Show THE AlniMl A native of Armenia Mr Mlnas Teliems connected with Kings College Col-lege London has recently explained In a well written moglne article 1 hat the Armenian church Is I and In what particulars It differs from Its J sister church The attention of the world has of lat yearn been drawn to this orIental community on account ot Its struggle existence In the midst nf powerful antagonists but Its history his-tory Its creed and peculiarities are not as ft general rule well known According to Mr Tcberns the At menlan church Stands very lIor the Greek church Its rites but It In perfectly per-fectly Independent and Is I governed by Us own patriarchs bishops priests and deacons Vencons and priests are allowed al-lowed to martV and live by the volun tars pffeilngs of the members while the higher clergy live In celibacy and receive a small salary The houses ot worship are free to the people and rich and poor there are on nn equal level The Armenians bellee In seven Sacraments Sacra-ments but administer extreme unction to occlcslastlea only They reject the doctrine of Indulgences and administer adminis-ter the Lord Supper with the two emblems bread and wine They fast on Wednesdays and nidass Their separation from the orthodox hurch date from the council of Chalcc < lon 461 A D which declared the patriarch of Constantinople and the bishop of Home Ihe heads of the Christian world but they regard this ua a question of Jurisdiction rather than uf dOlOm They fect I that as long a rmenl I a has nu political Indepon I dene to glvu up their ccclcslattlcaf autonomy would Imperil then national existence It would result In their com plcte absorption by other nations Inasmuch In-asmuch as their church Is the last asylum ot their nationally The Ar oj 1 m nlans th tin Iven h vt > a very hIgh 1 01 inlun of th ir debility In the clvlllza tlou t of Asia and observer of tilde characteristics nre Inclined to the belief be-lief that thc > arc very nturljr Culicet Much ot their troubled with their mighty conqueror Is I attributable tom to-m Ila Ilea real and nn eager dielre to enter upon their supposed nalsvion In the world They rertalnly exhibit u marvelous fldellts to their faith They need to be taught however that their mission In Asia It they have one Is 1 not of u political nature not one ot till sword nnd this lesson ought to be well mastered at this time otter the many sanguinarY experiences the hAvA had each one leaving them well high on the iorge of annihilation Their effort should be to puree their faith from whatever ImpurlUes may have nc cumulated round It during the ages and submit to Him who 19 I the true Head of the Chuich They need enter Infix no disloyalty to the government under which they live It armed nith truth their very loyalty will be IL source of strength and the truth It celt will roll on and enter upon tM iork of regonflloll among the vr Iou nations with which they come In I contact |