Show A e1ee tar I wrrri o TII CILL I T I e tt i Vvr lril n MifhMk nn IT I ul ii C lootf try iirh I I i are Just now enjoy IT Kilo 01 in aaner In which a men rill iinl HIM I > t somewhat stingy Quaker wan out < loie by a clever little woman recently The Quaker owna a I great deal of property In the City ot Churches Inchillig many dwelling One of these II In ran bridge place and ban been oc > npled for a year or two by a purser on a tranatbntlc liner who was laid ol two or thr e year ago for Irregular habits It wi terribly terri-bly mortifying to his spirited little wife ae they bad nr money laid by and soon became rlealitute They got behind In their rent and Anally their Quaker landlord who had up to this time personally called to collect his money every month ordered thorn out after having lost two months ret Ho then placed the house In the agents bands Three day after the parser family were dlnoseed a biislnens like little women called at the office and rented the Cambridge plain house at It lea a month than It bad been bringing before and she moved In Iho same Hrlght and early on hla regular rent day the Jamaica Quaker called at tbe Cambridge house to get acquainted with the new tenant Whit waa hla astonishment to have bla ring anawered by the Mine pretty little wrniin whom he had dispossessed a week before flho cordially Invited him In and told him that her husband bad been reinstated and that they expected lo occupy tho house right along She did not forget to express her pleasure at the reduction In rent finally the old man auggesled that ho would expect the 10 for back rent nnd naked l her If she was going to pay It She went to the manlel ant broughl back n sheet covered with figures I fig-ures which she handed to the Quaker I The footing was J6900 That what h It tout us to movo out nnd In again said she and Icroit SO cents to balauco tho account for back rent and aho produced n receipt nil filled In and ready for his signature The old man signed It and thin swallowing n lump In his throat said Vrrlly thee Is n diligent helpmate The clever llttlo woman bowed him out closed Iho door nnd sat down to hero a rood cry |