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Show WESTERN PIONEER TELLS INTERESTING EXPERIENCE Prank Rikert, Who Left Illinois Illi-nois for California in Covered Cov-ered Wagon in 1864, Wouldn't Take $100 for Bottle of Tanlac. i v Frank Bikert. well-known resident of North Sacramento, Cal., who came to the. state from Illinois In a covered wagon In 18G4, along with other hardy pioneers, recently exhibited a bottle of I Tanlac, which he had Just purchased, to a friend at his home and remarked: i 'If I thought this was the last bottle jf Tnnlac I would ever he ahle to buy, T wouldn't take one hundred dollars for It," thus proving the high valuation he places on the famous treatment. "I believe Tanlac really saved my life when I took It after the Flu about a year ago," continued Mr. Rikert, "for the attack left me 20 pounds off In weight, and unable to turn over la my bed without assistance. I tell you, I thought my time had surely come. "But, thanks to my wife's Insistence, I kept on taking Tanlac till I war able to do all my work again, bad back all my lost weight, and I've been feeling years younger ever since. I'm always telling my friends about Tanlac, and can't say too much for It." " Tanlac Is for sale by all good druggists. drug-gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. j Take Tanlac Vegetable nils. ' BEFORE BABIES WERE BORN Mrs. Oswald Benefited by Taking Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Glrardyflle, Pa.--I took Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound before llr II IS in perfect health and V 1 1 am on my feet 1 II getting meals and v l""" doing all my house-I house-I Or ill work until an hour u I ill before the baby is M JSL j 1 to- A frien told 5r j me to take it and I rr Hpy have used ten bottles y ; V-" , I i 8inc I heard about I : A it I recommend the . a - Vegetable Com. . pound whenever I can. Just yesterday a friend was telling me how miserable she felt, and I said. ' If you start taking Lydia E. Pinkham's you will feel fine Now she is taking it" Mrs. P. J. Oswald, Os-wald, Ja., 406 W. Ogden St. Girard-ville,Ps Girard-ville,Ps Mrs. Nicola Paluzzi Says. Mishawaka, Indiana. "I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for weakness before my babies were born. I was weak and tired out all the time and it helped me. When I had inward inflammation the doctor treated me, but it did not help me, so I tried Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash and it helped me right away. I will always have your medicines." Mrs. Nicola Paluzzi, ' 415 E. Broadway, Mishawaka, Indiana. Children Cry for i ( -kW M0THER::- Fletcher's j is r Castoria is a pleasant, harm- lSfeJS. 'ess Substitute for Castor IrfN ' 1 x P41"" Teething V I r0Ps m Soothing Syrups, l , sv prepared for Infants in armsj y and Children all ages. . To aoid Imitations, always look for the signature of &&j&u Proven directions ort each package, Physicians everywhere recommend it ' t Two pleasant ways 1 I to relieve a cough M i Take your choice and suit your taste. S B or Menthol ffWJ ' flavor. A sure relief for coughs; colds and hoarseness. Put one f'ffijfiM1 I in your mouth at bedtime. r'Vp T" Alwyt ktep m box on htnd. ' t smim BROTHERS SB. COUCH DROPS MENTHOL ' DEMAND 'BAYER" ASPIRIN Aspirin Marked With "Bayer Cross" Has Been Proved Safe by Millions. Warning! Unless yon see the namt "Bayer" on package or cn tablets yon are not getting the genuine Bayei Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 23 years. Say "Bnyer" when you buy Aspirin Imitations may prove dangerous. Adv I When Vou Buy a Plaster always ask for "Allcock's" the original origi-nal and genuine porous plaster a standard external remedy. Adv. "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER ANDBOWELS-IOcABOX Cures r.lllousness. Constipation, Rick rjeadache.Indigestion. Drug stores. AdT, Your doctor advises internal cleanliness HE will tell you that the first results of constipation consti-pation headache, sleepless nights, bilious i ness, backache, etc. warn that the body is flooded with intestinal poisons. In time, these poisons .' may cause the breakdown of health and lead to serious disease. In constipation, say intestinal drj(l specialists, lies the primary cause of more than Vp1' f three-quarters of all illness including the gravest 5wTHM''','f diseases of life. ivMk Ience, doctors urge internal cleanliness 23iVl nk regular and thorough removal of food s: ' Jj '1 waste from the body. jMmL "1 J$i Laxatives Aggravate Constipation Laxatives and cathartics do not overcome "Kerp Clean IntlJ" constipation, says a noted authority, but by Say Fhyildaru. ' their continued use tend only to aggravate ' the condition and often lead to permanent injury. Why Physicians Favor Lubrication Medical science, through knowledge of the intestl-nal intestl-nal tract gained by X-ray observation, has found at last in lubrication a means of overcoming constipation. constipa-tion. The gentle lubricant, Nujol, penetrates and softens the hard food waste and thus hastens its , passage out of the body. Thus Nujol bongs internal in-ternal cleanliness. ' Nujol is used in leading hospitals and is prescribed ' 1 , by physicians throughout the world. Nujol is not a medicine or laxative and cannot gripe. Like pure water it is harmless. Get rid of constipation and avoid disease by adopting the habit of internal cleanliness. Take Nujol as regularly as vou brush your teeth or wash your face. For sale by all druggists, v TSf Nujol lvtSf i rso. us. pat. orr. II -rr Jfe; " For Internal Cleanliness f y W- A MAN OF INTEGRITY A physician who reaches out to benefit humanity leaves a record behind be-hind him that Is worth whilo. Such a roan was Dr. B. V. Pierce, founder of the Invalids Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y. , Ho was an eminent physician, a loading load-ing and honored citizen, known for his Lonoity and exocutlvo ability. His study along medical lines, and his , knowledge of the remedial qualities of herbs and plants led totho discovery of bis wonderful herbal romedy, Doctor l'iorco's Favorite Prescription, the woman's tonlo which, has had tho greatest number of supporters for tho past fifty years. It is Just tho herbal tonic required if a woman Is borno down by pain and euttcrlngs at regular cr Irregular Intervals, by nervousness or dizzy spells, headache or backache. ' FavorlW Proscription can now be had Id tablet form as well as liquid at niost i drug stores. Hani ioc for trial sample to Dr. Piwcel j Invalll lUUl In BuUai 4 |