Show 0 uiin nn I SnliittliinUK i Philadelphia Icdger Queen Hoplili of Bncdcn whoso Will birthday hat Just been celebrated with much pomp and ceremoii at Drothlnlngholm rattle II I ono of the mOil cnthuilaitlo friend and aupportcri of the Salvation Army n dlttlncllon which the shares with her niece tho queen regent of Holland Hol-land Doth qucins publicly countenance counte-nance the work of Riinors Ilooth tending tend-ing liberal aubacrlptloni to hue various funilH and oxprttialng the opinion that on rcllgloua nnd political groundi It li 1 wise l to cnrourago n form of worship which aecmt to ult the maaaea and finds blue any to their heart Hut the Kmpree of Herman and the emperor too glva etldenco of the moat undla gulied hoatlllty In the oihntlonlstt their army being by Imperial order aiibjectpil to nnnoyanc and penecu lion by the pollee |