Show NORTHWEST NOTES ites nine thousand anil and thirty three soldiers have beet been cured cared for during tile past 10 months by the llie billings Y SI i C A car taxes of the state of if utah a ag iego to as liy by the state board of equalization find ami aises aisa s tito the anming convention ot of tile lie nevada nevada ft I 1 degation of comans womans clubs ill III lc ile held in elki fruin froin october 16 to IS 18 1 work his has been started on the spun span i to bridge the new nev channel of the yel low htone river immediately couth of hillings billings ilont ben een find and 1000 odd fellows nt bf montana are arc expected to be in hillings billings tor for the state grand lodge fit meeting october 22 to 23 ten years in the state penitentiary for stealing nn an automobile was t alie c sentence handed out to walter willis by judge gatens at portland during the lie season front from may 21 to late date 71 forest fires were fought in the national forest at a cost ot of S which bullied ort oer acres the organization of n corporation to build houses anil and to lend money to people in libby mont to help build them ho houses ilses has been announced noun ced twenty thou thousand and dollars will lie be expended during the hie next few 1 months 1 by the hie llono IMO lodge of 0 biks in III 1 making 11 k ing extensive teti lve interior in tile the 1 alks leonle hillings people who ordered orio rod W borth ot of surplus army food from tile the go early lat last are still aill waiting tor for tile the supplies li arrive frow san Francl francisco co convicted of having anion nn an automobile to from froin the lie chief nt at 0 ogden den andrew barrington lias has been sentenced to serve from one to ten years in it tile hie state late prison for staying off the hie jul job to if parti participate cl in the mooney pro protest tet strike at seattle fifty employees of tile city utilities department were discharged by superintendent the la late supreme up reine court of montana lias has ruled that lint assignment of of un fill canned wages is null and vold void if the goes into bankruptcy before expiration of tile period of tile the assignment at the andrew nian farm north of deaver li eaver utah sheep dipane began last week it Is expected that floo of the animals will ile be treated at tills point tills this bear ear compared with tri in 1018 for the first time since the hospital was built seven years ago linker ore now has a place for the quarantine of patients which has been deemed necessary because of the discovery of a case of smallpox assurance abat it will continue efforts forts to bring about a reduction of the lie price of coal w is riven given by the montana moni I 1 ina trade commission in a letter written in reply to a telegram from the butte consumers league the report of tile the registrar of the state land office covering the months of july aug august u find september shows there were farm loans made in during the period the aggregate g loaned to farmers were As a result of the junking of the las vegas legah tonopah railroad a new ape of house houe has been discovered one built out of railroad ties in ln lio vegas nov nev houses have been erected out of material purchased from the railroad the ties lies sell for 30 to si 34 cents eich montana authorities believe that 11 gang of professional automo biTe tire lire working in if SIon tana with a regular hain chain of relay drivers a n hati hangout gout in which to repair and disguise cars a route through thron gli AN which to take the machines to kiloliter another state and sell liem tipeni after fig fighting a poe of for three hours buford webb implored imploded until recently as a ranch hand on the ranch of harvey plumlee Plu nilee six miles south of manhattan mont was shot and killed in the lie granary where here lie he had t taken iken fretuge webb had shot hot and seriously wounded Illi mice jen ben denson who came to helena in lins has sunk stink a shaft s 40 feet deep on the hie ground of of the union brewing company a deft defunct inet corporation which lie he owned for lears ears and has secured good colors in fit gold front from sand on bedrock nt at a delith of 40 feet at depth lie he is drifting under the old brewery sergt henry guth uth of Simi atra mont ha has been awarded award tile croix ilo de guerre with palm by marshal MarN lial retain retail of france according to word received last week the citation Is given for distingue distinguished hed bravery under machine cun fire near Steen steenbrugge brugge october 31 aa last 4 when hen guth firth took command of his action rc llon after his chief was killed only after they had bad lieo heob i mode to kiss the american flag by ten ex sery ice nien men were eight 1 I IV who were held in the city jail at baker ore pending fiction by the author authorities itle allowed to leave the city quie quietly aly when asked to du do so BO by the police while exact figures it will ill rint not lie 01 ob until lute late aut autumn when snow ponies find foresters forester can make a completo complete survey it has been scull official ly estimated that between and acres of valuable wilber timber will nill have been burned in montana thit this year rear |