Show A Jots Tint Is I NoL Half True It Is a common joke lab when A mans wire la I out oC town lie nllrs A mournful teller and then goes around land l-and list n high old time fliers It I not mush In that Joke It does not begin to do duty with thamotherlnlaw lake lr Jolf and that It pushed I far beyond lit deserts Tho fact It I that out of a doren men xrhoso win are out of the city for the summer there will le nt least elercn xrho are really lonely slid In hin Allfll tij foot put In a very miserable delta I They do not feel xvtlllng In aiknovxl cults It at Ural and few like to havo sympathy thrust upon them but thero tI tlolll WIn are mighty few hon do not In their Iearta pay tho highest Kind of tribute to their xx Irm and xxltli for their ro tort1sslilngton Star |