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Show , . ' " ' i i ' , . . - - . ' THE BINGHAM NEWS - . ' . v FOR SALE ,.:;.-- ', A $500.00 upright piano with dark oak finish, splendid ' tone and in good condition with An-gel- us attachment, 50 rolls of standard music and music bench A big cash down bargain $150.00 Apply Bingham News Office at Once. : T r WHAT'S BEHIND THE I v. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM? ' ' ' ': ' C :. "a The extensive resources of the Federal Repelwe -- System are great enough to cope with any financial situation. " : . This fact was very effectively demonstrated dur-- . - - ing the business depression of the past two years. . . : " This Bank is proud, indeed, that it has the priv- -' , ilege to be a member of the Federal Reserve Sys-- tem and associated with an institution that means . ' so much in our national banking business. t Binsrham State Bank BINGHAM, UTAH OFFICERS . L. S. Cates, Pres. ' Sherman Armstrong, 1st Vice Pres. . ' ; C. E. Adderly, Vice Pres. Leo F. Tietjen, Cashier New Wasatch Hotel . 'Sunshine in Every Room" For accomodations like . home, stop at f 78 WEST BROADWAY SALT LAKE CITY Say It With Flowcrf Give as your orders for all kinds of cut flowers, potted - plants and ferns NEIL CDONNELL Phoae 17 rr TMM SOLEMN appreciation of the f'Jj! 1 I grci4t responsibilities entrusted to Wi t0Jk us inspires us to give the most ef- - mVjf Lm flcUnt and sympathetic service at . ' "V Understand" .. jj O'Donnell & Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS " Bingham Canyon Phone 17 ' Main Office, Salt Lake City. . Phone Wasatch 6461 JACK'S PLACE G. M. Gregory, Prop. WE SERVE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING SOFT DRINKS AND EATS ' ' " - i 4 FISHING TACKLE of all Kinds GUNS, SHELLS and all HUNTING SUPPLIES OPEN EVENINGS and SUNDAYS ' ; ' - : : , ' " t. .. Phone Wasatch 2881 K 77 West 2nd South St. Salt Lake City BINGHAM STAGE LINE Schedule Now Effective. Cars leave Bingham 8, 9, and 11 a. m. and 1, 3, 5, 7 and . 9 p. m. Cars leave Salt Lake City 7, 9, and 11 a. m. and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 p. m. Local Office The Diamond Main Street Phone 41 FARES Round Trip .$2.50 One Way J1.50 Salt Lake City Office Semloh Hotel , 107 E, 2nd So. St. Phone Was. 1069 BjagjjjiBajaBMlBVaaVaaaaaVBaaaaaa .7:1 LARK MERCANTILE GENERAL MERCHANDISE TRESH AND CURED MEATS 1 LARK, UTAH FOR SALE THE EAGLE GROCERY AND ROOMING HOUSE One of the best business prop-ositions in the Camp. A chance of a life time to make money. Apply WILL JOHNSON Vienna Apartments Bingham Canyon, Utah American Railway Express Co. 7 JOHN HOGAN, Agent Phone 186 470 Main Street BINGHAM j, ' Across the street from the Postoff ice, Mr. Hogan has been appointed State Auto Inspec-tor for Bingham and can furnish you with new auto w plates. , i H 1 t When in Salt Lake stop at THE ALTON HOTEL Modern Clean Quiet Rates: $1.00 day and up Sam Lyte, Manager 138 South State KENY0N HOTEL LOCATED IN CENTER OF CITY . ABSOLUTELY MODERN "Where yon can always find a Binghamite" Main and Second South Street , . SALT LAKE CITY , The Woman s Bank i' r . '' '!. UTo matrons who desire a household account a place to t keep their money, we urge that they come to this bank j where safety and accuracy are permanent. I TWhen you have a tidy sum saved we will advise as to in- - vestment. This is a service we cheerfully render our pa-- j trons. f H ! The Central Bank of Bingham . BINGHAM CANYON, UTAH ' '.' . NOTICE Something new and Funny Banquet Novelties, Ta-ble Decorations and Favors. Dance prizes and everything to make the world brighter. (Art Pictures) Get our catalog Free for the asking. BIG INDIAN 141 Regent St. Salt Lake City WE SPECIALIZE : In Cakes and Pastry fresh every day . and are prepared to serve you with - any particular pastry if ordered a day ahead OUR BREAD IS WELL KNOWN IN THIS CAMP AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE BEST Standard Bread Co. BINGHAM CANYON, UTAH " 536 Main St., ,1'hone 187 FRESH FISH ! EVERY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY : during the LENT SEASON PHONE 63 Wells Groceteria Don't Forget Edith & Elaine's BEAUTY PARLOR 424 Main Street Phone 261-- for appointments. r CHURCH NOTICES Holy Rosary Church, , Bingham . Sunday Masses: Every Sunday, 10:30 a. m. f' First Sunday, 8:30 & 10.30 a.m. Copperfield Second and fourth Sundays 1 9:00 a. m. Highland Boy Third Sunday at 9:00 a. m. . Sunday School after Mass. . 1 ' Rev. John Ryan, C. S. C, Pastor, L. D. S. CHURCH: - Evening service on Sundays, 7:30 p. m. ' .:. Sunday-schoo- l, 10:30 a. m.i Primary. Monday afternoons at 3:30. , Priesthood meeting on Mon-day evenings at 7:00 p. m. Relief Society meets on Tues-day afternoons at 2:00. Everybody cordially invited to attend. - Hadnt Noticed Anything. Student in Astronomy "Hai any-thing ever been discovered on VentM?" Professor (whose mind has wandered) "No, not it the pictures of her ar authentic." Did It Ever Occur toYou That any man who would try to prevent his fellowman from getting a raise of . wages is a poor citizen. That the United States Bu-reau of Mines are advising pros-pectors to hunt up all prospec-tive lead claims, as it is their claim lead will continue to raise in price. That its a hard proposition to turn down a man when he's hun-gry yet there are quite a few around camp these days. That Joe Berger will sell his Ford car at a bargain. That Copperfield has its full share of Community Clubs. That California has also at- - tractea one more oi our most prominent citizens in the person of J. Manwaring of the Utah Apex Mining Company, the com munity wish him God-spee- d in his new location. That the Town Board are buy-ing up some of their water bonds which speaks well of the forces who are in charge of affairs. That Man is said to have been made of dust but if dust ever gets wet, is there any other name but mud? That the County Commission-ers will soon be talking road ser-vice to the people of Bingham otherwise the matter will be re-versed. That the Salt Lake Telegram has an Indian Reporter. Would it not be real nice if we had one. That the language of some of the young ladies these days sear the hearts of people who have to listen to them. That Contractor Willard Ev-ans will soon be getting busy with the Town's new water-- sup-ply system from Dry Fork. That there is a scriptural par-agraph which says "Unto the pure all things are pure." It's just as true today as when it was written. That the quickest cure for love-sickne- ss is matrimony. That if the British monarchy falls, it will be off a horse. That many of our Bingham people have subscribed to the Far. East fund. Let's show the world that Bingham can do her bit towards alleviating distress in our own State. 'That moving picture proprie-tors buy the best cars procura-ble while their patrons are com-pelled to walk. That the demand these days i3 for something expensive, why advertise that religion is free. That some of Ben Harries' deputies have an acute sense of smell. That when a man is down they rake up everything in his past life that might further dis-credit him in the public mind. That people who have some-thing to sell usually advertise We haven't thought it necessary as yet t That when one is in a hospi-tal cot it's too late to Stop, Ldok and Listen! That Japan is confining ,the outright ownership of her lands to native Japanese. j That many people are under the .impression that public ser-vice means knocking those who hold public office. ji That we appreciate unsolicit-ed new subscriptions which ap-pear on our files weekly. ; That the days of marrying for the purpose of multiplying have ceased and many have gone in for long division. That Fall borrowed twice the yearly amount Doheny was pay-ing McAdoo or at least that is what the testimony shows. Three Million 8keltona on Vlow. The I'arls catacombs are again be-coming one of the show places of the city. The great lubyrlnth of corridors cut from stone hold the skeletons of more than 3,000,000 persons who have died in Paris during several centuries. A Trying Limitation. Every youngster has an equal chance to set the woods afire except the one who has money to burn. Du-lut- h Herald. TOWN ('FFICIALS OF BING-HAM CANYON Dr. F. E. Straup, President. Boyd i. Barnard, Treasurer F. W. Quinn, Clerk. . Board Members, Boyd J. Bar-nard, Dan Fitzgerald, R. H. Ken-ne- r, J. A. Wright. Town Marshal, W. F. Thomp-son. Night Patrolmen, John Mitch-ell and Thomas Mayne. Water Master, Wm.' Robbins. Health Officer, H. N. Standish |