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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH OF A sentence of eighteen months In the federal prison on 'McNeills island,) upon Washington, was ' Imposed King. Francis Schlatter, divine healer, found guilty at Los! Angeles on a charge of using ,the J mails to defraud. Roy Miller of Randolph, Minn.,' a Chicago Great Western brakemah, was murdered by tramps, who threw his body from a train near McIntyre. The port of Santiago, Cuba, closed to navigation during the rebel occupation of the city, has been reopened. The city of Wichita, Kansas, has adopted the manager plan of city government as authorized by a state law enacted less than a month ago. Unorganized laborers struck at the plant of the Union Iron works at Alameda, Cal., the largest shipbuilding establishment on the Pacific coast. Labor leaders said between 400 and 500 men were out. HOPE THAT WAR ; UTAH STATE HEWS Boschees self-style- II MTS WEEKS MAY BE AVERTED - RECORD OF THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN ITEM-IZEFORM D Home and Foreign Newt Gathered From All Quarters of the World, and Prepared for Busy Men INTERMOUNTAIN. The president has granted a second respite until April 19 to Edward Mayberry, pn Indian under sentence to be hanged at Spokane, March 20. The respite was granted to enable his attorneys to present an application for clemency. The Utah legislature adjourned ear If Sunday morning, after being in sixty hours overtime. More new laws were added to the statute books (than (by any legislature in fifteeh alteijion blI;kade many submarine of order by Ger- IS FORECAST. With the Arrival In Europe of Von Bernstorff it Is Announced That Neutrial Naval Attaches Have Been Called to Conference. London. The arrival In Europe of Count von Bernstorff, former ambassador to the United States, has caused renewed discussion in Berlin of the submarine blockade,' between political, naval end diplomatic representatives, acoording to ilhe Norwegian .Mercantile Shipping Gazette, says Reuters '' WASHINGTON. Organized labor in America, through its representatives in conference at Washington, offered its services to' the country in every field of actiyityi if, despite all endeavors and hopes, the United States should be , drawn into war. Preliminary reports to the treasury Close estimates show that the products of the dry farms of Utah are not far from the $7,000,000 mark, j Walter N. Boyden of Coalville has We all take cold aome time and every, body should have Boschees German been appointed state food and dairy Syrup handy at all times for the treat, ment of throat and lung inspector by Governor Bamberger. bronchial coughs, etc. It has troubles, been on Boxelder county has an area of over the market Si years. No better rec. fa ommendation some 1,000,000 acres that possible. It gently day within soothes inflammation, easea a cough, the next generation will be utilized Insures a good nighta sleep, with free expectoration In the morning. Drug, under dry farm methods.' gists and dealers everywhere, 25c of cases the last 'year and 25c bottles. Dont take substitutes, During tjie 2,374 boys and girls were considered by the Salt Lake Juvenile court. The offenses ranged from truancy to felony. Stocks of grain on farms in Utah on March 1 had been reduced to the lowest" point in years, according to the which was isgovernment crop report L sued last week. Very Much So. A Taxpayers Vigilance league was Have they running water in the organized in Ogden at a meeting held house youve rented? in the county court house. More than I should say so. There isnt a one hundred citizens from different place in It that Isnt leaking. parts of the city tvere present. Mrs. M. Henderson of Salt Lake was GAVE HIS CANE AWAY! seriously injured when a large gas range exploded as she was removing Mr. S. P. Benton, Kerrville, Texas, a pan of bread, the room being rewrites: For several years prior to duced to a mass of wreckage. 1906 I suffered from kidney and rheuI Pleading increased living expenses, matic troubles. Was bent over and city firemen of Ogden have petitioned ' forced to use a the city commissioners for an increase cane. For these 0f $10 in their monthly salaries. They disorders I am in every asked, too, for one day off, glad to say I used German Syrup Boschees German Syrup Christiania correspondent. Some German naval attaches - in neutral couptries have been called to Berlin for a cohference, continues the dispatch. The alteration but not the raising of the blockade is probtyears. able. the indicate governthat department The Idaho legislature, which ad- ment will collect $300,000,000 ta inThe conference, it is indicated by journed at midnight March 10, de- come taxes during the current fiscal the publication, arose out of develop- f terred for two years consideration of year, or about two and times ments during Count von Bernstorffs ' the question of making a new state as much as during the preceding stay in Christiania, when indirect ef- Idaho. Out of the northern part of twelve months'. forts, it says, were .made to prevent A jury composed of six women and Purchase oj! sixteen nonrigid dirig- 'the situation he veen Germany and five. Dodds Kidney Six men has been completed in the ible airshii6'(' for coast 'and harbor paAmerica developing inro war. . William St. John, 75 years of hge, a which proved In1 an interview Pills, trial at Seattle of Thomas H. Tracy, trol workut'4 a total cost' of $649,250 to the former plumber inspector in Ogden granted to be the proper tharged with the first degree murder vlas announced on March 12 by the .Copenhagen correspondent of the Ber- and a of the days of Virginia pioneer I am 64 bf Deputy Sheriff Jefferson Beard at department. remedy. lin Tageblatt, says an Exchange Tele-City, Nev., died at Roy after a linger-feel old, years Bverett, Wash., last November. ' President Wilson practically has graph dispatch, Count on Bernstorff, ing illness resulting from general once fine case and in the to hear evidence as to comhe whether AJury completed selection of the tariff thought again - stand as sf Mayor Hiram J. Gill, Charles L. mission and the nominations probably there would be war between Germany tility A11jert Kiesel aged 70 years, brothas an arrow. Dodds Kidstraight of chief police, will be sent to the senate during the and the United States, replied that peckingham, Seattles er of Fred J. Kiesel, an Ogden capital-- ney Pills deserve great credit. Be on Ind five others under indictment for present special session. our depends warfare. If we ig is in the hospital, dangerously sure and name the get Conspiracy to violate federal liquor The fact that Count Tarnowski, the, sink an American ship we shall get wounded as a result, it is said, of the with the three DODDS, Ds for diseased, disorlaws, has been selected at Seattle. newly appointed ambassador from war. If not, I suppose we can avoid accidental discharge of 'a pistol he dered, deranged kidneys; just as Mr. Cummins it. United States Senators is arranging to ' was cleaning. Benton did. No similarly named article Follette La asked And, and of the Iowa and Kenyon a new embassy building is taken correspondent, The Mountain States Telephone & will do. Adv. bf Wisconsin were hanged in effigy to indicate that his government does Germany sinks British' ships with Telegraph company has made a J reIn the town of Caldwell, Idaho, by not expect diplomatic relations to be American citzens . aboard? turn of its property valuation to the TWO CANAL COALING PLANTS To this von Bernstorff replied: former Iowans who resented their fi- severed in the near future. state board of equalization. .. Its as That is not thq same. libustering tactics in the United States Lacking legal authority to estab- This return was Combined are sets $3,399,339. senate. lish general censorship, the adminls Storage Capacity at Balboa last year, same valuation on made the THAW DECLARED A LUNATIC. Cristobal Is 700,000 u and DOMESTIC. to the patriottration has appealed Seniors of the University ,of Utah Tons. Hope for the recovery of William ism of the countrys newspapers and Court His as dealt- - the high cost - of graduating Mother Appoints Clayton, directing head of the Spreck-fel- s cable companies to suppress informaCustodian.' paraphernalia a blow last week when The two great coaling plants of the companies at San Diego, who was tion ' about the movements of Ameri-- , Panama canal one at Cristobal and Ifhot by Lorenzo Bellomo, by a young can. merchant craft, now to be arm-- ' Philadelphia. Harry K. Thaw was they decided that they would rent inihe other at Balboa which together adjudged a lunatic by the common their graduating - caps and, gowns Italian, is expressed by , his phys- - ed against German submarines. this of them stead outright buyingave a total emergency storage cacourt of this on March pleas 13, his Icians yc,ity Clayton was blamed by FOREIGN. year. and of several thousand tons, have law the lender cannot pacity to be taken which left an for assailant accident Christian converts among Chinese-numbe- New York on IFour carloads of pure bred sows ar- )een completed. That Christobal, the to stand requisition Bellomo a cripple. 35,298,908, according to a retrial on charges of assaulting Freder- rived in Ogden from Nebraska last Atlantic terminus, Is the largest and Republicans and Democrats divided port just submitted to the ministries' ick Gump, Jr., a high school student week and will he distributed to the t is expected that most of the coaling honors in the four municipal election of foreign affairs and the Interior by of Kansas City, Mo., Thaw will be kept members of the pig clubs in Cache, vill be done there. The plant there In Maine on March 12. a committee which investigated re in St. by las been in commercial operation for Marys hospital here pending his Morgan, Weber and Utah countiescomGovernor Hiram W. Johnson of Cal- ligious conditions in the republic.' ieveral months, and it is expected the the Ogden Packing & Provision to a Pennsylvania asylum. removal ifornia has resigned in order to The Chinese senate has approved Balboa plant was placed in use The courts action was based on pany, ' a United States senator from the severance of relations with Ger- the United bailiff of the G. Otto Weber, report presented by a lunacy comCalifornia. Governor Johnson had many by a vote of 152 to ,27. orThe completion at this time of these mission which took the testimony of States court, is under suspension completed but half of his second Laden with presents showered up- Thaw and his mother. dered by Aquila Nebeker, United :oaling plants of the Atlantic terminal term. of on them by the , Swiss, fifty-nin- e States marshal, pending an investiga- f the canal Is considered highly imFrom his base at Guantanamo, Ad- the Yarrowdale prisoners arrived in TRAINMEN WILL WALK OUT. tion into circumstances under which portant should the United Spates be miral Henry T. Mayo, commander of Zurich on . March 12. ' Although emW. J. Edelen, indicted white slaver, iragged into the European war. Philthe United States Atlantic fleet, re- aciated from their imprisonment and Unless Orders Are Recalled Strike escaped from Weber last week. adelphia Record. ceived reports on Monday from at lack of food since their arrival in Will Occur Soon. have been Grocers of Utah who least five Cuban shore stations where Germany on' December 31, they are Doll Caricatures. Washington. Complete plans of the interviewed on the subject declare American forces have been landed. in fair condition. Dolls resembling in form and feature four railroad brotherhoods for a that little decline in the high prices The eight officers of the German After announcing the fall of Bag- n-widestrike to be inaugurated of foodstuffs is to be expected during persons who desire to hand down to Liebenflls, convicted at Florence, S. dad in the house of commons, An- March 17 unless the railroads grant the spring and summer months, and posterity as faithful a portrait of them- sen- drew have become a great ., of sinking their ship and Bonpr Law, ' chancellor of the their eight-hou- r day demands were some go so far as to express the opin- - jelves as possible It tenced Saturday to a year in the exchequer, said there was every rea- ratified- - here by local union leaders ion that even higher prices may be; began with .the IarJsAtlanta federal prison, gave bond of son to believe that s maturing of celebrities in the form of of the from southeastern territory, and by a lolls with heads formed to accentuate $6,000 each pending appeal., Turks artillery had fallen into the similar conference of representatives Providing for an ample supply of :he characteristic features of the orMrs. Margaret Bowen, 26 years of hands of the British or had been of the southwest held at St. Louis. coal for next winter, 1,600 acres of Now all sorts of people are age, a bride of a month, was shot to thrown into the Tigris. f miles from iginal? coal land five and having themselves portrayed in this death at Minneapolis by her husband, Belgian Relief Work in Peril. More than ten million men are reEphraim are being developed and the new fashion. The facial resemblance Joseph Bowen, who, after the shoot- corded as killed, wounded, captured Probable early with- 15,000 people of Sanpete county will Washington. as drawal of American participation in not experience a coal shortage next is not only reproduced as perfectly in ing at the home of his wifes mother, or missing in the European war dressed are escaped from a posse of police and the first complete tabulation of official Belgian relief, including the wtihdraw-a- l winter if the plans of the promoters possible, but the dolls naterial approaching as nearly as poscitizens. The couple had recently and authenticated semiofficial reports ' of Brand Whitlock, American min- are realized. . sible that of the originals clothing. parted. of the various belligerents. ister, from Brussels as a result of the James Bailey; a Provo grocer, had a Three persons are known to have Another gloomy picture of condi- pressure of the German ..submarine scare when he was called up from lost their lives, four others are probr tions in Greece resulting from the campaign was forecast Tuesday at the his home and told that the Orem car ably fatally injured and a score or senate blockade has been cabled to state department. had run over his boy. He hurried ns ore less seriously hurt as the result the Greek, legation at Washington by liome and found the family in tears, Foods Bf a tornado which wrecked Fight in State House. thirty the new ministry of supplies, with an but found that his pet bull pup Nig1 bouses in the residential district of urgent Lincoln, Neb. When words proved had been flirtling with the car and appeal for hastening the ship'' Cincinnati. ment of' wheat from the United States. futile in a' discussion over the fed- had his dead cut off. Wall street has accepted the armAnnouncement is made by govern- eral aid law In which two members Convicted of neglect of his wife and In Price ing of ships and the special session of mental ' decree of the flotation of a of the lower house of the state legof Theodore minor Raybould children, congress as the first move in a war new Spanish, loan of one billion pesi-ta- islature were engaged on Tuesday, Salt Lake was Sentenced by Judge E. But you can still buy with Germany, and on that theory will be issued at 5 per one of them attempted to' throw the J. Milne of the juvenile court to serve loan The Bas bought stocks. down other the to stairway leading cent and will be redeemable in fifty six months in the county jail. A proA tornado swept over central 'east the house chamber, , , years. vision was made whereby he may retrn Indiana on Sunday, killing more Measures have been taken the main by out of jail. He must furnish hi& than a score of persons at Newcastle Divorce Bill Signed. of the interior which minister new wtih $17.50 a month. family md two children in 'Wayne county. Boise, Ida. Governor Alexander has have put an end to, the polapparently The sanitary reforms accomplished With the discovery in a hotel room itical agitation in Perua. signed the bill increasing from six at the same price. H. while state comJames by Fredof to one of st Kansas City the body year the length of missioner of Wallis, is the was elecled pres- months Carranza General of subject Idaho, erick Oberhelman,' 45 years old, for election residence required before (one may a special This staple cereal inf mer paying teller of the Security Na- ident of Mexico at the recent chapter in Wonders of a divorce in this state. The is believed to have been the obtain by published Science, recently t, tional bank of that city, it was reveal by whatvote is law to not its become effective for ever cast in the Republic. largest Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Mr. Waled by officials of the bank that months. six package will "Trade in all .departments of Irelis is now doing effective work for shortage of $25,135 found in the tel is so active and the Utah state board of health. keep indefinitely, yet Princes to Lose British Titles. lers accounts after he disappeared lands industrial life difficult at times is that it prosperous is ready to eat at a The Shit Lake Federation of Labor London. The house of , lords has February 23, had been made good by to realize in this favored island that has gone on record as favoring the esOberhelman because of a troubled con' second the of bill the passed reading moments notice.J we are in the middle of the third to Bcience before he shot himself. i of British tablishment of a municipal market in deprive enemy princes Salt Lake. In the event that the city Famous for forty years as the or year of a great war," Robert Colvill, titles and dignities, after the governGrape-Nu- ts is full of clown, ;Tony president of the Bank of Ireland, ays ment had promised to refer the bill commission will not establish a muiginal and on nourishment in his annual banking report Denier died at Kingston, N. Y., from compact to a special committee for further nicipal market the federation will esa fall on an icy sidewalk. He was 78 industrial conditions. tablish a market to he patronized by with a delightful ' consideration. The University of Louvian, damaged years old. the members of organized labor. . wheat and barley Dental Aid Sought. A Northwest police expedition has by fire and bombardment when the New railroads, remodeling of facflavor. in Germans the the was taken by arrived at Dawson,- Y. T., from Fort city New York. An appeal to the dent- tories, purchasing new equipment, and McPherson by dog team with news early days of the war, Is' to be re- ists of the country to donate their the erection of a number of structhat yilhjalmar Stefansson, the Arc stored through the efforts of Ameri- services in making acceptable for tures in connection with the sugar The Most Economical of tic explorer, discoverer of new land can educational institutions. those volunteers who military duty business, involving expenditures of The British government is negotiat- are rejected because of defective In the Arctic north of Prince Patrick Prepared Cereals approximately $1,000,000, are a few of the entire the is the with for was gasoline issued on ing here island, purchase wintering teeth, Tuesday by of the improvements being planned 1917 wheat crop of Canada, it is anschooner Polar Dear at Prince the. Natlosal Security. league. . . Sugar company. by the ' nounced. Wales strait. ses-lion- 1 , one-hal- i , ( , at , - Austria-Hungar- obtain y, i - - - - , be-oo- i , natio- . d. , two-third- one-hal- , - , - v Are Increasing s. GrapeNuts , air-tigh- wax-protect- ed ( : . Humty-Dumpt- y . - ( 4 Utah-Idah- o , J |