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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH South Cache Courier Published Every Fridtey at Hyrum Utah. A. J. WAHLEN. Publisher. . NO TIME TO CRIPPLE RAILROADS State of. Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, bh. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner o( the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sura of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6 th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public Halls Catarrh Medicine is taken Internally and acts through the blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & COs Props., Toledo, O. All Druggists, 75c. Halls Family Pills for constipation. l Advertisement Colliers Weekly of Feb. 17th, tries to prove that national defense would be impossible in the event of war with Japan with our present railroad facilities, to move an army, munitions and supplies on the Pacific Coast, with limited trains, limited crews and limited hours. It says: The year 1916 gave our railroads a lift, but left them still the weak sister of our national economic household. The railroads did more work, than ever before in their history and got more money for it, factories the safer buy.' the strongof big industrial and so that, in spite of the heaviest like number f taxes and expenses ever known, manufacturing corporations. During the war the factory stocks they broke all records for net got ahead, kept ahead, and are now earnings. worth on an average in the open The seamy side of the record is market some ten to twenty dollars that fewer miles of new track were more per share than are the like built than in any one of the hardsecurities of the railroads. Worse time years that followed , 1893. than that, these railroad stpcks They did not laya new mile of lower now than they did rails per month in such track hun- average the period 1911-1during gry States as Arizona, Colorado, This means that investors think Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, Texas, Utah 3. New-'Mexic- o, and Wyoming. The entire year's increase of of 1 trackage was less than one-haper cent of the total now operated, a rate of growth which, when compared with our countrys annual increase in population, production, wealth, and all the other elements which call for more transportation, ii seen to be both ridiculous t and alarming. The investing public has given its verdict on the situation in no uncertain terms. In 1911 the stocks of the twenty-fiv- e leading railroads well above ninety and averaged were worth some twenty dollars more per share than the stocks of a lf er property. It means also that our economic growth is getting lop- sided like that of a farm which had specialized in buying plows, threshers, etc., but neglected its draft ' animals. Moreover, national defense and national development are both impossible without the needful steady increase of railroad facilities, and 1916 did nothing to meet this need. Economic should statesmanship make 1917 tell a better story. 6T f? V yourself on the back. t Divorce is getting to be as painless as modern dentistry- - v cant push, ahead by patting When you want a set of teeth you want the best set obtainable and thatjs what you get in the Truebite. From every point, of view it is the Tooth Premin-en- t. It is colored right, and the tooth forms are perfect types of natural teeth. They make you look right, and they give you service. We produce them for less money than you are compelled to pay for the ordinary sets elsewhere. We absolutely refuse to admit that anyone can make a better finished plate or one that will fit better. If you need a set or if the old ones dont exactly suit you you to separate yourself from enough money to get a set. You will never make a better investment. We have the best office in the North, equipped to the minute and are prepared to give you the up best service in every branch of the dentistry, at a V t V fV great saving. A GOOD POSITION Can be had by any ambitious young man or young lady in the field of railway or commercial telegraphy. Since the passage of the eight .hour law by congress, it has , created a big demand for telegraph operators Positions paying from $75 to $8 per month, with many chances for advancement. It will pay you to write Railway Telegraph Inst. of Portland, Oregon, for full particulars. Adv. Truebites - Single Plate, - $12.00 Full Set, - - 20.00 Painless Extractions, 50c. t V , Crown and Bridge Wort $5.00 per Tooth. All other Service at Proportionate Prices. Come and Se6 Us. f t We will both be Benefitted ENSIGN and ?v SMITH fV 85 N. Main Street Logan, Utah, fv y ir Will Pay 1C ' A V tt Truebite Teeth t'? T t? tt f ? ? t There are more heroes on the stage than in real life. You ' ' , Just Arrived New Spring Line For Veal, 13tci of For, Hogs, 13c. Mens Clothing For any Live Stock Good and Fat The Hight Market Price. Hyrum Clothing Co. R. A. Eliason, 1 u Hyrum. K 3EZZZZ3C ,s& The New Stints Show Many Style Variations ' ' W W W W (8! W W 'vs- U W ( FOR SPRING. ForSport wear, Street wear and Dressy wear, the Seperafe Skirts for Spring occupy the a , first place in the Womens Wardrobs. The &s as the are Styles Variety is pleasing Charming. This showing embraces every New and Distinctive Creation that has bsen developed from and plain woolens, Plain Silks, Striped, Plain and Fancy designed Sport Silks. plain eolored, striped Pleats, Barrel effect and straight lines predominate Pockets, with braiding and Embroidery being extensively employed. All are here in this early Spring bisplay. Some of them: F ' Long Cloth and Nainsook Fine quality, soft finish and evenly woyen Fabrics in full width at attractive prices 52c 49c 49c 96c 49c 98c Also a Good Lineof Children's Muslin Underwear. New Spring SPORT FROCKS Ginhams Percales. 36 c yard. Madras Batiste, Organdies, and . other colored fabrics as wall as white goods of every ' description, are here. Styles which reveal Springs Latest Dictates in Plain Colors, and Combinations, the straight line effect hing a decided favorite. 12 v w-i6- 1- -2 CORSETS Warnqrs Corsets AND SILKS 'FROM Every new color, weave and design favored for Spring Wear will be found here at most attractive prices. , Coats and Suits Arriving Daily. , SEE THESE NEW ARRIVALS. - Dress Goods Ladies Underwear. Corset Covers, -- 35c value.... Ladies Combination Suits, 75c val Ladies Night Gowns, 75c value Ldies Night Gowns, $1.50 value ... Ladies Underskirts, 75c value Ladies Underskirts, $1.50 valve New Spring Wash Goods 98c tp $3.50 Nemo Self-Redvci- ng Corset, from $3.00! to $8.50 It will Pay You to call and inspect our stock ' LEWIS DEPT: STOR OPPOSITE TAOERNACLE. MAIN STREET, LOGAN. l $o0 , |