Show CENT centerville ERVILLE CHATS mr milinda aminda smith is visiting it 11 1 tili tall with her hii aln r ireci nil mrs mr fanny horsley brorn tile the southern firor if utah is visiting 11 I 1 li t is 11 11 it n 10 1 i 1 1 i h hi i she 1 I iii 1 11 n ih ii i 1 illi in mi it in kiib vr ill blut but is now her he i r i 1 1 11 1 1 i rockwood went i i t or three beks cek I 1 mi ain lm IN asleton As k liton who was anva killi I 1 i nth married a niece nieca oi of ilu Brit liers mis 1 I I atilda france I 1 is at mountain ireen with her daughter mrs airs fred smith mr it all and mr all joseph aci ne nelius litis were very pleasantly surprised surprise by a large party of friends friend from I 1 g den last friday evening at a meeting held last evening the following town officers wj were e nominated joseph E williams was nominated re for mayor and tile the following as in embers of the town board p 1 XV walton fred rich E 0 reading and george earl bishop tinge y has hah purchased cd a ford touring car attorney A V watkins who had been feeling better for a few weeks was not quite so well the middle of the week A D ford and family who sold their farm at Treni tremonton Tre monton onton recently ce fly have moved back to cen celi terville berville ter ville miss aliss kate chase has returned from canada aher s she lie hall had been to nurse a patient she lie brought grandma hinman back with her mrs airs margaret brandon was quite ill last week but is improving at the present time mr and mrs airs J J cherry celebrated their divanion diamond di anion d wedding friday mr air cherry is is a pioneer of 1847 all of their children and grandchildren were present their son thomas from teton idaho john from gentile valley B from pocatello mrs airs brough from lynian lyman wyo and clarence from salt lake the roof is being put on smiths new house mrs harley randall of carey idaho is visiting relatives here lier e for a short time mrs rab rebecca acca porter is i s spending it it 11 the ie winter in rehburg rexburg with mrs airs aaron porter |