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Show and Mr. Alf Butterfield spent Sunday with relatives at American Amer-ican Fork and Pleasant Grove. Mrs. William Atkinson and two children are spending a few weeks vacation in Salt Lake. Miss Clen Turner of Murray was the guest of Miss Gertrude Colyar last week end. Mrs. Al Mugfur was a Salt Lake visitor Wednesday. Mrs. J. II. Colyar spent Monday Mon-day in Salt Lake. Mrs. Ed Cunliffe and Mrs. T. Wilson left Tuesday to visit relatives rel-atives at Castle Gate. Mrs. Guy McNab and small son spent Monday and Tuesday with her husband who is a patient pa-tient at St. Mark's Hospital. C. J. Dixon was a Salt Lake visitor Tuesday. Mrs. R. White of Salt Lake is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Cebert Colyar and family. Mrs. N. O'Donnell and Miss B. O'Connor of Salt Lake spent several days here this week with the former's sister, Mrs. Joe McDonald. Mc-Donald. J. G. Colyar who is en route from his home in Kansas, to California, spent Sunday here with his brother, J. II. Colyar and family. Miss Rowena Turner is visiting visit-ing with relatives in Salt Lake. Mrs. J. Roudebush returned home Monday from Salt Lake where she has spent most of the winter. Miss Alta Acord left for her home at Castle Gate, on Saturday, Satur-day, where she was called by the sad news of her father being be-ing in the mine explosion there. i ft Copperfield Brevities The Copperfield community club entertained at one of the most successful socials held this season here Friday evening. The following program was rendered: render-ed: Vocal Solo, Dick Dean. Piano Solo, Mrs. Fred Dren-nan. Dren-nan. Musical recitation, Henry W. Nielson. Saxophone duet Jimmy Dren nan and Dick Dean, accompan-- accompan-- ied by Miss Ivy Rodda, Hawaiian Flower Dance by 'Misses Maxine Delaney and Maxine Max-ine McNab. Piano solo, Jimmy Drennan, Musical number Miss Ivy Baker. Ba-ker. Yoddle song, Mrs. Fred Drennan. Dren-nan. Duet, Henry Nielson and Ray Jackman. Recitation, Miss Ivy Baker. , Music for the dance was furnished fur-nished by Mrs. Mark Jones, John Culleton and Jim Drennan. Luncheon was served to one of the biggest crowds the club has ever had during the season Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keate, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Keate and Miss Gladys Haslam all of Salt Lake, motored here Friday to attend the Community Club Social and were later the guests of Mr. and . Mrs. Fred Drennan. Miss Mabel Neprud and Miss Bessie Call of the School faculty facul-ty spent last week end visiting in Salt Lake. Misses Ruby and Mabel Knud-. Knud-. , , sen returned home Sunday after spending a few days with Miss B. Gerrans, in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson |