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Show FAVOR NEW CLUB OF 'BUM SPORTS' Organization of Bad Losers in Politics Is Needed, Says Editorial The organization of a Bum Sports I club is urged in the following edl- torlal from the current Issue of the . Saturday livening Post; The time Is hOW ripe, ove rripe In i fact, for the formal organization of an adjunct to the political paities of this1 country, to be called The Hum Sporu club, and to Include In Its membership the large number of bum Bportl thatl Infest our politico. The idea Is not new. but the work of organisation and designation of brethren who are bad losers has been desultory, casual and I somewhat local ; We nominate for membership all I those egoistic and egotistic politicians who, when they find that their own' Ideal cannot prevail, threaten to holt J I & iid wreck their party if they can because thoy cannot have just what I they want; and In making this no mi" : nation we specif y the mouthers who bluff Instead of bolt, and who, despite I their continuous threats to bolt, never get on their way. , We nominate for membership all those politicians who, having lost the jprlzo themselves, refuse to conic for-I for-I ward and support the winner, but I sneer nt his abilities and fitness for ithe place ho seeks, and sulk under the mantel of their own egregious self-apprecla t Ion. We nominate tor membership all I those politicians who consider any 'methods used to win with Justified If they win themselves, but instantly j claim u foul If the same methods. I used bj their opponets, win for those opponents. Wo nominate for membership all 'those politicians who inject personal I matters Into public Campaigns. We nominate for membership all jthose politicians who consider the use ; of money by themselves and to pro-mote pro-mote their own candidacies as legitimate legiti-mate and necessary expenditure for the advancement of the caUSC and tbc (establishment of their own conseerated l claims to preference and denounce the us., of money by other candidates as vengl and corrupt debauchery of the suffrages of the people. We nominate for membership those politicians who, when beaten, cry that the voters who selected their antog-onlsts antog-onlsts over themselves were intimidated intimi-dated by their employers, by the Interests In-terests ami by the financiers. We nomin.ute for membership those politicians who. fulling in their attempts at-tempts to procure 'he support of the interests, try to gain support for themselves by denouncing those whose favor they failed to procure. These are a few of the types that should be Included In the membership of the organization There are many others. The fact of it is that a good loser In politico is so rare in these days of self-exaltation and seif-rlght-eousness that the roster of The Bum Sports club will be very long and widely wide-ly inclusive |