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Show Bomter ifiiJ ': MOTHER BROWN BAT "lly dear little children," said Mother Brown Bat to her two But babies,. "you, must hang on tight to your mother while she curries you about t with her. , )Tou are not yet two weeks, old and you must stay with mother all the time. . "Hang on tight and you will be safe as I fly through the air. For every nlgl J must go a-marketlng. "Some like to do their mnrketlng 'early lit the morning. It Is then that they think they get the best pick of everything. "But Mother Brown Bat likes the , fi.rly .Avenlng., best, for,, then, the In-seow In-seow - are -out and -the markets are AIM with dtflelons goodies.- " - "Of course I mean, the Insect markets mar-kets when I,8uk of our murkets. "When you lire a little older I will leave yon ut home while I go marketing market-ing suid you will be safe waiting for me. "But when yon ure so very tiny and so-very helpless mother must have you wltli.lyuall he time. i "Yes, my babies, such are the it nth-er'buUwnys. nth-er'buUwnys. "When yorj are three months old yon Will 'be able to look out for your- j .selves.. ,...w .. ...... . ..... .1 " "Ah, how splendid you WH he then, 1 and ow much ymi will know, but you I Mother Brown Bat Flew Off. won't he jour mother's little babies any longer find I will miss you, my little loves.", . i 1 Mother Brown Bat flew off for Insects. In-sects. Such deP'-acles ns she knew how to Pick out, She knew how to feel things before she even touched them. . Oh, Mother Brown Bat was not stupid. stu-pid. And afte they were home again, and bef orb Mother ' Brown Bat was , ready to, hang herself up by the hind "feet for a comfortable day's si p, she had more to say to her bublefc. .And In her funny, little squeaking voice, Bhe Bald : "Oh, my babies, It Is very unfair the way we are talked about. It 1 very unfair, Indeed. "They say we are dirty, and we aren't dirty 1 Tou know they think It Is horrtMe If we come around. becau.e they suy we are so dirty and It's untrue un-true gossip. "That's what It Is. It hurts us particularly par-ticularly as we are so very clean. You know how I've taught you to take such care of yourselves und how rlennlinesa Is something: we must ail think about "You must lick every part of your body you can possibly reneh and yon will find you can Just about reach every part of It by twisting and turning turn-ing and getting into funny positions. "Then you must take your splendid claws of your hind feet nnd comb your hair nently snd thoroughly. "A Brown Bat would be a dlsg-aoe to Bat circles If he didn't take care of himself. Ve nil do, every one of us. "Why people sry we are dirty I do not know save thnt once some one j must have said so who knew nothing about us so many talk who don't I know of what they nre speaking , and so the gossip spread. . "And when you think of the Injects we cut nnd of the wonderful help we i are to people it seems very sad nnd ! rerv unfair e.nd very itnltft that pco- pie should shudder wh-n they see us . I and should sny: j "Tgh, see the horrid, dirty bat!' j "But sonic day they will know bet j ter, I hope, nnd In the meantime, fur I our sakes and for our own pride and for our own love of cleanliness, we i will bo ns neat ns we can be. "Good-day, my b.ildes And Moth-1 Moth-1 Pr Brown Bat nnd her b.iMcs went to J sleep, for daytime wxs breaking. |