Show my alv attention lias has been called to the tact fact that every enlisted nian man il hi the an army was entitled to take with liim him upon discharge the property I 1 over cas cap cal for all enlisted men who had had service ervice overseas or 1 hat cord for all enlisted men I 1 drab shirt service coat and ornaments Ine rits I 1 lainof breeches I 1 pair of shoes pair pt ae leggins 09 ins barracks bag waist belt set of toilet art articles I 1 slicker I 1 overcoat 1 suit of underwear 4 pairs of stockings I 1 pair of globes nl otes gas mask and aid helmet 11 hilet i if issued overseas a and t id 3 scarlet chevrons che if lie he did not secure the above property on oil his discharge lie is now entitled entitle d ta to receive receive it to secure it lie he must certify to the facts those who desire can call make application direct to nic me and I 1 will take great pleasure in forwarding the necessary blanks and procure the property for them at once |