Show Tit U InlMnllnc The arrlxnl In New York recently of a trainer from the Argentine Republic xx Itli n cargo of WOOO buihtls of lion aced Ins brought tn light some Inter eating facts I It secmi that quite a trade has been going on In usesI I from thAt faraway country for nome time about BOO000 buckets of the Argentine ed baring already been sold there Another vowel with a cargo similar 10 the one rnrelved Is I doe there noon The flnxseed l although dirty Is I reported report-ed lo be of good quality and tile prlco la I oqnil to 41 1U per bushel duly paid the taller amounting to SO rent per htiiliil I Cruihers get a rebate on oil tube exported which innken tho net prlco about JUO l poll for tho Sntitli American article It Is I Interesting to polo that two years ago America extorted ex-torted large quantltlui ot flnxieed now the Is Importing Hawaiian Boll Iteccnt Inxestlga I lions and experiments go lo prove that the soil and climate ot the Hawaiian I Islands nro equally n Suitable for tho production of coffee at they are ot lugnr and II It I predicted that within n few years much of the land now entirely en-tirely devoted 1 to sugar raiting will bo than over to tho production ot coffee llrtpr Corn Pudding lo ho Ivalen 1 I as a Vegetable Vege-table Ingredient Ono quart ol grater wTlu i ono leacupful of milk a lump of f ro hlt kt f C l Lor the size of an egg a teaspoonful of silt three tablespoonfuls of flour three ccg pepper Ulx all the Ingredients In-gredients well together put It In n buttered but-tered dlih and bake an hour and n half In not tuo hot an oven To bo oaten asa as-a vegetable Spread with butter If den sired Sponge Cake One cup of sugar ono cup of flour three eggs ono teaspoonful teaspoon-ful baking powder three tnhepoonn water fillr yolks of eggs with auger add the water then Iho flour with Ibo baking powder silled In It nail whltei of eggs well beaten list Tills makes a small loaf It Is I well to double or treble tho recipe Cucumbers haxo nn unpleasant reputation repu-tation of causing Indigestion hero Is a recipe fur preparing cucumber salad which refute this Idea Select very young cucumbers bury them In Ice log enough to chill them thoroughly through or It In n hurry put them In a pan with Ice and salt with their keno on heave them until this very latest moment bcforo tiling then peel slice them Just Just as thin us possible and at tho moment of urn Ing odd oil vinegar vine-gar colt and cayenne Do not let them stand In tho dressing but sores at once 1nrn sole With sheep as wllh other stock ilitro li I no breed that POSSCOTM all or only good qualities All have their detects Cool pasture mnlos flesh and growth more rapidly than dry food doe lie member this and when you are growing young animals Good sheep fully as much as good clock of other kinds xvlll always tell at fair prices It Is I the scrubs nod runts that are hard to get rid of On many farms snoop should bo looked upon 11 aialllnrlcs In keeping up tho fertility of tho land rulhir than us n direct meano of largo profit Indiscriminate breeding la I ono ot tho cause of lessened profit with sheep as It unquestionably lowers the quality qual-ity Ilreed ns well OS feed the bcjt should bo tho rule Timidly Is I a characteristic ot the sheep lint should not bo tampered with A wise iheepkecpcr will use every mcau to calm his sheep and keep them so Tho true rulo for the right quantity to feed to animals of nil kinds li I lo give them Jut what they will cut up clean no more You can only I find out bow much that Is from trial Kvory I rule that has been tried during tbo ages for breeding to ret n particular sex la live stock bae failed The conclusion con-clusion li I that there li no certain way further to determine beforehand or to produce a given sox Our coniul at Hradford Great Drlt sin complains that the American farmer does not put up III s products In ai good ihapo as such product ore put up la linage and oxen In Canada and that therefore they toll for lesa than those from other sources |