Show to secure members or cross L volunteer Now Your chapter headquarters third red Cross Roll call november 2 11 iras glasses properly bitted mail orders promptly lat attended tended to all at Lum priem THOS BIESINGER optometrist and optician 56 so mal main n t salt lake city opp Parji mount empress wasatch ton mor r L CASON view iffe C 5 P bow BOUNTIFUL DRUG CO state of ohio city of 0 toledo lucas luca county sa as ank J cheney makes oath that ho he Is 1 senior dewor partner ot of the firn of F P J cheney co dolne doing business in the city ot of toledo county and state aforesaid and that said arm will pay fay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and d every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE F rank J CHENEY sworn to be r rne me and subscribed in my presence I 1 this lile t th da day of december it AD A D bitet A W GLEASON seal notary public d ralrh hall r catarrh medicine Is taken internally ter nally and acts through the blood on oil the mucous surfaces of the system send bend 00 f for r teotimo Is tree iree f P J jiey CO toledo 0 sold b by a all I 1 griets tic halls yf family pills ellla tor for constipation REM TEXAS BABY STEERS in the red wagon cut into 01 STEAK RO roasts PIECES s without even a trace of shoe leather ice cream afternoons DAVIS COU STY ax AFORD ORD ME atcy CO X ALFRED BANGERTER mgr W r 0 11 devese a 92 OD N F fa P an n P a G a e i g fa 6 8 a bigo G SEQ epee a 8 1 9 32 r FEr L ie F 1 6 72 C on clec 2 C 1 1 the cost of upkeep A rundown run down business is like a da dilapidated lapi dated house the cost of putting either one backon back on its feet is often greater than it would be to start all over again to let ephone run do down vj in quality of service or in mechanical equipment would mean far more than a loss to the telephone copany company it would mean a loss in bus business e s s to every usar user of the telephone it has alary always s been the policy t of the bell telephone company to keep its prope property arty in such repair that its subscribers receive the greatest possible benefit but to keep 4 things chip shape requires money more money bonev today than ever before materials cost more and wages have in an attempt to keep pace with the increased cos cost of living the bell telephone company is working hard to make ends m meet beet to keep its property in proper operating condition find and to pay wages which will secure the most int intelligent ili gent and loyal service for the telephone user YOUR loyalty to the telephone will make it easier for us to serve you 4 the mountain states telephone and telegraph company i I 1 L J and froin diere dewent we went to japan talk about adventures adv t beef on your shoulders and halt hair on your chest men mea in the navy avy come P you will get 30 carefree care free va vacation ca home with the t e kind of days day a year not counting experiences that most mo st shore leave in home or foreign chaps read 01 0 only in the ports you will have the kind of comradeship books f rade ship in travel that sailors sailor heres your yo chancel know 1 uncle sam has as as you know you will have regular pay a big navy and gives red over and above your asals ln als lodging blooded youna young follows fellows like you and your first uniform outfit an opportunity to step aboard good stuff all of it and shove off you can join for two years what will you get out of it when you get through be just this physically and mentally tuned A chance to rub elbows with up for the rest of your life foreign folks in strange parts of be ready through and the world through for SUCCESS the chance for good honest theres a recruiting station work on shipboard the kind of right near you if you dont work that teaches you something know eherd it is your postmaster resl red the kind of work that puts will be glad to tell you to any father and mothers sn in th the iva flavy your vur boys food hoults work andalay and play and cnorah ate are looked after tr by jb opre VU aff V join la the V aar |