Show TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES I I Gen Warner president of the Ill Preff n metallic union Sf nn auditor lt the 10 HOUSO dayym committee on currency meeting tAt t-At Algiers students engaged In n violent anti Ilebrew demonstration Yesterday pvenlngTey were dispersed hy the police President rrazurl of Chile has hw decree calling Into active Per vice all the net i guard or Chileans of 20 sears old or more Cornell University h extended 1 formal Imitation 10 Columbln PennSylvania Penn-Sylvania and Harvard unlvIU to rowing unite In association forming nn American college Secretary Gage did not go ore with his hearing todny o-re the rooms committee In banking and currency owing to I slight cold and hoarseness He 1 proceed tomorrow The news from theNew England cotton cot-ton manufacturing centers New Bedford Bed-ford Ddoefod arid leloton 181 which I strikes t are In S In I to the erect that everything Is l quiet Th British steamer Herbert Ailing from Iplh has foundered on the Coast about six miles from Ounn Island The enritaln was raved but It lit believed I ffifSnT U1ht I the other members of tire crew numbering I num-bering seven are lost When the Investigation of the civil service dte Senate committee mail resumed tIny Chief Clerk Id nai L the ehlcr examlnr omre civil service commission advised n general reclassification ef govrmnl 01 cem cI la said that Imle Zola bn already prepared tits defense arid the lie will call 250 lnee Inrludln hand irithig experts N0en he Is I tried for plblldy securing a number o if rrleh ofcal In connection NIth the Drey fuq proceedings The Senate committee on foreign re Intonl today authorized 1 favorable report upon tilt nomination of Real C 1 Irsn to I minister t Brazil slid upon Air I Conger mho Is trans fnd from Irool to China No fppO sllon has dcwl1 to Air Irn till 1lnlmnt t Brazil A dreo or absolute divorce has been gonteo Nellie 1 Oooln NN lc tit Not C lotAvvin lite actor 000d11n Is I or tiered to Ito his dhorced rlfe S75 Ir I week alimony cilia In prIvIleged to n11 again Ir she so delr with the right tn resume her tnhlen name ol In linker Nw York Ooolwln eCnot mary alllln Three factory whistles blown at Irdlannvol Ind nt 8 olock lat night gave notice that the curfew orl nnne recently passed by the city counell l Wt Into effect at that hour and liters wan it Scampering of youner Store In nil fleets nf the city lrear te the hour will he nnnounct by n prolong d hlte nt one factory The Immigration hill which has passed the Senate will lie pushed In the House with 1 Iw or Securing early action The only question Is nato na-to whether the measure will tie urged la I Passed the Senate lr Will take the fonn or the MrCnl bill The latter lat-ter includes the educational test both rending and writing title the Senate I tAll as It Innly = Ihat body limited the tt 10 reading alone |