Show her eyes to blame some line ago I 1 had my eyes tested eted belladonna being dropped in them to enlarge eil large the lie pupils the ee e doctor as assured tile inc id be able to see gee perfectly provided with a i pair of batic dm 1 glasses my ily alend file ild mini was ivas alth me file said she wa wait it so sure about it on leaning leming the lie do doctors clors we boarded lioard cd a crowded car my iny filand going to hie file front fron tand anil leaving me to take a vacant seat in the rear ren r all of a sudden I 1 could see sec hardly anything and in sitting amin I 1 sat on oil a oung mans lop lap I 1 quickly remo cd to hie file fi clint sent be bohlds mile him amid lie titters find laughing lau gling of 0 tl a group of college boys standing in the back entry my ily only relief relict was in lie he black glasses I 1 wore for I 1 knew new no one would know me file again without them |