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Show BEDTIME STORIES BY HOWARD R. GARIS I NCLF, ffTGGILY M THE TREE Hoi s: . Copyright, 1920, by McCluc Newspaper .' '''- Sj ndlcatc. (By Howard H. Cans.) One day, when Uncle VYlgglly, the nice bunny rabbit gentleman, was out walking, looking lor an adventure he . . ; chanced to meet Bobbv Chber-Up, the '. robin bird boy. Hobby was scrap nx i : his feet In the sand, and sort of thio - - , lng little stones about with his beak, 3t- i mi he dldn t look vcrj happy. Boob WWT didn't. i "What's the matter Bobby''" asked t Uncle WiggUy "Are ou sad because r the cherries are all gone, or do you feel badlj because you will sjoii have Atti ' down South with the swallows and bluebirds'?" "Oh, It Isn't that crumbled Bobby, ;ia3 usual nice, cheerful cheer-up song,' 48 after which he was named. It's the --Wl house where I live tha-i I don't like." said the bird boy. It's up In a tree. j and none of the rabbit, dog or pussy - ".Vi cat boys ever come up there and play ii with me Thev can't climb trers very S. well (except, of cours'-, thi- K.it boys), j and the) can't flj " j "Well, bul noij can fly down. If fjBl they can't fly up, ' said 1neli- Wigglly ''P.R with a jolly twinkle of his pink nose. ' ; "Think of that ' "Yes. but If I don t fly down to plav 1 i with I hem I can t haw any fun. ' went aKffl on Bobbv Cheer-l"p whoso name. Just then, 'ought to have been Bobb Sad Face. "I wish I lived In a house on p'rH ,10 Rround. or underground, like 9 Buioly. thn guinea ilg bo . or even ' vSS m a hollow stump bungalow like you, 1 Jy Uncle Wigglly." "Oh. nonsense'" laughed the bunny gentleman. K'- animals each live In BP a house best suited 'o him. Neut or K&BN tro houses are best for you birds. pflKjj But I know what I can do. Bobby, so HJfl your friends who do not fly or climb iPD can come to see you more easily." BBs "What?" asked Bobby, eagerly, am' BEE he began to whistle a few notes of ffitM his Dcst and most 'ouy ronr. nnat jil can yo" ,1"' 1 n' ''' XV ''' " BjvK "I c:ir. make a little ladder of a jfU wild grapevine." ald the bunny gen- IBI tleman. "Vou can hang this down jBJBJ from jour nest and boys and girls can Tfmmvi get up to see you. Only your house irj rather -mill Bobby" ARCS "Oh, I'll get my mother and father and my rlster and brother to build n jPjrjl platform of leaves, branches and twigs KjP, all ground outside of the regular heat! ' BJfM chirped Bobby, "and we can have I j some fun the-r " wW "All right." said Uncle W Igetllv "You dr. that, and I'll get the grape- A f v Away hopped the rabbit gentleman iwl to gnaw, with his strong teeth, some Strands Of wild jrrnpeilne. and Bobby, W t now singing his cheer-up song, flew Into the tree to help build a platform Hit 19 " around the nest house. WnlV It did not take the bunny rabbit - gentleman long to find, the grapevine. TjjlBp nnd soon he hopped back lo the robin HnHfc tree dragging it after him Then H pflr Jucko and Jumpo Klnkytall. thi t v. o Elji O monkey boys, came scrambling along. M j BJ and L'ncle Wlggllv called to them: "HI there my monkey chaps' Please Mil B take one end of this vine ladder up Yil I 'n 'he ir'e and fasten It near Bobby L2j I Cheer Lp's house." Efll I So Jacko and Jumpo did this, and t&l soon there was a fine ladder, easy to climb, reaching from the ground Elj' up to the robins' nest. And Mr and Mr. Cheer Up. with the helji of their children. Including Bobby, had maae a large plntform like the one where wLJJ you dance at a plrnlc In the woods, fe all about the nest, with a railing fr, around so no one would f ill ofr. "Now, we'll have some fun!" chirped Bobby, and he whistled and called to all his friends ra como and see him. for now they could get up to his nest house In tho tree something thnv , I could not do before. Then they came- -Sammic and Buale i.lltletall I he rabbit ; Jackie and Peetle Bbw Wow. the dogs Iulu. Alice and .Tlmmle Wlbhle wnbble, the dm ks 'll Jollie and Jllllc Longtall, the mice. and Squeakle-Eekle and Nellie Chip j,I . Chip, the sparrows, had no trouble getting to Bobby's house, for the spar-Hjfl spar-Hjfl rows were birds like a robin only not Jbo large. And Johnnie und Blllle Bushytall, the squirrels, qould climb a tree without a bidder. ' Now we'll have some Jolly fun!" hirped Bobby "We can play tag and , W Jump over each other's backs, and aBAn then we II ent Home cherry ptr BL So the animal children had lots of ty f ,Bgi ran on the platform around the nest house In the tree, and none of rnem I fell off Uncte lggl) was there, too All of a sudden, Just when Susie I Llttletall was tugging Squenkle-Eekte, 1 the cousin mouse Jackie Bow Wow : looked down to tno ground and cried i Oh, Iook at the bad Uazoople' ) Look at mm i wonder who he's ' after''" "I'm aTter anybody I can get souse, from'" cried the Cazoople, who waa . an animal like a clothes horse, with 'skinny legs, a fal body and two mouths, so he could cat more souse. "I'm going to ttet Uncle Wigglly's souse ! and then some from Bobby Cheer Up' ' cried the Linzoopto. "Here I come: And witn that he started to climb up the grapevine ladder. "Oh. ho! N'o you don't'" exclaimed I Uncle Wigglly, with a Jolly laugh and with tnat the bunny g?nt!emun pulled the end of the laadi-r up frORI the ground where the bad Gozoopie ! couldn t reach it ".Vow. let's see you get anv souse!" said L'ncle Wigglly. i i lou ca-n't climb a tre? like a squirrel j you con t fly like, a bird and the lad-dei lad-dei I have lifted up out of your reach . Let's see you get any souse now! j "Alas! Wow! Wow' I cannot! You have fooled me"' howled tne : flazoople, and away he went without La emltch of souse. But the animal 'children and Uncll lg;ily had a good ' time. I guess I'm glad I live in a nest I house In a tree," said Bobbie Cheer Up when the partv was over, and the i bunny gentleman twinkled his pink ' nose So If the kitchen sink doesn't , splash water on the coffee pot and i make the tea strainer giggle in tne face of the clock. I'll tell you next ! about Uncle Wfggllj and the ground house. :,o |