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Show I SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH A ROMANCE OF OLD MEXICO FROM THE SERIAL TOPLAY PHO- OF THE SAME NAME, RELEASED THE UNIVERSAL FILM COMPANY FIFTEENTH BX G EPISODE The Flap of Truce. Realizing that the game was up with them, and feeling that there was a chance of s&ving tlielr major, the American troopers, who had fought so bravely against the terrible onslaught of Lopez and his band, hastily scooped out hole in the sand and thrust the courageous commander into it. The old fighter protested, Informing them lie would rather die with his men.- But lie was too severely wounded to resist, After seeing that yieir major was made as comfortable as possible, the soldiers rushed back to their comrades and plunged into the battle again. Lopez was delighted with this days work, and, as he stood back of his Mexicans and watched tlieir ferocious attacks on the little band of Americans, who fought madly against such tremendous odds, he could not refrain from sneering. It was the most important conflict he had participated in since he became the leader of the insurrec-tos- . I 11 ; i - ! ' i eminent going through such strife as It was at that moment. For it was not an uncommon thing for a Mexican to put people in prison and then forget all about them for years. , As Liberty groped her way about the darkened room she admitted there was little encouragement. The place seemed as impregnable' as the center of the earth. Her only hope was in searchiug for the slightest thing that might act as a means of assistance to her. So she began running her hands over the walls, feeling' each stone and assuring herself that the masonry was firm and determination. lie turned from the window and stared at the guards. They were paying little heed to him, but were confining their Interest to the wine which and after she had covered two sides of the room without any results, she began to think it was useless. But she refused to give up courage and continued gripping her way along, feeling each stohe and testing its firmness. Finally, as she was about to give up in despair, she found a bit of loose masonry; for as she touched one of the stones the cement crumbled and fell on the ground. Instantly her hopes rose and she proceeded to find where it had come from, and discovered that it had dropped from the wall at a spot within easy reach, just opposite her seek to Imprison him though he had never committed a wrong In his life, and as the thought came to him his great, black fingers closed and clenched and Ills big jaws became set in a grim solid. HH.VAN LOAM NOVELIZED always interesting, and Pedro, as Mmpla as ho wns, stood In deep contentment, and In spite of his miserable surroundings, permitted his humble soul to drink In the beautiful scene before him. And, ns he gazed out far across the sandhills, which resembled heaps of precious gold under the golden rays of the sun, he became inspired with new courage. Ills soul became embittered against those who would was gradually going to their heads. Pedro noticed tills and he decided to take advantage of It. lie watched them narrowly and began to make his way toward the door in the belief that It was locked. He hurled himself against It. The guards saw him, and, staggering to their feet, they made after him. Tedro, realizing it was a time for quick action, made a dive for one of them and tackled him around the legs. With one move be seht the fellow on his back. Then he grabbed the other, aud, raising him high above his head, he brought bis body down, and sent it crashing through the table. By this time the first guard had regained his feet and was creeping up on Pedro. But the powerful slav& saw him.and, swinging around, he landed him a ter rific blow on the jaw, which sent the Mexican to the floor. Pedro then ran to the door and tried to force it open with his shoulder. The guards recovered and rushed at him. One of them drew his knife and would have plunged it into his back, had he not turned when he did. He ran to the other side of the room, the guards in pursuit. But this jvas only a ruse on the part of Pedro, who ran up the wall and turned 1i complete somersault over their heads. Knocking them over, he picked up the other, and, running with him toward the door, he used him as a battering ram, with the result that the guards feet went crashing through. Then he threw the fellow on the floor and started to escape. But just as he was about to step out a number of guards, who had heard the loud noise, came rushing up and grabbed him. He was quickly overpowered and taken to the torture chamber. One of the guards was found dead In the cell, and thp other unconscious. This instilled In his captors the desire to subject him to the severest torture Kill me, If you want, but let my mistress go, pleaded Pedro. She is a murderess, sneered one of I 'It , a . an insurance company will take a risk on your life the examining physician will test your water and report whether you are a good risk. When your kidneys g$t sluggish and clog, you suffer from backache, dizzy spells, or twinges and pains of lumbago, rheumatism and gout, or sleep is disturbed two or three times a night take heed, before too late! You can readily overcome such conditions and prolong life by taking the advice of a famous physician, which is: Keep the kidneys in good order, avoid too much meat, salt, alcohol or tea. Drink plenty of pure water and drive the uric acid out of the system by taking You can obtain Anuric, in tablet form. Anurio at drug stores, the discovery of Dr. fierce of Invalids Hotel, Buffalo. Before sick-head-ac- was a long and tedious job, shoulders. With botlr hands she started to pick at the cement, which was easily dislodged. When she had picked this out slie found a crevice large enough to admit her hand. She touched the stone. She could It was loose! hardly refrain from crying out with joy. It was a big stone, and it was heavy, too. She doubted whether she would have been able to budge it under different circumstances. Placing both of her hands flat against It, she shoved with all her might. It moved Again she tried it, with the same result. She kept this up for several minutes, and each time she put her weight against it the big stone was forced, further and further, inch by inch, back. A ray of light crept through the crev- ices, and, small as it was, it seemed almost to dazzle her after her solitude in the darkness. Finally, summoning all her strength, she gave the stone one long shove, and it went toppling over, and fell in the next room. ShO heard It strike the ground, and then, pulling herself up, she managed to crawl through the opening in the wall. Arriving on the ether side, she found herself in a subterranean chamber, similar to the one she hAd just left. Her hopes were crushed, for, as she gazed about her, she concluded It was worse. A small opening near the roof permitted a ray of light to enter the room. She started to investigate her surroundings when she suddenly drew back in horror. On the ground were a number of skeletons, evidently the remains of those who bad been prisoners like herself and had died in misery. In the center of the room was a pool of stagnant 1 THE VERY BEST TIMB to Pierces Golden Medical Discovery SS? If you feel that your blood is out of offi Dont wait until you have to cure nil! ease ; Its easier and better to vrcvmt i. With the first blotches or the dullness, weariness, and depress! that are some of the symptoms, you nwS this medicine. 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The retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the price paid for them. '"phe quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed fcy more than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America. factory at Brockton, Mass., They are made in a by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and supervision of experienced men, all working with an honest determination to make the best shoes for the price that money can buy. Ask your shoe dealer for XV. I Douglas phoes. Xf he cannot supply you with the kind you waflt, take no other make. Write for interesting booklet explaining how to get shoeaof the highest standard of quality for the price, by return mail, postage free. LOOK FOR W. L. Douglas name and the retail price stamped on the bottom. Boys Shoes Best In the World $3.00 $2.50 President u W.D. Douglas Shoe 185 Spark St., Brockton, & $2.00 Co., Mass. A Financial Diagnosis. Exactly. Not until every American trooper In a confidential little talk to a group What punishment to fit the crime had been sent to the dust with a bulwould you give these food specula- of medical students an eminent phjsi-cialet in him did Lopez give the order to took up the extremely important tors? cease firing. Then he gave one glance The most fitting would be to make natter of correct diagnosis of the maxaround (the battlefield, and, with comimum fee. them eat crow. The best rewards, he said, come, plete satisfaction over the results he had achieved, he walked proudly to his of course, to the established specialist. dohorse and leaped into the saddle. Then For instance, I charge twenty-fiv- e he ordered his men to mount their doten llars a call at for the residence, ! With five and was when all the and llars office an for horses, ready consultation, band rode slowly out of the valley. dollars for a telephone consultation. Corns Lift The sun was just pushing its nose There was an appreciative and enabove the eastern line of the desert, vious silence, and then a voice from the back of the amphitheater, slightly just, beyond the valley, as the last Any smoke from the guns was ascending thickened, spoke; towards the high peaks, which rose on Doc, it asked, how much do you either side of Diablo pass. It was not Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or charge a feller for passing you on the a day for the sun to shine upon, and r any kind of a crn can shortly be street? as it gradually rose higher and higher lifted right out with the fingers If you will apply on the corn a few drops of it seemed to be smiling an approval of Fur Bearing. the sorrowful scene in the valley. , The the guards. freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. Alaska Is noted for its At little cost one can get a small bot- animals, such as seals and Eskimos. miserable Lopez and his evil band had You lie shouted Pedro, as he water. tle left behind them a scene which would wrested himself free and This was the answer given at an exrushed for turned from the sight with willof freezone at any drug store, which ones of have stirred the American government the fellow. And before the other a Liberty heart as she realized rid feet held in Columbus for applevery positively amination there sickening sorecorn to immediate fiction, had its leaders at or callus without or licenses. The exicants for teachers pain guards could prevent him, he had dealt was no other egress except the one Washington been privileged to view the Mexican a blow which caused that she had dug herself, and, seeing no ness or the danger of infection. amination was conducted ,by Samuel This" new drug is an ether compound, Shartf, county school superintendent, the picture of slaughter and carnage. Individual stretch out on the floor. other alternative, she started to return, dries the moment it Is applied and and he vouches for the truth of the and The entire camp had been blown exNow you pay much morei when, to her horror, she found the hole not inflame or even irritate the story. The question was to discuss does Into millions of little pieces. The Amera pristhe jailer, as his men seized had been closed and she was ican flag had been snatched by the bah-di- claimed surrounding skin. Just think ! You Alaska and to tell some of the things oner ! and Leld him. can lift off 'your corns and calluses for which the territory is noted. and riddled with bullets until not the slave (TO BE CONTINUED.) I pay anything, but I no let you now without a bit of pain or soreness. one star was visible. The brave troopare somewhat surprised at the ers had been mowed down as grass be- insult Miss Liberty shouted Pedro as can If freezone he answer. your druggist hasnt fore a scythe and they lay in heaps on he glared at the fellow who was slowly WEIRD MUSIC FROM A MINE easily get a small bottle for you from Mexican soil, where they had been shot rising to his feet. My mistress no kill his wholesale drug house. adv. Doubts the Saying. down by Mexicans, at a time when the anybody, and the man who say she do Engineer Tells of His Experience When believe that time is money I dont Descending One of .the Deepest two governments were supposed to be will not live! One of the principal ingredients In do you? Shafts in Mexico. Is that so? snarled one of the enjoying friendly relationship. In the No; I usually have time to spare. good time is your imagination. What you care? You no meantime the United States govern- guards. I recall an interesting experience at ment officials were carrying on nego- see her no more. We fix you. Pedro look NeuvaLuz shaft, the deepest shaft fellow that The this the gave tiations, and the man who was responsible for the blood that had been shed was enough to convince him that it on the Yeta Madre, in the Guanajuato was being held se district, Mexico.' It is 2,031 feet deep, during a time of peace was permitted was well the' slave cut out of solid rock. Iron buckets, ,to go on his way, robbing and killing. curely. wonmeantime In was the guided by wire ropes, are used for Liberty Meanwhile Liberty and Pedro had men, rock and supplies, and Royal Baking Powder makes it possible to 'proreached the prison at Chihuahua. This dering where they had tqjxen 'Pedro. In hoisting an even experienced engineer is exheard she of the her dungeon, nothing Mexone was duce appetizing and wholesome cakes, muffins, of in the oldest building cused a feeling of fear and trepidaico, and was built in the days preced- fight he had with the guards. He had combread, etc., with fewer eggs than are usually to another part of the prison, tion when straddling the bale over this ing the invasion by the Spaniards un- been led hole. exto to be seemed her yawning which desolated, required. der IIernaD,do Cortez. The Aztecs had The almost nude natives, oblivious used it a a fortress, and It .was said cept for herself and the slave. No sound silence of the of, danger, jumped aboard, holding many recipes the number of eggs may be rethat the List emperor of Mexico, Mon- broke the monotonous of candles in the free hand, torch their was if was she certain and she duced and excellent results obtained by using tezuma, was imprisoned and slain place, and as they were lowered began to within its walls. It had been used dur- kept in there another day she would an additional quantity of Royal Baking Powder, sing. A flood of melody filled the shaft, mad. It was datk and ing the uprisings which occurred in the go room was about hardly high enough a full crescendo reverberated from wall teaspoon, for each egg omitted. The Diaz and Madero regimes, but previ- the to wall, followed by softer cadences, to and stand if sat her she for up, ous to that had been deserted for fifty following tested recipe is a practical illustration: down the rats would run over her. and as I passed, down into the hole the more. or years bucket continued its slow' descent, the DIRECTIONS: Boil sugar and water SPONGE CAKE At the prison doors the two prison- Sleep was out of the question, even until syrup spins a thread and add to the became more of the torches and was lights was for she she exhausted, 1 cup sugar stiffly beaten whites of eggs, beating until ers were separated, Liberty being though more Indistinct, the darkness deepthe mixture Is cold. Sift together three ever she closed if H that water her certain cup eyes dunone to of the underground taken times the flour, salt and baking powder; 3 eggs in this .place, the rats vlvould have de- ened, the prayerful song came up with beat yolks of eggs until thick; add a little 2 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder geons, while Pedro was thrust into one volume until like it seemed at a time flour mixture and egg yolks decreasing 1 cup flour of the big cells on the main floor, with voured her before morning. The walls a distant echo from the unknown. alternately to white of egg mixture, stir1 salt as teaspoon and she put her hand ring after each addition. Add cup cold two guards to keep a close watch over were damp, t cold water H cup no anwater and flavoring. 'Mix lightly and light visible, no out and touched them a shudder ran Then there was 1 teaspoon flavoring him. bake moderate in oven one hour. The floor was slip- them audible, and I involuntarily said her. Pedro, who was tired and footsore through NaH. Frank in Amen. old The Probert, was method of hewn for out called six eggs and no baking powder from his long tramp, threw himself on pery and rough; it as tional Geographic Magazine. Booklet of recipes which economize In eggs knd other the floor and was soon sound asleep. stone and once or twice she fell . expensive Ingredients mailed free. Address Royal How long he slept he did not kn6w. she stumbled in the dark. Baking Powder Co, 125 William Street, New York. A Merit After the guard had put her In and He was awakened by voices, and, as he Do you think imitation butter Is as slowly' opened his eyes, he saw the had gone out, she heard him put a on lock the door, a by at in good as the real? table protected the heavy two guards seated In one respect, replied Miss Caymiddle of the room. They were drink- a large bar of solid iron. Presently some bread and wa- enne, its better. People can afford ing heavily from two bottles of cheap he returned with , ' Mexican wine and muttering to each ter, which he pushed through a small to buy It. door. In But the threattime same big opening the at Liberty casting other, was in no frame of mind td eat, eyen Proper Place. ening glances at their prisoner. was She I would like to' get a man she would rewas slave hungry. somewhat old Manager though The freshed, and he jumped to his feet and not trust these Mexicans, for they were of Iron character for this play. Critic Then why not go to a type walked to the heavily barred window, as variable as the moon, and Just as Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes, which looked out on the big courtyard, Inconsistent Her one thought was to foundry? and gazed ont at the sun, which was escape from this miserable place. Unadds none but healthful qualities to the food. Frank A. Vanderlln, president of the Just sinking below the western horizon less she did, there was every probabillike a ball of fire. For It was now the ity that she would remain here the rest National City bank, in New York city, Utter Taste lid Phosphate Ha A and of the day. A Mexican sunset Is of her Ufe, especially with the gov- is a machinist by trade. n the Fingers Says Without Out Pain fur-beari- 1 ts " Fur-deale- ! t i '' ( i In t I t I a , i 4 Qmm foot ten - i i lb b |