Show IJCA VS ENGLAND Itb1uttorjsp bdC tOI h Let lee I 10 I C pitilln New York Jan loThere seems to be a lhnhlt that In addition to other classes of munuratured goods lit which title county Is I successfully com Politic with foreign manufacturers bleached cotton will soon be added A hundnd sample case or these goods have just bn Beat to Manchester and neglatol are now on rot for the purchase or Ing consignments for the English trade Heretofore roUon goods have bn exported on 1 small scale to England through Nw York sport bro kerm Now however the attention lr lrtsh Importers has been dr n to American goo not only he ease they ate ehnPr but because they are fount < to be rn superior to English manufactures lr the game eight The American good are made nf a firmer twlald Yarn than the English Eng-lish had are Without the filling which while making the material mooth anti or good appearance coulee It to war doubly and to lack tl strength or tho American goods The market for bleached cottons In this country ha frequently bn overstocked and should the present mperlment result In I regular export trade the effect will he to keep the mil continuously running and tn prevent the periodical running on half lme and discharging lr mill workers which has Id to so much misery and discontent AIM 11d Trial Rot Anrna Italy Jan 18Th bread riot were renewed he today The participants In Ihedemontralon hav Ing been xoUP from the town its embled outside the town gates hut the cavalry dispersed them A band or rioters wriecked and let ell to hum the countrY hlue or a grain dealer The trol quenched tile flames and dispersed the met rIfty persons dt heF II I have been arrested The military ba here are distributing bread to person SouffoodrUU l von Ilicht Exports an iwnr < i j orri Washington Jan 1Aeodln to laUalr i nt the treasury department he value of exports by the United Staten for the calendar year 1897 aB grMt1 10000000 nil Increase ot 00000 or any preceding year Another An-other record wn smashed with the I trade hlance or 3r0OOOO In favor of Uncle Ram the highest Point ever reached In the history nf tills county rxptto for the Irll year uhlob endOI Jane 30 nOi were valued at 03300 MO thus furnishing a third rcnUor the topnotch Prior 10 the figures las reached In 1803 Mhen tile exports amounted 10 111015090010 Irealtlr furnished the hulk or the exportations In every Instance |