions Teacher You remember the story of Pnnlel In tli lion's den, Bobble t Bobble Yes. nia'nm. Teacher What lesson do we lenrn from it? Bobble--Tha- t we shouldn't cat everything we see. w |