Show FEDERAL TAE CAN NOW BB apfl P LID D IN SALT LAKE recognizing th t importance 0 of giving so the citizen of utah better service in the matter j of paying the federal government baxas the dureau bureau ot of internal Revan tse has bas established in salt lake city the state capital an office of collector 0 of integral Inte interim iral revenue taxpayers of income tax as well as those paving tax ax on admissions dues duca transportation transport alion telephone ePhOne 11 and telegraph messages massages soft drinks jeu beelary je elary luxury slid and all other forms forma of government tax should in future file their returns with tin tilt collector of internal Inton Int erndl idl revenue at salt sail lake city in the past the taxpayers of the state stale haar loa sent their returns to the collector amro fit at helena montana the district of utah has been beem created out of the old montana tana district by the internal revenue bureau and taxpayers ol of this bin 1111 in will no I longer gr report to in the mon I 1 I 1 district it 1 li it important that of internal R hi collup taxes taste take nojir p of this tact fact 13 idea drs having the ceora central office at salt laki lak pit the bureau liar hat made arrango arrange ments to establish esua blish service stations at other principal cities in the state will wj 1 l be a crr ai convenience to the tax way rs ent 0 ni ill h will be ba in charge charee of ill chi at leo stations prepared pro pared to advise taxpayers how to prepare their return this service to the t tax will be free of coast and will be ba given chol cher tully during business hours while th ervice rv ice stations will not be in operation for or a short abort time due to the great amount ot of work necessary necea sary in the es c of tin the contral central loftice at salt lak laef city should for forward vard to ahr on onier at al n look I 1 lly ity ikler adar sd to thi th ceol 01 ol I 1 i 11 i 11 I 1 id r 1 fl anni attention will be given to all brn lit in that doffies i ia 6 mill b U ol larou ii thi rai pali 11 h t i thes norvl varto ari tr oi 0 n i butted hutted hy by 0 burau I 1 it ii in it I 1 i tit iti will aval 1 0 l to hn hit mi 11 |