Show OBITUARY iLLiNDnti WYKII BTUDDS Sister iellender Wr Stubbs daueh I ter of Ablshal and Delilah Wjer was born In I Harrison county West Vlr clolll Dceembtr 1 1823 When twelve ears old I she vent with her parents to Clrtlnnd and In 1MO went to Nauvoo home time In the spring of 1843 she vas baptized und confirmed a member 01 the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat erdaj Alnts t In Lee county Iowan In the same place In June 1313 site recorded Richard Stubhs who had lined the Church a short time before Three children were liorn to her while lit tire I state ofJowls Iferp bhe also I 10 elved I her I patriarchal r blessing under he Illinois of Isaac Morley which she has nobly fuloilcd With her husband and tvvu children she cnwscd the 1lalns In 12 with the ox tam company UI dcr Levl Curtis uachln Plovo October 8 where she has since lived She was the mother of eleven Cliff dress ten of whom site lisp treated to lunho and wOlllnhood Nine of them Are married and have children making her the mother M cloven hit dren tlftjthree grnndchlldii and ten greattranlchlldren O this number now survive hot Including her com imnlon for this life and for eternity n true anti devoted husband tn chll drnfortyne grandchildren and eight grelltgcandchlldlen Sister Stubbs has lived a faithful leanerday Saint And Iran gone to nwult 0 glrlou resurrection resur-rection and the Corning of hr beloved companion and the worthy 01 tier numerous family and friends Following are the circumstances con ncted with her death Early In the morning of December 14th returning from out of doors she w a seized with 0 paralyllc stroke losing her speech and the use of her right side Through careful nursing and the ndmlnlsttnJ of the Elders her speech and the ue of her limbs were restored but on account aC-count of her ago Ilndthe weakening effect of the shock obs gradually frilled until 11 monlh lo the day Jan I 183 < she passed peacefully awav at the age of 7 1 years 1 month and 13 daysr F S WILLIAM SMITH Iroidenc Cache Count Utnl Jan 15 10SOur little village suffered suf-fered a loss on Sunday the nth Inst through the death of Brother William j Smith who was called home lit the 76th year of his life His death was sudden and painless Agreeable to an expressed wish and occurred while he was preparing for bed at about 930 ut night Apparently he had many yor yt to live lot lie Was In Ito und health and In full pOfsesslon of nil his faculties I hut the Master called and hx was prepared i to follow lie died of apoplexy Brother Smith will born at Rose Ash In I the county of Devonshire England on the 2Jnd of December 1822 Ho waa married In the month of May 1844 to Mary Ann Mole ot Bridgewater Somersetshire and for some years followed the seafaring vocation vo-cation On the 30th of January 1848 ho was baptized Into the Church by Elder George Halllday and was for many years the beloved president 01 the thriving Bristol Branch He emigrated emi-grated In the year Hits with his I wire ltc J anti seven childien remaining 1 the state of New York two Years until the autumn of 186 when ho came to Utah and joined the Ittle band of i settlers set-tlers In l 1rovlldence Cache county Here he remainedeever since with the I exception of a short sojourn In Bear Lake valley The life of Brother William Smith In It a early yearn was full of trials Dna especially after he had espoused the cause 01 Christ lie suffered poverty hardship persecution such an very few have borrow In more than one city rf his native land Many of Utahs citizens will member him Ho was a man of great faith And inutility in-utility and nothing could weaken his IiMlef In the principle at the Gospel Simple Unaffected kind he enjoyed the affection of all who knew him and his life was a Pattern that all might strive to Imitate He was president of the quorum of High Priests In this village and fullllled the requirements of that office as h did every other duty that was placed upon him He nr missed Sunday schools or meetIngs meet-Ings and his death will leave a vacancy va-cancy there as In our hearts for along a-long time to come lie was burled on Thursday th 13th Ins and wo followed to the irravto by his family and a multitude of mourner upon May the earth rt l lightly J A S please Utah copy papers nnd Millennial Star |