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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH Declaration on 30,000 Fires Tax Reduction . From Carelessness A new form ofjfire peril is com- are publishing Upon request ing into prominence as a cause of the following as a missive from a much destruction, and its fires are taxpayer of Tooele which was recent-- y so directly associated with carelessmailed to chairman Robt. Baxter ness that it has been deemed necesof the Cache County Taxpayers Lea-gusary to issue a special warning to The"communication was sent the people of the United States. unsigned, andjwhile written rather Because of their convenience, small crude in places, carries a sentiment electric devices, such as pressing or which Cache County taxpayers irons, curling irons, toasters, elect- are contending for: ric pads or blankets, electric plate Now that a prophet has shown wy Farmers, and electric sterilizers or Our Utah taxes are so high; leaters are now to be found in Tor to own a pig or cow If these almost every community. Surely seems a ruin now. the care were used with proper And all our homes both large , and danger would be negligible, but, small, unfortunately, a proportion of their Will soon not pay the tax at all. users does not realize the peril of The politicians all agree, leaving them in circuit when not To share the leaves but keep the in- use. In such cases these devices tree; tend to become overheated, whereBut maybe in three years or four, upon they are likely to set fire to Theyll take them bothland squeeze anything combustible with which out more. they are in contact. There is a law now they say, Most of these fires are small, If not paid by a certain day but the aggregate loss is large, and Theres three per cent more tax to occasional instances show extensive " pay. damage, as in the case of the And surely that tax seems to be $350,00(J fire in the Boston residence A tax upon our property. of Draper; this was And any man in any station. traced to an electric plate warmer Knows that is sure Class legislation. in the butlers pantry. All such laws without a doubt, class furnish a special of this Fires By rulling judges are thrown out. peri! to life, being most frequent in The Pharaohs in the days of yore, dwellings and often breaking out Taxed everything and squeezed out at night. A characteristic example we e. 1 - Washington and the Telephone , 4 Can you imagine the Father of his Country" using a telephone? Can you fancy his friends calling him by telephone on February 22nd to wish him many' happy returns of the day?" How greatly comprehensive telephone service would have multiplied WashHow it would have ingtons ability at the head of the Continental Army! new-bor- n of Nation! our as chief executive the his duties simplified The telephone is still young, but it serves the public to an extent that would have been beyond the conception of Washingtons day and generation. So intimately has the telephone won its way into the very lives of the people of today, that a general cessation of the service would be nothing less more. For we all know what writers say, .They had to give themselves away, And the same sad story said. They had to .sell themselves for bread. Now some say that those days are than a national calamity. u By the way, has jt been noticed that while every other commodity has been steadily raising in price, and while the cost of materials required in the furnishing of telephone service is constantly increasing, telephone rates' in general have remained the same? v our total revenues and our operating costs Gradually the margin between close for comfort. too are lines has narrowed until the Washington was a servant of the public; but he was never confronted with the problem of conducting a public service with a fixed rate of income,, and . i. trying to make this balance with steadily increasing costs. ' - past, But we think they are coming fast. To tay our taxes soon will take All the money some can make. If it takes all we have made. What is left to buy us bread? Theres a way to stop this steal, We must make our hearts as steel, All taxpayers to arise 0 ! The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph 'I ft r . And in a body organize. All together strong and hearty, Organize. a state Taxpayers arty. Then in the state convention fights, See that our party gets its rights. J And none elected to grind axes, But those sworn to reduce our taxes. Doubly sworn to economise. In every state and county enterllilify prise. Until we do this, just look out, For we taxpayers will be knocked out. . Tell Women As up and up taxes will crawl, Why They Love This Magazine j. Yjntil the state will own us all. i'From Fashion to Fiction, it is Sn- j For so the end looks fair to be. preme writes Mrs. J. H., of New York, g "Of all the magazines I have ever taken or V. Mrs. writes McCALLS Another like best," I read, Egyptian slavery. W.. of California. "It has such helpful house- hold suggestions, good, clean, bright stories, and without doubt, Then, organize "The handle." to and is a very convenient size second copy I received saved me tar more than s We can knock for a the axe grinders out; years subscription, enough to pay writes Mrs. A. J of Texas. "I cannot tel) g Koulh a to means writes me," you all 'that It And ever after have the care, Carolmi subscriber. "I have taken Met' ALL'S! g MAGAZINE since I was married and mv g To now. dee th5t they our servants are. mother took it for years before and does need. Every new dish I Ullllli i SAVE AND LEARN Young man, if you want to become a leader in the worlds affairs, save a part of the salary you now earn, keep your eyes on the future and study your business. Men who make good burn the midnight oil at home with their books ana plans. ( Put Your Savings in Our Care ' that you mayt have funds on hand to grasp business opportunity when comes your way. so Hyrum State Bank ' Subscribe For The South Cache Courier I g I - s i 1 . I go to it for every prepare, or help I learn, my husband sav.s 1 "You must have gotten that from Mi'CALLS and he is right I could not do without A Recognized Fashion Authority for 45 Years 1 j it.r 1 1 3 g s g gs h s s , 1 1 g Subscribers Than Any Other Fashion Magazine '""I am in my 70th year and still support- lng myself. 1 like Met! ALIS the best and More have been dressmaking since I was 24," writes Mrs. M. L. J of Connecticut. "From its dressmaking lessons and Its simple and ill- structive patterns, 1 have learned to dress my family neatly and stylishly:" writes Mrs. S. "Our family has worked M of Kentucky. for you every year hut two since your maga- sine started," writes Miss It., of Nebraska, i am a dressmaker and never use any oilier patterns but McCALLS, and I never have anv trouble in giving perfect satisfaction," "The most re- writes MrB. B., of Indiana Your Fancy-Wor- k liable book on fashions. Department has earned quite a few dollais for me," writes Mrs. C., of Oregon. Stx Months Trial Subscription, Only 25 Cents Address THE McCALL COMPANY 705 McCall Bldg. New York City, N. Y. 1 I FREE! To Women Who Sew! Sample MeC ALL'S MAGAZINE and Copy of "Heady g Reference Pattern Catalogue" FREI on request.To Fancy Needteworkers! "Fancywith new designs and lessons In Work Book g Embroidery Stitches, FREE for Given stamp. to anj Workers! $100.60 i To Church Ask lor MeCALLS "Church-Fund- Church Raising Finn," Indorsed .by 3000 churches. j To Agents and Club Raisers! Ask for McC ALLS fine big "BOOK OF GIFTS" and g mammoth $1800.00 CASH rillZF, OFF Ell. To Boys ami Girls! Blcyeles and hundreds Write for 1 of oilier InziS GIVEN AWAY. MeCALLS "Grand GITer to Bovs and G rls," iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii'HiuiiiiMii'FUi' ta n? that in which an electric pressing iron is left upon the ironing board with the current turned on, and then forgotten. In such a case the fire may not occur until some hours later. The burning of the residence of JohniWanamaker, several years ago, was due to an electric pressing iron. That this form of hazard is already assuming large porportions appears from the statistics. For example, the Actuarial Bureau of the National Board of Fire Underwriters in one day noted approximately one hundred reports of fires from this cause, out of a total of two thousand losses in the days ref ports, and it estimates thatv small electrical devices are causing fires at the rate of 30,000 or more in the course of a year. It is safe to say that most of these fires are entirely preventable, and can be charged to nothing but carelessness on the part of the user. Various safety" devices have been added by certain of the manufacturers of these articles, and among them are some that are fairly effective, but there is one absolute precaution which should be borne in mind at all times by every user, namely, that of shutting off the current when not personally arid continuously supervising the use. v g g g I g g g g g g s g g g gj g 1 g r Regular $2.00 and $3.00 Hats go for 98c. Star Clothing Co. Next to Eagle Hotel, Logan. Ad. OVERCOATS $4.50 Save money and buy a next winters overcoat now, Hyrum Clothirg Co. Adv, FOR SALE-Yo- ung thoroughbred, Rhode Island Red roosters, also eggs for hatching. Apply to'P. W. Lofthouse, Hyrum. Adv. - N Neuvalne of Rosea. Who loves not Love will never know The Joy of any rose-cla- d morning. Nor wherefore scented blossoms grow. ' i Pass you, then, by In airy scorning? Who loves not love will never know How buds unfold for Loves adorning. How sweet their welcome Is how low And dear a voice mav be. Take wanting! Who loves not Love will never khow! Aldls Dunbar In Gunter's Magazine FOR SALE One-hacity lot, an excellent building tract, part of the Mathews tviisuracrsiooa. property, corner Aire ' Hoyle One ot my ancestor 2nd West and 2nd North streets, aa;j a signer of the Declaration of In ' Hyrum! T also have other good dependence. city property for sale. Apply to , Mrs Doyle Whose (P orce ' deer C F. Olsen. Adv. ild he sign? lf is , JOIN THE $1.00 Suit Club AT Hyrum Clothing Co. A |