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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH IVhen You Say Kent; Eubank Gently cleanse your liver and sluggish bowels while you sleep. 10-ce- POUNDED W0 MAIN STREET &RSt What the Doctor Knows TO . Pew people realize to what' extent their health depends upon the condition of the . , f kidneys. The physician in nearly all , cases oj serious illness,, makes a chemical analysis of the patients urine. He knows that unless the kidneys are doing their work properly, the othef organs cannot readily be brought back to health and strength. When the kidneys are neglected ol abused in any ' way, serious results are sure to follow. According to health statistics, Brights Disease, which is really an advanced form of kidney trouble, caused nearly ten thousand deaths in one year,, in the State of New York alone. Therefore, it is particularly necessary to pay more attention to the health of these important organs. An ideal herbal compound that has had remarkable success as a kidney remedy is Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Roo- t, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. : The mild and healing influence of this preparation, in most cases, is soon realized, according to sworn statements and verified testimony of those who have used the remedy. When your kidneys require attention, at once from any pharget Swamp-Roo- t macy. It is sold by every ' druggist in bottles of two sizes 50c and $1.00. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. . public museum and art gallery along architec- Most Modern Independent Factory Inj the World Now Being Constructed More Beet Raisers Wanted Free Lands For 500 Growers. tural lines developed . by Franciscan missionaries who came from Spain to North America before the pilgrims landed at twenty-on- Plymouth Rock. Santa Fe is now the center ofa first rate art and literary colonyfrom the East HE NEW museum, art gallery and St. Francis auditorium that is being built by the state of New Mexico and the School ,of American Research at the state capital, Santa Fe, is under roof, and is to be dedicated the first week in August with a Span-an7 sh Indian fiesta and historic pageant that are to eclipse anything litherto given in that line in the West. The building is architecturally one of !he most remarkable public structures in the United States and in museum buijdings has no counterpart. It Is in the purest. New Mexico mission styled which was evolved by the Franciscan missionaries 300 years ago out of the Pueblo architecture, the only indigenous type of architecture in the United States. It reproduces in its outlines the famous Acoma, Cochiti, San Felipe, Pecos and Laguna missions, each of which is from 100 to 150 years older than the oldest missions in California, dating back 300 years and more. , Fine Art Gallery. The city of Santa Fe donated the site for the n6w building, being on a corner of the main plaza of the town and across the street from the historic Palace of the Governors, built 14 years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock. The state of New Mexico made a preliminary appropriation of Frank Springer of Las Vegas 0. and 20 of his friends gave $3u,u0u more. Mr. Springer also gave his noted Beauregard collection of paintings and the series of six St. Francis mural paintings. The new building has 40,000 square feet of floor sr)ace. Its auditorium can be made to accommodate 1,400 people. Its art galleries' will be among the best lighted in the country. The interior architecture and finishings are in conformity with the ancient Pueblo and Franciscan mission style, with huge ceiling beams, beautifully carved and colored corbels, quaint 'and picturesque as the Alhambra. In fact, some of the carvings can be traced back to patterns by the Moors of a thousand years ago, the original settlers of Santa Fe coming from south-ur- n Spain where they had been in contact with the Moors for centuries. Old Palace of Governors. t The Palace of Governors across the way is the most historic building in ) i When the 'train stopped at an In land Virginia station the Northern 'tourist sauntered out on the platform. Beneath a tall pine stood a lean aniDr. J. Walter Fewkes, ethnologist mal with scraggy bristles. The tour in the Smithsonian Bureau of Ameri1st was interested. can Ethnology, who returned recently What do you call that? he queried from his field work in the Mesa Verde of a lanky cracker. National Park, Colorado, reports that Razorback hawg. his work has revealed for the first Well, what is he doing rubbing time a new type of prehistoric buildagainst that tree? , ing possibly over 600 years old a Hes stropping himself, mister ; jest pueblo, commonly defined as a terraced stropping himself. Harpers Maga- community building, not attached to zine. a cliff but constructed in the open. During the past few years, the Smithwith sonian institution, in How Much Ought We to Weigh? A simple way to ascertain ones the department of the interior,, has directed the excavation and repair of ideal weight was told recently by Dr. Harvey G. Beck of the University of several prehistoric ruins in the Mesa Maryland in an address before the Los Verde national park, among them the Sun Temple, excavated by Doctor Angeles County Medical association at Fewkes last year, which proved a Los Angeles, Cal. First, put down HO. Then multiply unique example Of aboriginal building by 5 the number of iiiches by which specialized for religious purposes, and ones height exceeds five feet. Add Spruce Tree House, and Cliff, Palthe result of the multiplication to the ace, characteristic cliff dwellings of orlginal 110 and the sum js ones ideal the culture of the early dwellers. The building excavated last summer weight. Popular Science Monthly. forms one of what is known as the Mummy Lake group of mounds which The Skye Terrier. a type locality, for It be) two British sailors had secured' might be termed tickets for the dog show and were gaz- seems representative of a considerable to Doctor Fewkes ing at the skye terrier which had so region. According now area the Arizona, comprising much hair that it looked more like Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico was woolen rug than a dog. Which end is is ead. Bill? asked Inhabited, In prehistoric times, by Indians similar to those of any other one. Slowed if I know, was the reply, region of North America, but their ut ere, Ill stick a pin in im, and dwellings were very different This unique territory, therefore bears the you look Which end barks. name Pqeblo culture area. It is the ' , - per cent sacchrine. -, 600 d $30,-00- e Delta is situated in the center of a, tract of 150,000 acres of irrigated land which formed the bed of an ancient lake and the soil runs from a heavy clay to a black and light sandy loam., The valley is well blessed with fine domestic water and has water rights running from, eighteen inches to three acre feet. It has a mild climate, cool nights, with the advantage of a near coast market, and the altitude is 4,- Living1 Up to His Name. v UTAH . ' , r. Oom--! A new modern 1,200-tofactory isj now being constructed at Delta, Utah,! and many more settlers are needed to raise beets and do general farming ini ' this vicinity at once. Delta lies 135 miles south of Salt! Lake on the Salt Lake Route and isj in the midst of a vast tract of both! new and old agricultural land. It has been proven that this land is well adapted to the culture of sugar beets.1 Yields have been harvested here runtons to the ning as high as twetV-fiv- e acre and yielding from fifteen to!, The state has erected a Ladles Home Journal. , SALT LAKE CITY n ' HEALTH. buying i No, maam. As she turned away he tquclied her hand and said, I Will bring you some INSURE , 162 FOR DELTA, John, have you any candy? No, maam, he replied. Have any of the other boys any? RIGHT by the BIG SUGAR BEET FACTORY pered: BE price Tools furnished and commission paid while Cali or write Molcr Baber School. 13 merc.lal St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Willing to Oblige. Johns father kept a candy store, and the little fellow often carried candy to. school to divide with the One morning the other children. teacher noticed a strong smell of peppermint and began to investigate in order to stop eating during school, hours. Unable to detect the culprit, she bent over small John and whis- MUST to1 Now Is the. MEN AND WOMEN. WAKTPn IIHH I LH time to learn the barber trade. Bar-ber-s In greatdemand. Special rate now open for 30 days. Only short time required. leam-Ing- 10-ce- KIDNEYS as MAKERS OF JEWELRY to-nig- at noon. You have said the last word quality In silverware. Two other Items style and also govern value. We show Sterling made world's greatest silversmiths. Our modest prices make easy. Write to us. BOYD PARK box. Get a Sick headache, biliousness, dizziness, coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath always trace them to torpid liver; delayed, fermenting food In the bowels or sour, gassy stomaeh. Poisonous matter clogged In the intestines, instead of being cast out Into the of the system is blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes congestion and that dull, throbbing, sickening headache. Cascarets immediately' cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. will surely A Cascaret straighten you out by morning. They box work while 'you sleep a from your druggist means your head clear, stomach sweet and your liver and bowels regular for tnonths. Adv. i Sterling only aboriginal culture area where builders have determined the name, being distinguished from all others mainly by. architectural characteristics, although the agrichltural fact that these forebears of the American Indian possessed maize or Indian corn aids in establishing their peculiarities. The immigrant clans that first peopled the Southwest built neither cliff dwellings nor pueblos, says Doctor Fewkes, consequently this style of dwelling originated exactly where we now find them. When man first entered the Southwest he knew little of the advantages of stone as a building material, for lie built his hut of mud, and sticks, or possibly skins of animals. The North American Indian became a stone mason as a result of a life iq cliffs, and nowhere outside of the Southwest were buildings constructed of stone by the aborigines of the section north pf Mexico. . The prehistoric masonry, In this region is a development which occurred before the advent of the white man. And yet, no European ever saw an inhabited cliff dwelling on the Mesa Verde, and no article of European manufacture has ever been .found in the undisturbed debris of the rooms." All of which shows that these early dwellings were abandoned before the Spanish conquest Concerning the new type of dwelling Just unearthed from its deep cover of earth, rock, debris, and sagebrush, feet We have listed with us about three, thousand acres of land, rent free, for) one and two years. Also several thou-- ; sand acres of improved .land whichi can be had at a nominal rental for cash or crop. These lists and our; services are at your command with--i out charge. We will be glad to answer all inquiries regarding the Delta.1 country and to give whatever inforthe United States, having been home mation and advice possible. to a line of 99 governors under four DELTA COMMERCIAL CLUB, different flags. It is now the beautiful Delta, Utah.! museum of New Mexico, with won- (Advertisement.) derful exhibits and mural paintings that have made it world famous: A PUZZLE TOKYO STREETS It is also the headquarters of the School of American Research, one of Even Old Residents Are Said to Find five schools maintained by the ArchIt Hard to Make Their Way charof America, aeological Institute About Them. tered by congress and maintaining schools at Jerusalem, Athens, Rome Tokyo is made up of a group of small, and Peking, in addition to the school towns which expanded until, like, the, at Santa Fe. two teeth, they hit. It Is thej old The school has resulted also in the mostladys conservative city In Japan, and Isl a of an artist colony establishment of one most in unity of spirit.! the lacking score or so of painters of national and own market and1 Each has district its Robinternational renown, headed by Ifomes own Its and stores are; ert Henri, most noteworthy of the mod- mixed shops. in confu-- ! bewildering together ern. American School of Painting, even and find old residents sion, it; Quite a .number of authors, poets, hard to find their way- - about the also make musicians and dramatists (brooked streets. the palace their rendezvous, thus givOn my motorcycle, the only way I a' certain claim to being ing Santa Fe have mastered the problem is by mem-- ; called the Athens of the Southwest. orizing the numbers of the tram lines and then riding till I see a car. Then-know where I am. The city is! grouped around the imperial palace, and segments, like dehorned pieces of pie, radiate from the center of the cobweb. As one cannot start from the Doctor Fewkes says that there is ev- center of this mixup, due to the fact; ery reason to, believe that there were that that Is where the sacred person ofi formerly as many buildings of this the emperor holds court, he must play, kind as there were cliff dwellings in ring around the rosy at some disthe canyons, practically about one hun- tance from the center. If he is near, dred of them. They seem to have the outer circumference, two miles on been arranged In groups surrounding his speedometer mean one thing. If he or near Mummy lake, an artificial de- circles the inner moat, they mean anpression surrounded by an encircling other. Christian Herald. ridge or wall, and undoubtedly used as a reservoir both for drinking and , Snuff Upsets Burglars Plans. irrigation waters. When Miss Jennie McAlpln of The mound choseft to be excavated Doyle, La., was confronted by a burstands near the Government road at iu her home the other night she glar the southwest corner of the group outwitted the intruder, who demanded area, and only a few steps from the money, by him into her leading rim of Soda canyon. It might well grandmothers room, the catching be called Far View House, says the elderly womans snuff box and up quicksince the southern outlook excavator, dashing the contents in the astonIs very fine, and from the upper rooms ly ished miscreants eyes. four states, Utah, Arizona, New MexShe then grappled with him and ico and Colorado, may be seen. wrested the revolver from his grasp, When the building was excavated but when she marched him toward the forty domiciliary rooms and four, cir- front door, calling for help, the rob-were ceremonial kivas on found cular, eaPel blindly down the steps and tfee ground floor. The foijms were New Orleans 8caPe mainly two stories In height, the raft-- 1 ne of the lower floors forming the beams for1 the second, and extending The Price of Wisdom. along the north, east and west sides The truth which another man has of the main building. A row of rooms won from nature or from life is not to the north of one klva shows eviour truth until we have lived it. Only dences of a third story, which would that becomes real or helpful to any probably have brought the original man which has cost the sweat of his number of rooms to over fifty. To the brow, the effort of his brain or the ansouth is a great court supposed to' have of his soul. He who would be been a dance plaza, and still Inclosed guish wise must dally earn fcls wisdom. J by the remnants of a walk Starr Jordan er Tlmes-Picay;-te- rs pavld |