Show ouab 1I1Id O 1 Once And orery bit of relief Is part of a curt that will stay a cure Use Dallard Horehound Syrup and note how quIck Iy YOU Are cured and how well I you feel afterward pclfl I also for Whooping Cough and Croup John COMA Kerwin Kansas sass When I began to me Ballard Horehound Syiup for Consumption the doctor had I said that I would die In a few days Am now Oil And around Have no more pain In chest or lungs Price 25 andO and-O cent No bnnt no pay Sod by i C M I Drug Dept Tat A Stop to Pain PalnC ILmlcUon are now ILS eaII cured as they were once hard to cure Science has learned what pain Is and Ballard Snow Liniment Is the result Cures Strains Cuts Irulses Stiff Joints and Contracted Muscles rene rates to the very Bone and reltpioi almost from the moment It touches When allnlment Is I needed you owe It to yourself to gt the bt Th dealer is I uthorlzed to guarantee this one Plce CO tent Sold by Z C M t Drug Dept Tlie Live Keeps IVople well When the liver 13 sluggish l all other rsuiii an Involved You suftel rlOlII Constipation Ballouaness Jaundice lladaehc lndlgotlon Pain In I Dak Phllls and Lom lit Energy You will never know how promptly thene trouble cn be cured until you use IU1Jtlt1NC 11 cure quickly In lither remee utterly fall Itegulatel Ihe Liver Iurlties the mood lam I1INW II lIarml Vegetable Reallly hILt gives now nr and c nergy alll1ot Vtrll Iron the first dose ITIco 75 Cent Free Trial Bottle a 0 Z c U I Drug Del nol n-ol < 1ne Is nothIng IIOW It dol aback a-back to the early ages IIQ to reStore re-Store the hill 11 Is I modern Hnlls lIalr lienomer I th bt product of science will restore It a1t 1ok valley 11nand Trust Co 1 10 SlIdlln Strct Salt Lake office Of First ITaMnnel Bank of fork City Will make loans at reasonable rotes Ions or short time pn real estate stocks OOn1 mcrt gages or aPloved tLrFonnl security O J SALISBUItYPresllvnt SAM J KENYON Treasurer llarwomli AmiUuiy Classes from Life Figure Portrait Sketching and Illustrating Studio 125 A St UOW to noonl Is At this time of the year a cold Is I very easily contracted and It left to run Its course without the old of some reliable cough medicine U I liable to result In that dread disease pneumono We know of no better remedy to cure a cough or cold than Chamberlain Cough Remedy We have used It culta extensively and It has always given entire en-tire satisfaction Olagab Ind Ter Chief This Is I the only remedy that U I known to bo It certain preventive ot pnu monla Among the many thousands who have used It for colds and la 1 grippe we have never yet Irnd 1 ota ot-a mingle case having reultd ITen u merits Persons who hv weak lung or have reason to fear an attack of pneumonia should keep the remedy ui hand The 25 and CO cent size for sold by Druccuta I Ur tn Ullh ne dlroctlon on Grays Laxative 1ellot This Tell Wrier Ullh 31y Ile nu1 And that u hAor Impottnlt than makIng mak-Ing mon y It yl1U1 blood I A Impute Hoods Ha ret alllit In I the nieticinefor 3 ou It cures scrofula silt rheum humoUm ctorrh and all other HI Is c as urlatlng 111 orpiomoted 110 In Ire blood and loW state ot the ays tEm HooI IIlls are easy to take ey tn opeIIe Cure Indallon had ohe 3 Stop drugging Jourself with quack notum or kur A Get It clllmom I ihumaicmical remedy that will do Ita work Catarrh and Cold In tire head ill not cause suffering If I Elys Cream Saint Is I used Druggist will supply 10c I trial size or tOc full sIze We mall ELY It DnOS t6 Wrrn Rt N Y City Hv John nld Jr ot Orat Fall Mont recommended rlys Cream natal to tne 1 eancmlhalzo his statement It la n positive cure for catarrh If nd c dlrcctdHv Flllnls V Poole Pastor Central Ire Church Helena Mont Aftr hearing ome friends continual ly praising Chamberlain Colic Cholera Chol-era and Dlairhoen nemedy Curti Fleck of Anaheim California pur 8 not a bottle of It for his own time < nnd Is I now as enthusiastic over It wondrul I work its anyone can be Th 25 a nd HO cent sizes fur tale by drug 25gists gluts Dont be pernuaded Into buying tint merits Ithout reputation or mIt Chambcrlalns Pain Baltic cost i o more and Its merits have been proven by a tt of manY ycars Sucildetl3els n tho following from L O Bagley Hueneme Cal are constantly being received The best remedy for plin I have ever used Is ChamberllLln Pain Tlalm and I say so after having used it In 1 my family for several sears It cures rheumllllm lam bani sprains and swellings For sale by DrugggUts 10 remove dandruff keep tho scalp moll clean And healthy and give vitality aM 0101 tn weak faded and 1 gray hair use Ayers Hair Vigor 11 hn4 no equal In merit AS It hslr dressing and for the Prevention of baldness Scalp humo and dandruff Salt LakeTheater CHAS S BUM ON Manager Evenings at 845 Matlnei at111 SATURDAY FRIDAY J N RY 2122 lIrllln 31ittin Saturday SrECIAL XOAOmlrST Edward E Bices Superb Spectacle IT IS TO LAI Oil 10O nUrlils In Jon < lcm nt j tile Dolce of IN 1 11 I Turk WOuld nlRhto thlnler ntthell If Nw WO-uld 14VIar that In MaRIIIOeen scene 7 lIorRmu cme 1 a 19 t f e frijill N1 r t 11axitIful x l I il Ta4 cboru fl to Pple Oreatent produstiou of manisu n IarsurpaWolitItt OSpILSttritunin I RlIn II eclo Jr tied Little Cf hrltolhor ITItesl icnhiM I lie We TJC 1100 and t M Matinee 1 Sto t > aeotM oats begins VVcdncs day January luth NEXiAnMCTm THE FIRAWLEY CO NEW GRAND THEATER II F MCQAr I Tea And Manager Entire wee be II V 17 JAN 11 lit glnl1g MO1day JAlV 0 The Sensational Comedy Success Suc-cess = = = r l f cess1W W 12 AND 12 GREAT SPECIALTIES12 Including the lamous Thompson Tots You are bound to laugh PRICES 25c 35c and 50 Box Seats 75c Call m M And FOR 1000 See rhonograph record The Supplitstinlltepalm I Latest m Jg Nollovol P n CO 134 MAIN STREET tiv 11111 BOTHP HRS 1081 HIR SEP and so hv many farmers who have been fattening them for the market She might find some ot hr choicest ones In our tock We arecclvln1 every day the finest meats that ever trotted on a hoof and we N III cut and prepare them for jour table In an artistic ar-tistic maner and Bell them at lowest morkt price PALACE MEAT MARKET 2G5 So Maiu J X ilAHlIOT t Frop < Z G ffi 19 t ATE SHIPMENT OFt OF-t Ladies Jackets and Wraps NEWEST AND BEST STYLES JUST RECEIVED AT Z C Me I Oil Sale This Week at l 11 B Off L 1 Z v 11T YL I j T a WEBBER Supt II I We are riot offering 25 or 50 per cent A big lot of Childrens Clothing of the off our Clothing I but we offer Suits at10 latest I tbU t a patterns that you cannot buy anywhere at that price even with the big discounts off I Custom Triads Suits from Provo Mills PANTS 350 you cannot buy thorn fine Cassmeres fit guaranteed by first under 5 at other stores class tailors MENS SUITS 750 9 10 12 15 1 that will wear nearly twice as long as I Pants to Order 400 up irnportod at the same price CUTLER BROS C09 Agents Provo Woolen mills 30 3IAIN STREET SALT L IRAKIS OITY 6 SWI ry P ELEGANT SULPHUR IUKK1SH BATH And Treatment Ttooms In charge ot n COMPETENT IntslcIAN who will diagnose and prescribe for patients needing medical aid If you have CA TAItnlL DYSPEPSIA RHEUMATISM RHEUMAT-ISM NBItVOUS THOUDLi or KIDNEY KID-NEY DISEASE I come and be curert Any kind I of a bath you want Massaiia ror berth sexes immlns lessons for ladies by the matron I SOlll tokh k Vlr Rims Com pool Manufacturers cf Woven Wire Ntattreves Spiral Spi-ral t Springs Iron D < di Win Cots Old Wire MameSKi itrrtchcd T EBERHARDT Proprietor 160131 South Third But Ball Lake City WOODMAN H All For the Affectlo1s With I lIffmVmG Which Humanity Was Ever lIXIR Afflicted Prepared by D WOOOMANSEE 234 North First West THE Wernicke System OR n HER A System of Units that grows with the library You can buy a bookcase to fit your library and add to It as the library grows No empty shelves yet always Plenty of room Send for free booklet with full description I I J I j = THE WERNICKE CO Grand Jtuplils Michigan I I I W The Study of Teeth rs OJK TH VToverytiody nowadays lakes r r I Interest 1ued Its Boar leur I f I articles tire fre are uftcn printed In newspapers and aIn a-In e of wide circulation and the public knows more about Us tooth lima 11 lias ever leforo known Amidst nil I I Hits rnllirlill i rOaI3 IFI nuent dcrl J ulo il c1rk line 1 > 0 acet IInd carclu und charge tn1rIoprIce to sucee lt 1 DR E M KEYSOR i 16211ustreet nocnil20O1201 rat floor of the Auerbach Building r If you go = quest of BIg 003me you I Ilould be sure that I your hooUt1g front Is property equIpped I wltll tile vary best Brad of amrnunIUo ITS OUR BUSINESS ITo I-To look to your safety I and our reputation by providing you wltli only that which la absolutely r reliable I j N9 One Itdk and lillistIPgria khu III I BROWNING I BROS f 135 MAIN ST X401 WAS11 AVE Salt Lake City Ogden Utah A Nice Cabinet FRAME FREEI On Thursdays Only From now until ottr the I lolldp WSHIPLER The Photographer will trive a Plan Cabinet Frame absolutely free It lth every doven Ihotugrp Cbhoets 8UO 1 Vun IhKIl Ell niXtCK Comarl 8HIPlIR HlMtSoUtllKt Rlow 1 fiW01 Your COININ 3 And HBOonly tho Salt LIJO C ty Ilrcwlnic Cos1remtumlalo Lager Ueer Ijiehliot o1rt m tie It I p ylwlii I a neat porcelain I ttoppcr which IS I easily manipulated d eublei you ob use part of a boltle of b er renlaco tho fb alOrrrr and kp tile re muldr all ADd nleo for Indefinltw lentfth ct time 1olpbu 10 1 for a tie order SAU lAKE CITY BREYilNG co JACOU 110Ulr OoaJ < IooA PROFESSIONAL I M WADDRl NOW S UK AttorneysatLaw and Land Attorneys 317319 McCornlck Block I Salt Like Onj AUX MW811R Attorney at Law ard Justice of I tile Peace Room 41 43 Commercial Dlock PARlH P CERIUM AttoreyetLaw Rooms K 100 ComlllI1 Block FAit L160ti A MINE Attorney atLaw Rooms 33940 Constitution Building Main SU J 1 RAWUM J II lima RAWliNS HORD H Attorneysat Room 33 36 and 37 Hooper Building SO Late Cry CllyRICHARD W YOmm AttorneyatLaw 20 blain ft Pull LlikoCIty CH S M CANNON Dntist Room 2OI IO Temp1cto DR J HIOMAS DeUt 05 South Main Street Salt Lake cay t Printing Press For SAle Cheap One Bajlcy and Scwall Cylinder Prer bed 33146 t rollers table distribution in first 1 ass order delivered freeboard 03 free-board cats at Salt Lake Part ro > fxbi ance on easy terms Address American Type Fonndtrs Co San Francisco Cal CHURCH BLANKS Prlntd and For Sale ftl TS DESERET NEWS OFFIC SALT LAKK CITY Stake Ileporta 80 per dOl Ward Reports J5o Belief Society Reportv250 Primary AuooatlonH > porui2M Y L U I A RoportsWo T M M L A ll portl2M Elder Certificates S3o 0 Bishops Recommends books of M If of too 7Jo Primary Association Boll ami 1301J Book Leo Y L M I A o Boll and Retard BwW J S1SO Ward Records 1 qr tOOi 2 V ClOill 4 qr 11200 High Priests Raearda mad ieerfSS B YOu BaMida Bud te eideb |