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Show J SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH TWELFTH SESSION It is cruel to force nauseating, harsh physic into a sick child. Look back at your childhood days. Remember the "dose" mother insisted on castor oil, calomel, cathartics. How you hated them, how you fought against taking them. With our children its different. Mothers who cling to the old form of physic simply dont realize what they do. The childrens revolt is ed. Their tender little insides are injured by them. If your childs stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing, give only delicious "California Syrup of Figs." Its action is positive, but gentle. Millions of mothers keep this harmless "fruit laxative handy; they know children love to take it; that it never fails to clean the liver and bowels and sweeten the stomach, and that a teaspoonful given today saves a sick child tomorwell-foun- d row. bottle Ask at the store for a of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-up- s plainly on each bottle. Adv. 50-ce- nt Uncanny. "Dubbs is hn unnatural kind of a father. I dont believe nature ever Intended him for a parent. Why, whats the matter with him? I asked him the other day if his boy could talk and he said yes, but the child never said anything worth repeating. SOOTHES ITCHING SCALPS And Prevents Falling Hair Do Cuticura Soap and Ointment. On retiring, gently rub spots of dandruff and itching with Cuticura Ointment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water using plenty of Soap. Cultivate the use of Cuticura Soap and Ointment for everyday toilet purposes. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. True Anyway. v We are told there is to be littli ' change in mens clothes this year, Whether this refers to the style 05 to the fact that the old suit will continue to be worn isnt clear.- - However, it is Cleveland Plain probably true. Dealer. j Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets are the original little liver pills put up 40 years ago. They regulate liver and bowels. Adv. h Disillusioned. I wish I hadnt seen my doctor try. ing to play golf. Why? I had so much confidence In him at one time I Imagine he could do almost anything .well. ' WOUAN COULD HARDLY STAND Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkhams V egetable Compound. V Pulton, N. Y. Why will women lay out their money for treatment , and receive no benefit, when bo many have proved that Lydia E. Pinkhams Vege- table will Compound make them well? For over a year I suffered so from female weakness I could hardly stand and was afraid to go on the street alone. Doctors said medicines were useless and only an operation Would help me, but Lydia E. Pinkhams vegetable Compound has proved it otherwise. I am now perfectly well and can do any kind of work. Mrs. Nellie Phelps, care of R. A. Rider. No. 5, Fulton, N. Y. We wish every woman who suffers from female troubles, nervousness, backache or the blues could see the letters written by women made well by Ly-- a E. Pinkhams Compound. If you have badVegetable symptoms and do not R-F.- Understand the cause, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for helpful advice given free. ROUGHo nilmitsPrail?!8Tirousr PurS?,?!?0 p ftVo OUaSlsn Pfoss.presseHtronao-- s In I L Uberal commission. Pr fpaU r.utl.,w.Ui.rl'iU1 OkU. Liver Stomach sure; home remedy. Writeremedy today 21l3.DearkonSt..CUca, 'tMRmcdrC,..Dttf.W.y, mrw Bow-wo- E Save Your Hair! Get a 25 Cent Bottle of Danderine Right Now Also Stops Itching Scalp. LAWMAKERS WORK OVER. TIME WRESTLING WITH PROBLEMS OF INTEREST TO STATE. UTAH said Pat, the Dog. barked Cyp, another Dog. I am wagging my tall, said Pat. I would like so much to play with you. And I am shaking my paw at you, I would like to play with Said Gyp. you Just as much as you would like to play with me. 1 That DANDRUFF IS ACTIVE ROJSjR DOGS PARTY. Bow-wo- FALIIIIG HAIR MEANS TO MARY GRAHAM tUi - Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair Is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of Its luster, Its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverishness and Itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die then the hair falls out fast. ' A little Danderine Final Act Which Checks bff Last of Platform Pledges But One is Solution of States Revenue Problem. Lake City. After working barked Pat. about sixty hours overtime, the clock And Gyp danced around very haphaving 'been figuratively stopped since pily. They were both young dogs and midnight of March 8th, the Twelfth Utah legislature adjourned sine die they loved to play and frisk about. at 12:40 oclock Sunday morning, tonight now any time will surely snow and the a was It snowy day, was soft and light. Gyp and Pat were March 11. The final act of the legis- save your hair. the occuGet a 23 cent bottle of Knowltons both white fox terriers; Pat had one lature was the adoption of pation tax as a solution of the state Danderine from any store, and .after black spot on his back, and Gyp had a revenue I problem. brown spot over one eye. But In the In the senate, Senator Bern moved the first application your hair will snow they looked almost as white as that the senate adjourn sine die at take on that life, luster and luxuriance the snow did. 12:42 oclock Sunday morning as which Is so beautiful. It will become President Funk finished signing a wavy and fluffy and have the appearLets play snowballs, said Pat. number of .bills from the house en- ance of abundance; an incomparable Do you mean throw snowballs? grossing committee. In the house said Gyp. Dr. Grace Stratton-Airemade the gloss and softness, but what will Thats just what I mean, said Pat. motion to adjourn sine die at 12:49 please you most will be after just a So they began lifting the soft snow 3clock Sunday morning. With the few weeks use, when you will actual with theif paws and throwing it at adjournment of the legislature, a ly see a lot of fine, downy hair new each other. Such fun as they had I revenue measure having been passed, hair growing all over the scalp. Adv. They frolicked In the snow, and they a special session of the legislature was declared unnecessary hy the conserput their heads right into the snowIts Status. vative memlbers of (both houses and banks. two agreed to make a Here these Governor Bamberger, who was on Then they would take turns In play- by the job until the two houses noti- fight and theyve taken It out in writing Dead Dog, and one would lie down fied him that they were ready to quit ing notes. while the other covered him up with the labors of the session. I suppose the agreement, then, a little snow. Governor Bamberger Is quoted as was just a scrap of paper. The legislature i3 fortunate Then he would stay quite still until saying: the dog who had covered him up would in hawing been able to do so much FEW MOTHERS REALIZE for, the benefit of the state. The , bark, Democratic party and the administra- how ipany delicious dishes can be preWake up, wake up yom sleepy head, tion have redeemed the pledges they pared with! Skinner's Macaroni and to the people. We have a Were all through playing that you made For this reason the SkinSpaghetti. state-wid- e prohibition law, which will ner Mfg. Co. have are dead. prepared a beautibe enforced 'by the governor. We ful Cook Book containing recipes tellWith a bound theyd both start play- have a public utilities commission, a to serve it In a hundred difhow ing act workmens we and compensation ing and frisking in the snow again. have guaranteed $2,000,000 for the ferent ways. Write Skinner Mfg. Such a time as they hai Soon two Co., Omaha, Neb., for a free copy. All of roads. little girls came walking by. They construction The legislature has performed its good grocers everywhere sell Skinners were both carrying books and pencil duty ir the highest patriotic sense. Macaroni and Spaghetti. Adv. boxes, for they had been to school. Differences of opinion have' arisen, Theres Pat' said the little girl, but in the end the legislature did that His Education Assured. named Helen. which Is right. The majority ruled, I feel that I am not fit to tie her And theres my Gyp, said the sec- No one has any apologies to offer, ond little girl, whose name was Doro- and I believe every member can go shoe lace. Dont worry, my boy. After mar home satisfied that he has contribthy. shell soon get you expert at to uted riage and the something, progress How did they ever happen to be of Utah., that. Also ,at putting on overshoes development together I wonder? asked Helen. J. W. Funk, president of the Senate and hooking up gowns. ' For while Helen and Dorothy were declared: We have given everything the - very best of friends, and their the platform called for or the admin E ALLENS DOES, IT. dogs loved to play with each other, istration pledged itself for. We have still they lived quite far apart. They enacted laws for the benefit of the When your shoes pinch or your corns and bunions ache get Allens the antiseptic didnt usually go to each others homes people and we have given the state powder to be shaken into shoes and sprinkled in a the as Gives to Tired, Acha instant relief result progressive legislation unless Dorothy and Helen were going ing, Swollen, Tender feet. Over 100,000 packages of which we hope the state will prosto play together. are being used by the troops at the front. Sold per. We have not been able to go everywhere, 25c. Dont accent any substitute. Adv. Well, said Helen, I say well have a into the the details we of hut laws, tea party. Im sure mother will be have gone far. Other legislatures are The Limit. willing. She said I could ask you coming and I hope they will do as She him long. loved That was this morning, well. very , soon. the Thats way with women. They and this afternoon means very soon. I will go home well satisfied, for I never love us when we are short. All right, said Dorothy, Id love know we have fulfilled our promises to the people of Utah with regard to to come. , Only One "BROMO QUININE And of course the Dogs will play remedial and progressive legislation, To get the genuine, call for full name LAXATIVB said F. J. We went BROMO Look for signature of B. W. Tolton., Speaker said QUININE. Helen. together, Cures a Cold in One Day. 25c. As theyve found each other, now I as far as we possibly could in the QKOVJi. making good our pledges. dont suppose they would enjoy any- - way ofwas Differs From Bartlett. a barrier in the way that There Bix Say, whats the rest of that could not be entirely overcome, and that barrier is the constitution itself. quotation beginning Truth is mighty? We have kept the faith. We gave Dix Scarce, I guess. our best thought to all measures and went fairly op record. I am proud of the honor that was mine in presiding over the house during the session of the legislature which has just adjourned. The Important measures that received the final approval of 'both houses during the Twelfth . session ' Salt Good-good-goo- d, Pain e Have you a lame back, aching day and night? Do you feel sharp pains after stooping? Are the kidneys sore? Is their action Irregular? Do backaches, you have headaches, rheumatic pains, feel tired, nervUse Doan's Kidous, all worn-outrecommedicine the Pills ney this in so mended by many people locality. Read the experience that follows : , ? An Idaho Case P. D. Tierney, 1003 Fifth St., C o e u r DAlene, says: I was in baa shape with kidney trouble for My bladder was inflamed and my back pained terribly. I had dizzy and fainting spells and suffered from gravel. Doans Kidney Pills corrected these ailments and did me more good than anything else I ever took. fvwy Picture Idaho, Tolls St O years. Get Doan's at Any Store, doan's . L. Knife-Lik- FOSTER-MILBUR- a Bos SOc yfji.v CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. N IKi uESSL. from a Bone Spavin, Ring Bone, Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or similai trouble and gets horse going sound. It acts mildly but quickly and good results are lasting. Does not blister or remove the hair and horse can be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with each bottle tells how. $2.00 a bottle delivered. Horse Book 9 M free. ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings, Enlarged Glands, Wens, Bruises, Varicose Veinsj heals Sores. Allays Pain. Will tell you more if you write. $1 and $2 a bottle at dealers or delivered. Liberal trial bottle for 10c stamps. W-YOUNG. P. D. F.,310TempleSL, Springfield, Mass, Dont Persecute' Your Bowels Cut out cathartics and purgatives. brutal, harsh, unnecessary. Tr They are CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act, gently on the liver, ' eliminate bile, and soothe the delicate membrane ot the bowel. Curt . Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Head. che and Indigestion, is millions know SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature , FOOT-EAS- Foot-Eas- foot-bat- were: iState-wld- f e tive August prohibition bill, 1, 1917. , effec- Little Girls Came Walking By. thing better than a tea party, for Ive a new set of dishes for- Gyp and Pat, added Helen.' So the little Girls and the Doga all ' played together. The Dogs did their tricks and the little Girls laughed and clapped. Then the Dogs played with balls while the little Girls played with their - Dolls. tea-part- y, , 1 J i j IjilCtfriuuwaoaimAw-'"- Constitutional amendment for state- Constitutional amendment for ing mines at a multiple on a the Twelfth session the senate passed 76 measures and the house 66. The governor signed 34 bills that came from the senate and 19 that originated in the house, while he has 34 Benate and J9 house bills before him, which he will either approve o veto, , ) t 1 ForltafantandCtndren. Signature - nor of neither Opium, Morphine Mineral. Not Narcotic In JBlCarbmate Staet Warm Seed, CCDi Clarified Sugar fiuierprren flavor W. A hel pful Remedy for. Use Diarrhoea mh- JgE,, - Constipation and and Feverishness ana Loss OF SLEEP , tax- 11-1- JluipecfOldDr'sAXIMLPrKVIR Pumpkin Seed Mx Senna jiochcUe Saifs Anise Seed . Peppermint x wide prohibition. Salt Lake City, No. Bears the 1 Appropriation of $100,000 for Ogden, exposition in 1919. Creation of a budget system for the state, starting in 1919. Occupation tax on mines, collecting $1 for every employee, excepting laborers, and imposing a net production tax at three times the net proceeds of mines for 1917 and thrice the net proceeds thereafter. Increasing the state levies to the constitutional limit of 5 mills. Increasing the justices of the supreme court from three to five. Giving powers to corrections board to oust state prison warden without cause. . W. N. U., Always st , s When it came time for the the little Girls sat by a small blue painted table, and the Dogs had cushions to sit on. They had tea, which was mostly sugar and milk, but it was good and hot and it had a very pretty tea colot. Then they had delicious bread and butter and jam. And large bowls of milk for the Dogs. Gyp and Pat also had a fine chop bone apiece. It was certainly a very jolly little tea party, and when Dorothy had to leave she said, It was all because our Dogs were playing together that, we decided to have this little' party, and it has been such fun. Yes, said Helen. Our Dogs know when Its time to have a party, dont ' , they? And the Dogs wagged their tails and barked as though to say, We know when to have parties. ace II. W. HelHTIRE Los Angeles, Gal. Building Genuine Castoria paigns expenditures. Initative and refrendum law. Bond issue of $2,000,000 for building of good roads in outlying counties. Irrigation district bill to get federal aid in the development of arid lands. law and bills afClayton anti-trufecting labor. Appropriation bill, carrying $3,207,-864.9- preferred participating stock in Bank references. If you will investigate you will buy. For particulars address Gold Dredging Company. Mothers Know That Public utilites commission bill. Carries appropriation bill of $50,000. Workmens compensaticta bill.' Carries appropriation of $90,000.' Corrupt practices act. Limits camTwo 7 e.2 it-- - z- sskj- Fac-Simil- e For Over Sinatoreot aUi0Z. Thirty Years Tire Centaur Company. NEW ExKt Copy of Wrapper. w MUT.ua iOUMNV, NtW VOMK I euv. |