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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOUTH CACHE Friday, March 16, t COURIER Entered at the Postoffice at Hyrurn, Utah, ai second class mail matter, under the Act $ f aims! of March 3 1879 J. A, Wahlen, Publisher & Manager t X Local News A few Mens Fall Suits FOR SALE Parsnips' Phone your order to 133J. Hyrum. Adv. Its hard to believe some things even when we want to believe them. Closing out of all overshoes and buckle rubbers. Hyrum Clothing 4 The attending physician t t That we will Close Out. Mrs. Harris Jensen has been spending a few days with her mother in Wellsville. Hyruro Clothing Co. in- forms us that Bp. Nf J. Nielsen is slowly improving. . A fine baby girl arrived at the home of Marion Jessop on Thursday night of this week. Messrs. C. C. R. Albretsen and Iver Bradley are in from PocaOnly a man who is wise doubts home. at his own wisdom. short for tello valley stay Mr. Thos. Williamson was up Mrs. T. N. Liljenquist and from Miss Wellsville on business Ogden Lucy paid daughter a short visit the forepart of this Thursday. week. t A young man always likes to Somoans in their native song have a girl keep on loving him and dance specialties, next Wed- even after he has quit. Dont nesday at the first ward. Mr. Lewis Edison was down fail to attend. from Preston for a short visit Mr. and Mrs. John Leatham of with parents and friends this Wellsville, attended the High week. School party, held at the Elite When you need Clothing, Shoes, Hall last Monday night. Hats or Gents Furnishings calL on Fine program at 1st Ward next Newbold. Best and cheapest place Wednesday evening, March 21st. in Cache Co. Adv. , Admission 10c and 20c. Go and FOR SALE House and lot, good help the Sunday School along. Mr. Robt. Price of Wellsville, barn and outbuildings, also 5 acres was in Hyrum, purchasing some of good beet land. Apply to Elmer electric fixtures to' install in his L. Eliason, Hyrum. . Adv. new home, the forepart of this x ' week . ' Glasses EKEGIASSES . , Adv. Co. Have Your 1917. ( No. 20 There are more than ninety thousand kinds and combinations of spectacle lenses. Dont some assume risk when you seyou think you lect a pair from a bargain counter? Such glasses give vision for a short time, bvt in ' addition you want , Comfort and Perfect Balance all the Eye Muscles. . Dont fail to attend the lecture rs by Prof. Casto of the A. C. of U. at the 1st ward chapel- - Sunday evening. It promises to be very I Livery Stable by Courier office for sale or rent. Easy terms. See Weston Vernon, Logan. Phone 363-Adv. J. Last Saturday evening the following made up a sleighing party' and took a spin up Blacksmith Fork canyon, and spent best of two hours in pleasant pastimes at the residence of Mr, ' ' rooms in the old" Z. C. M. I. building, ovef Dunbar and Hyde Store, where I have the most modefn instruments for a thorough and complete examination of your I am now m my new fi aad Mrs. Goodhue: Messrs, and Mesdames. T. W. Petersen, H. B. Nielsen, M. S. Rosenbaum, O. H. Birch, Hiram Jensen, and Dr. Eliason. Fit the'Lenses to Your Eyes. office FRED. B. PARKINSON OPTOMETRIST A very sociable and pleasant afternoon was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Thps. Adamson have been home from Pocatello Valley visiting with parents and friends for .several days past. They - expect to return to the valley within a day or two. noon. e Merchandise. V. , J Hyrum City Municipal Electric Plant . f there. Mr. Robt. Baxter returned home from Rexburg, Sunday evecalled to atning, having been of Mr. James funeral the tend Thurs- last held there Eckersell, - day a week. Mr.. Baxter informs us that he visited nearly every town on the line between Rextrying burg and Cache Junction, to buy some hay or grain.- He ' says that buydng hay was out of the question, but he managed to oats, which he buy a carload of in a day or two. arrive to expects also is snow quite deep The River Snake the all through been has traffic and country, with. interfered often quite - t it now or will need it soon. We Still Handle the FREE SEWING HATGHING EGGS! i - You need ' Latest Makes -- charge watts excess of 50 watts per lam, excepting that the total watt&ge connected to any service may be divided by 50 watts, and the number of lights obtained thereby will be charged for. Flat Rates for Electrie Lighting on a basisof 50 watts per lamp. . . ' , 1 Light, per month, $ .50 2 Lights, per month . . $ .75 3 Lights, per month, $1.00 For the fourth and each additional light 20c per month. Flat Rates' for motor service $1.50 per montffT Meter Rates for Electric Service: 7 cents per kilowatt hour. Light Service Power Service 3 cents per kilowatt her. A discount of 10 per cent will be allowed on meter accounts only,' if the bill is paid on or before the 10th, day of the month. We are now able to install meters on short notice, thq wholesale price of the meter to be advanced by the customer, but 25 per cent of the customers account will be refunded until ' the meter is paid for, when it becomes the property of the City. All accounts are payable monthly, and if not paid on or before the 10th, day of the months following March, June, September, and Decern her respectively, service will be discontinued until arrears have been J ' paid. of Mailing quarterly Statements of Account from the'City Treasurer's Office will be considered sufficient notification. ' ELECTRIC LIGHTING COMMITTEE. of .the HYRUM CITY COUNCIL By JOS. APPLEYARD, Superintendent. . V and OPTICIAN MACHINE. An interesting program will be FROMrendered. Prof. Hickman of the Purebred S. C. White Leghorns 3. Y.C. will give a lecture. Mr. Of High Producing Strain. Brossard will discuss the Boys and Girls club work. Music ;will Eggs. 75c per 15. $4.00 per 100. A limited number of Chicks for be furnished by the High School. All patrons of the school are sale during April. May and June. of G. Williams Thomas Mr, H. P. Anderson, Hyrum. urged to be present. , Salem, Idaho, and a former resident of Hyrum, has been visiting with his brother Mr. W. A. Williams and family the past few daj's. This is Mr. Williams first visit in 14 years. Effective on publication of this notice the following charges for service will be made. electric Dr. Ownby the eye specialist to decided informs us that he has Electric Washers, per month . . . 25c remain in Hjrrum and vicinity i .. .. .. .. Electric 25c Irons, per month few days longer. Any one wish Electric CleanVacuum call the Pads, Fans, can Vibrators, Heating his services, ing 25c Pioneer House, and their calls ers, etc, per month will be promptly attended to. Rates on Electric Cooking Utensils on application. On account of various reasons Charges for lighting will be made on a basis of 50 watts for each the First Ward Social which and a further of 5 cents will be made for each 10 in light, t A Complete Line of Hyrum City will pay the above sum to any one for the information leading to the arrest and conviction of the parties putting out strich-ininfor dogs. Mr. Hans Weeding will also pay a liberal reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction Assoc- of the party that poisoned his dog. , at the High Hyrum City. m. should have been held on March The ,8th, had to be postponed. as same program previonsly an nounced, however, will be given next Wednesday evening at the First Ward .meeting house, to which everybody is invited. The entertainment is given for the .benefit of thd Sunday School and all should make it a point to be fV ' $25.00 Reward interesting. The The Golden Hour Club met at iation will meet home of Mrs. G. W. Goodhue, ( the at the power city in Blacksmith School Building Thursday , eveFork canyon last Saturday after- ning, March 22, 1917, at eight p. rs V ReceptioA Room with Drs. Ensign & Smith, Logan, Utah Meeting. Parent-Teache- tt of. t AT BARGAIN .SALES YOU ARE EXPECT- -' ED to FIT YOUR EYES TO THE J.ENSES. ! Parent-Teache- Fitted Plain and Cabinet Styles. Rubber Boots all Hights .Shoes and-Size- s Jewelry Notions Nails Slippers Hats Underwear Dress Goods Laces ' Wire Cement Salt, Etc. Anticipate Your Needs and Buy Early. Every time we haVe to Reorder Goods, Prices are Higher. We Court Investigation of Prices and Qqality. TRY US. ALLEN BROS. Just Arrived Full Line of Boys and Mens Ball Band Rubber Boots. Hyrum Clothing Co. W |