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Show HI FOB PICK-FORD PICK-FORD S SWEETHEART Who i-. Mary's Sweetheart?" could well he the title of her forthcoming" ! oited artist's production "8uda" which la to be thi attraction at the Alhambra theatre tomorrow as In this w ond 1 f ui photoplej Mary Plckford defie all conventions and appears a 1 homely little dru.lge In a French hand laundry In the slums of London. Two men come into ner life one of them 'Grace Greensmlth. with whom she has fallen desperately i" love and the other, Benjamin Pills-bur' Pills-bur' Joneti, drlver Qf the dilapidated delivery wagon of the laundry She wcavts wonderful romances around II i ice to the otlu r girls in the laundry laun-dry but Ben, with his pathetically small bofiuct of faded flowers, stands bjishfullv In the offing I pon whom a she prevaricating little genius shall I bestow as she says her 'Jeweled hand" Is a mystery to the audience until the H last moment |