Show 011 GETTING READY FOR THE SHOW J 11 I I 1 Utah Commissioners for the Trnsmisissippl I I I I Exposition Hold a Meeting i II I A meeting was held Yesterday after 4 noon or the Utah commission for the I I Tlnmlppl lxvoalUon tn b held at I It A omaha the coming summer I Thomas IL Cutler manager of the 4 I I Sid sugar factory nt Whl told of the spec I I II efforts being made tn display Utah A I sugar and Alims Icgh said that great I I ere was being xerclad In the selec I ton or 1 silk exhibit 1 I I leber cnnlon or TaYloreville report TIYlorle rprt 4 ed that he had been on a vii to the I t I northcr pat or the State In the ag I 11 cultural department The Agricultural 14 I I 1 college faculty and the rumer gnr I R i I lawliclistoad que ClislotalAlearhilacit Iwhclstoad qle CblolnMnrhdal 4k Ily had promised guiml displays Mr 4 11 tt nnnlon will Visit the southern part of I the State next week i y The mining exhibit utolch w1k lie l Underthe supervision 6fDoit Maguire i of Ogden will I mot creditable Mr I agulre Is I now visiting various minIng min-Ing districts In search of samples I I Judge lhurlir reported upon his recent 1lt t Omaha Utah hesa 11 < has 40 ret oC space granted It In 11 f I hlch to make a display This would 9 J would be distributed among the ngl I 11 cultural mining anti manufacturing culural ald mnnufacUrng I delrtments II JudKe Bhurtlr wait authorized to employ f em-ploy a Sufficient number nf mn 10 I I eret tile nceor Wallis for the Utah 11 I I c exhibit and tl draw upon the trel I i liver for money hlch to employ 1 me nil ger of the Utah exhibit Later 4 1 Uah mannlr Lter I 1 Oerce D lpr was chosen by Judge Shurtliff for that position at a salary Rhurlr of S25 pr month vlton saar 11 li 1 I I i The question of the Selection or a Iulon slrton a I 1 I young woman tn represent Utah In the IIB comloslte picture ot Western heau I ty wn considered ut length hut n A it I I r Sff art Ived al The prnpuIUon t erect 1 building for the Uah exhibit I 4 I also went over without settlement stlmenl 4 I I |