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Show i Plans of Father and Son Movement Now Peculiarly Pecu-liarly Appropriate 1 By CALVIN COOLIDGE, President United States. In view of the present conditions throughout the world, which might involve even our own country, now so contented and peaceful, it seems peculiarly appropriate that there should be launched in our home land a program that has as its chief objective the desire that fathers reconse crate themselves to their paternal obligations,, and that the attention of sons be directed to their obligation to their fathers, to their homes and to their country. The father and son movement is intended to lead sons to a greater appreciation of their fathers and of their homes, and to a higher respect for them. It is also intended to encourage them to accept in a larger way their responsibilities as citizens. , . With the process of recuperation now going on throughout thi world, it is imperative that the basic principles on which America rests should be recognized by all our citizens. History points in no uncertain terms to the fact that great advances in civilization have come as the result of the awakening of the spiritual forces within the individual-. No mors appropriate appro-priate way to accomplish this can be devised than that proposed in the plans of the national father and son movement. |