Show Cennned emend I Tho Intensity ol confined sound In finely Illustrated at InubvoU mail Isle nt tVlght whore there It n well 100 f1 deep nod 14 feet In dlimetor The well has It feel of water In It and the entire Interior from top In water It I lined with mnulhllln Thltllnlnir tn completely confines the sound that a pin dropped from the tap can be heard very plainly tn strike Iho water nt n I llniaiiro of Isa l feet Iwlnvr Another nntimo It cited from Indln where i Turkmen at xxalcmork often talk with those al the rcsrrrolr IK mllea i away their telephone being an It Inch water main that It no longer used for conveying svoterS6 Louts lUpubllc |