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Show 'C'cr, 0 VWho rILLE I'EVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OR SVilMrr AND MORGAN PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. -- II. VOL 3 COALVILLE, SUMMIT COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER i, 1895. KIT Ki m. t 16 TO f NO. 38 . Wihon of . 1!. take a rme uiuif Mott, lav, November " .tame Vool$tei.i"Ttiie . j 11th. Ka:i.a lua.'e tl e closing H n'.ii Xew fast tra,n service has been Diade ve,- CATHERED BY OUR ALERT put on encouraging remvh. VPei DAILY LIST OF HAPPENINGS AND -between Chicago and Suit Lake. ed). tian the conference war OTHER NEWS. fur three month. .Ihe sensational, story concerning an An eTthusiaeticr Democratic meetii g alleged secret treaty The fcieau of Ihe Week From Heart? Russia All ih, important Etralt mt IK Wrfk and China i officially denied at Tea a la Haemlt Ceaatjr What was field here on the evening of ihe M!. From IE, l.atrol The aodrets tdllte 'The Time',' Hepresea tetAee party was From Ftrrr, Thera aa4 read and unstained. A numta-- of lmtFlin Captain-GenerFound to Write About. Martinez de Campos' Eiarymlirre has decided 10 suspend further Ieei lies were made y our lota: epeak-Thmilitary operations in eastern Cuba while tho meeting was interspersed Oct so. ilsrdit tii songs, music and recitation iKt.t. Utah, Oct. 31, 1895. The London press declares war egainst ruin lasts.- EnirtiK Timf II. F. Ieterson lately returned from Russia. Comptrollei of the Treasury Bowler How creeiy, where he has been for a Newt item are few end far between ha decided that dongrewsiuen-elec- t ar of the reservaOpening Uncnmpahgre bunrh of shew this week. Y not entitled to government ' tion may be delayed another, vear. stationery -until they have taken the oath of office. Tiiu wfaiber hat leen dear and cold The High Council of Britiah Guiana HOYTW 1LLE. Heretofore meuibers-elec- t for tome days pat. have len ah ridnules Chamberlain's policy and re' Hoitsmlll, Utah, Oct. SI, 189?. lowed to draw on their The Miles Brothers have pone to Editor Timf : Hationery allowuse t buy a Maxim gun for the froti-t.eance as it become due Kama to bale hay for parties up that monthly, after The old gentleman Robert McMirhae March tth, the beginning ol their term. w ay. fiir Joseph Renal. laird Mayer of Lonlow at thtc writing. Washington. The detail of officer of Hon. tV. W. Cluff and Hon. Alina Mills and lady of E vanaton don. has been made a baronet. the cruiser Boston has been completed were in leoa this week and went came from the Park Friday on a visit to Judge Cx-o- f the Indianapilit Folic and she will be pot iri commission at as far south a Kama. Mr. and Mra. C.T. Mills. court, in a test case, held the Nicholson Mare Island, California, navy yard on C. YV. Seamon. and YV.' M. YVUite of -the- - 18th. Captain Fran Robert Mctfueen of Evanston is heie liquor law constitutional. . - White will ' this on in business were town Oakley Governor Rudd of California is said to have oommand, with LieutenuotA. V, on account of the illness of his father-law- , a Week and gave vour correspondent Mr. McMichaei, as is also the have determined to appoint William T. aughani as executive and Lieutenaot pleasant call. old gentleman s daughter, Martha, of Jeter to succeed Lieutenant-GovernlL B. Tyler' navigating officer. There was a usasa meeting held here California and connections from Park Millard. Jeter wat the Democratic can Anuvulana la Err alt Wednesday evjning for the purpose of Citv. didate for Lieutenant Governor last fall. Oct. 30. the most Constantinople, reading the address of the IVmocratlc A Rome dispatch says that at the conAbout a month or more ago a traveler, new yet received from Ar- alarming party to the citizens of Utah. be to in held November the Pope while passing our town, had sistory rnenia was madtr public here today. It John Shields of Park City w as in town the misfortunethrough ill create the following a Cardinals, to break one of the is stated that in Zaitout, a mountain : i Tuesday in the interest of the removal wheel ot his viz. The papal nuncios at Paris, Vienna, wagon. He called at district, there are W.MO Aruieniane In of ihe county seat to Park City. The Bishop Sargent's for the loan of a wbee Lisbon and Madrid, the Archbiahop of open revolt reagainst the rulV of the Sulfor made strong plea gentleman to get home, which he claimed wa no Anconna and Monsignor fiatolli. tan. Tbe Turkish Government, in view moval but with very little success, I am farther than the penitentiary, Salt Lake, of the gravity of the situation, Ka deSunday, Oct. ST. informed. He assured the bishop that he would cided to call out the reserve. alarraod the England greatly by Peoa will have her portion of poles set leturn said wheel as soon as he reached London (Xt. El velopments in the far east. dispatch to tho for the telephone line immediately after there. Being an entire from Constantinople says; The Times stranger, to gain the line is marked out and the citizens confidence, he called himself a son of The United fitates will not consider fiultan declines to accept the names Lord know where to string and set the poles. Faromoure suggestion for an alliLittle, fialt Lake, Sym- ance Salisburys on South aud Central American which the Grand Vizier has struggled, Let the the goed work be rushed while pathizing with the wheelless and heartfor the Armeniaa commission. lie - Y, the fine weather lasts. less man, the bishop made the loan, affairs. wishes to have men who are in his own Francis J, Kieokhoeffer, The roads are in fine condition and the Waited one month for the return of the disbursing confidence. teamsteis are making their - regular wheel, knd put up with many incon- officer ol tbe stats department, tendered A dispatch to the laily News from tripe to Park Citv with hay, grain, veniences, until he was under the ne- his resignation, 'the result of an Investi- Constantinople says that the massacre lumber and mining timbers, while some cessity of sending out his son Alma for gation into his accounts. at Marasb has ceased and tbe uiiaaion-arie- a are laying in a supply of coal. All are the man who had deceived him. Alma The Whitney Glass Works at Glass are afe. determined to do ae much as possible proved to be a very good detective and boro, .N. J., were burned. The blaze A demand has been made to the Britwhile good weather and goed roads hold found that the man had given the wrong was discovered by an employee, who ish embassy aud to the Armenian del out. name and also deceived hie lather as to picked up a bucket f eoai oil, thinking egation that relief oje rat ions at Sea-eoOn Tuesday evening there were two his destination. Alma took the man by It water, and threw it on the fire. Tbe shall cease. The Daily New (Liberal ) in an edimeeting held here, one by the Iemo surprise at Granger, hie home, and de- loss is over 1100,000, fully insured. erata and one by the Republicans. Major manded that he return the wheel at Rev. Walter C. Clapp of Milwaukee torial upon the foregoing, says:- - This Coflee and others spoke to the Demo- onoe. Hecomplied very promptly, .year.ago.aecedod I rent thwEpf' I Afresh proof of the- - designs er.ter crats and C. W- - JSenuett and others "Ifffc !i 1T3t umutl demands,'"which be no doubt I copal andLMne.L, HwsJt . wutdt.Bve Las, according to hie own state-- 1 there can only tw a roost 'jwremptary poke Jo a.obe a Democratic .roeeirl'g in the reived had, his family and condition roent, writeo to Bishop Nlcholaon saving jaiul negative lord Saf- echoolhoQse here en Saturday evening not awakened some sympathy on tbe he moda a ntiatak and mutiny bury lukewarm and perlunctorr re November 2nd, at 7 :30 p. m., the speak partol Alma. This little incident it ferences to the Armenian question in hia ers being Hon. J. L. Loar and Hon. C related to show how innocent people apeech at Wattcrford come at a very inwho are unfortunate are denied help A. Cailis. 'theDrtimt To opportune moment, , awarding mistrust caused by such die- It is thought by many here that the through pany a "contract for building two new LAND DECIS40N8. honest and fraudlent persons. C. W. w removed be Park seat to ill for the navy, notwithstandcounty City , Norlaw, Lu4 W. rarolah4bv while otberssay it will not. I can tel) ing it wae the lowet bidder. Presura hewefer. C, taraey, Vahlfoa, better after tne election how it will be ably the agreement with Great Britain HtRKFEB, Utah, Oct. 31, 1895. A contestant required to make The votes are like the Irishmans flea Editor Times: each nation binding against building or charge of default, and prove defat. It now you have it and now you have not Some of the lleneferites attended the putting warships op the great lake as charged. In case of failure issue la will is wonderful votes how shift the It an red this decision to be reached,. at Eche en the 3Jth. between entryman and government, areund and come up unexpectedly in an rally Muwdar, Ovtaber S. rrTlEMKXT CLAIM X0 ROTICK. oiherdirection. But for all that. Irons The Republican Club held a business French Ministers resign. 31st, Norice defining the extent of a eettlo-me- nt what I can learn, the majority of the meeting All quiet in the Coeur dAlene. Some of onrWksare engaged on the citizens here are against the removal. claim posted In conapkuoat placov Another mastacre of Armenians. for the Grass Creek road, thereon, are sufficient to protect such The political question has not caused grade Uucoropehgra proclamation returned claim a against Miss Bohmnn. who teaches the prim-armuch excitement as yet, the county seat subsequent eetiier j to tbe land office. and lt is immaterial in auch raeo visited her home at Peterson on removal being the topic mostly' before d bout between Dixon and whether the Utter settler baa actual the people. After the political meetings Saturday, Griffo declared a draw. notice r not, if the posted notices are this week we may expect to be Mrs. Jeffries and Miss E. Trinham of soch character that they might have Canada to in crisis a and with neck the the may arguprecipitate politic up nnt a tew days in tbe capital during Alaska beer, teen by a, reasonable exerris of ments galore in favor of the can- the week. boundary dispute. didates on the opposing tickets. DemoButte, Mont., Ck-t-. 28. Tribune fipee-ia-l. diligence. The of our district school, 1 COAL. crat and Republicans are both confi Mr. principal David Mansfield stabbed and fatally made a business trip to Salt Green, Prior dent and most likely the vote will be very possession, without filing, wilt weunded Thomas Lynch this afternoon. Lake last Friday. not avail as against an adverse claimant B. R. E. Viek. cloe. David Foster had a runaway with a Both ar employees of the Butte Hotel. is 19 and Mansfield 20 years of who has complied with the Uw. spirited team a few days ago, but for- Lynch WANSHIP. the affray grew out of a quarrel and miniral. age, tunately no one was hurt. Wanohip, Utah, Oct. 31, 1895. led over some water the An apil boy by Tho application may embrace several Democrats held a .rally her- - on Editor Times : the evening of the 29th. The speakers Chicago, Oct, 28 Hundreds of shop- locations. Conflicting rights tel up .to", Doctor Shores has been in tow a for a defeat can not be recogwere Hon. R.C. Chambers of Park City, keeper and clerks witneeeed a strange nized aij application few days. in the absence of an alleged surMessrs. C. W. Penrose and C. Cailis. Tb suicide this evening. Mrs. Richard W, H. Gardner, jr., and wife,ba house was filled to overflowing, many at- Welsh, weighing over 200 pounds, face conflict. In the absence of clear from returned to Halt a Lake visit just tending from Echo. The glee duo lurn- - jumped from the third-stor- y balcony, of showing a to possessory right, patent A. A. 'Anderson 'arid Thomas Bates ished some good of the big department stores and wat must be denied, fiurvey must be made one singing, have just returned from atrip through Mr. Fred Haight and Mr. Kimball dashed to death en the floor ! the by actual measurement en the ground. of Park City, so lam informed, have rotunda. ' Wyoming. belocation. If renewed is OcK X9. work Bryers dramatic troup played here visited our little town and talked with on a claim after it Ta4jr, Tuesday evening, the 29th, to a good the people some on the removal of the Omaha has pnt in a bid tor the Re- has been o;en to relocation, but before" sized house. county seat. They informed ns in Echo publican National convention, and work such relocation, the right of the original had at least nine ' votes in of Born, to Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Ilixren that they arranging the detail is now in pro- - owners stand at though there bad been Henefer for the reu.qval. If this is cor, 7 ntfdefaaln a son, on the 25lh. Both mother 7 recti mis my judgment of the people son are getting along nicely. The Congress el Bolivia ha approved The llaushtar Claes on, 10 The ball game thsLxame off here on with Chile., Chile agrees to the treaty Constantinople, Oct. 28, Another 0 vte almflst as a unit against cede to Bolivia Friday, October 25th, between Wanship the forty kilometers of coast of Armenians is reported, proposition, and I feel safe In saying and Rockport, was in favor of the former at Victor Inlet and other terr.tory. to have occnrred that if there ie nyono-i- n Henefer who line recently in the Barknrt Ltliuoka-lst- ii district, between Erzeroum and Trebi-zonJohn F, Nash, our district school- own property in that Itls reported that little town and About 500 Mussulmans, a majorteacher, ha moved his family here to tnere only, who vote for said has bought two estat? in Austria, removal, reside for thewinter. They arrived he will regret his to arrive in the ity of w bom were armed with Martini-Henr- y rash act before said where she is expected last week. rifles, attacked Armenians inhabnew county courthouse i built and furn- autumn of 1896, after a long sUy in Lonseveral village in that vicinity A nonpartisan meeting of the citizens ished, notwithstanding don. iting the flattering and set fire to the houses and schools. of thi place will be held on November promise offered by h Georg A- - Howard, auditor for the portion of the A the Armenians fled in anmade has his Post-dficitizen of Park City. I ask 2nd, for the purpose of nominating terror, they department, every citiwere shot down. officers. zen and taxpayer in Summit to tbe Iotmater-Ge- n nual report no county, Men and women captured by tbe rio- tthe postal deficiency A meeting was held here on the 29th matter w bat part of the County heie lo--1 era!. It ehow that venne and Congressional ere were fastened to stakes and burned th in the interest of, the telephone line cated in, to seriously consider this mat'0 from Coalville to Kama. All the towns ter and aeigh tf i their minds in all its appropriatioa for the last fiscal year is alive. Armenian women who fell into the hands of the mob, it is also assarted, -. ' were beard from with the exception of phase before b votes for something 2,807,044.were outraged and brutally mntilated. well can we afford that SO. and to do without at Kamas. The meeting Hoyteville WtdtMlWi Oetakor. is also stated that the churches were It thri preseii time. decided to build the w p Negro rapist burned at th (take in desecrated and villages pillaged, tbs catThe 22nd quorum of Seventies held Texas. tle and portable property of any valuo frowrders their conference here on Sunday, the Two murderer were electrocnted in belonging to the Armenians being carorgan,, ,Bd 27tb. The following member addressed ried off by the murderers. One bun- New York.. the meeting; Enoch Brow ofHojts-ville- , announced dred that and fifty Armenians are reported., Fuller Chief Justice Alma Page and J. B. Lambert of would billed., court the next Supreme Friday COUNTY NEWS mas ofsimm ffff COINAGE Of SILVER , CCUTT'DT CS. 11 ELECTRIC SPARKS: rrtfjient - Ir, urg. Tlr-eraItl- al r e Do Not riot. be Deceived on the . . Count; Seat Proposition r, Eld-redg- e 'ry , Read Carefully the Following Before Yci Cast ; a Ballot on the Question. Following will lie found the dimensions and description of the present county courthouse situated in Coalville, the county seat, and which the promoters of the removal proposition at lark City would have the voters believe is inadequate, as wtll as unsafe. They use this as an argument that a will have to be constructed. The report and description were made acon-tractby Elias Morris of Halt Lake, and builder known to the entire people of Summit county as reliable, competent and perfectly trustworthy. The report and description are here given as handed, in to the county seat committee by Mr. Morris himself : Ella Murrlss Report. October 29, 1895. detailed report of the courthouse My use of the committee ; for the building j or There is no evidence that thtre is a dollar dejiosited. To be sure the. .bank asserts that the committee may draw on them to the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars; and well they may, for they know that county is perfectly gjod for this amount, and that should the committee not come forth with the money, that Summit county would. They are perfectly safe. It is a well known fact ri!t such a courthouse and jail at City will insist on building will cost I tt leg than 40,000 ; the furniture wL cost ; to obtain this amounf the county will have to be bonded, and no bonds will le acceptable that ruR less than twenty years-- . These bonds will bear not less than 0 per cent Interest; that means 1,8 00 per ear, and in of theTourthouse twenty years foots up to" 54,000 la building are 40x40 on the outside of Interest alone. Add this amount to building; two stories above basement, the principal and you have the snog of brick walls 17 inches thick ; Ahe base-- - little sum of 99,00 for Hi court ment is built of cut sandstone In courses, pees at Carls S'lVV-and the tbickne - of 'waTls "8 ISfeet. The house divided set couniiOuVe wounlke aTer.ifioii. first story.wUwe- Wese.nietit ( , into four jrO'JmSi with eight feet ball in A TEW MORE FACTS. north the center el building runningNo jail is mentioned in Park Citys and south; the .two north rooms are ' 22Wxl3 in the clear and the two south plans. wails four The 14x12. partition rooms Park City is strictly a mining, town are lath an i plaster on studding 2x10. Virginia floor City, Nev.. was once a flourishis on room the upper The court 37WX.57J-inside; the floor joists of the ing city of 00,000 inhabitants; what is it Other mining cities "have had saute are 2x12, supported by the four in the basement I found a like experience, and while every man partitions -- two cells in the westhalfwith iron bar in Summit county will rejoice with Park doors and a double department iron bar Eliah Morris, City and her continued prosperity, what pggp, Builder andcoutractor. certainty is there that her great mines Tho&afetV of the Bnlldlac. may not share the same fate of many Coalville, October 29, 1895.. others. How many people would live Mr. H . vr. Cluj, Chairman: At vour in Paik Citv if it were not for her exmines ? YV ho w ould choose it as a resirequest, 1 have tins' day visited and amined Summit county courthouse dence place if the mining industry report that I building, and beg leave tofrom biaetnent should cease? have found the building Park City is in the extreme south to the roof in good and safe condition, and especially the court room on the western corner of the county ; almost on four upper floor, which is supported bywhich the border lineof the adjoining eountiee. thick, partition wall-- , tin inches On all for the ether hand, Coalville is a city purpose strength gives it ample that ie in every respect a permanent it was intended. Hence you need have no fear in regard to the safety and city ; it is a city ot- - homes ;n -city that -- 1 remain durability of the building, will continue to grow. It is centrally your humble servant, EliasbaitMobhih, Lake, located and is the natural county seat. Builder and contractor, In conclusion, a vote for the removal of the county seat means a vote for well The voters of Summit county bonding the county, and that means inknow that it is absolutely absurd for creased taxation fora period of twenty Tark City to pretend to bujld any such years. W. W, Cli -- for ff, 10,000. structure as thcv propose Alma Eldredge, in Park schoolhouses one-stol'lain. J. J. Chambers, this amount. CUy have cost more thanJ 3. M. Faldiek, the county They are stumping F. M. Pi.vxeo, declaring that Park City will furnish '; J.4. -' to the peobond guaranteeing ' g Committee. will not cost pie that the building a cent.. They fiou-is- h Orders for buss. the bond before Tritiune: Tne directors of the Utah this alleged their audiences, hut when it has been Guano Company held a meeting yesterasked for bv citizens for examination, day afternoon in the office of Simon Bam in every instance teen berger to consider what disposition they have ' compelled to admit that the bond was could he made of the orders that John Bot completed ;but. say that they- - will Howard is bringing In Tor the deposit on soon have it completed, and properly Gunnison Island. One of these orders "caltrfor a heavy shipment to fit. Louis, - signed. to say nothing of the orders that have DECEIVED. BE SOT DO been secured locally, and while in sesnor have bond no they They have will have one. sion the director decided to put the that assurance they given schooner Belle of fiyracuse into comThey have claimed that R. 0 Chambers, mission at once locan-- the guaho from and others Keith Thomas Kearns, the island of Lake Park, where it will be rill be sureties on the bond. on the cars. LF1LETIIEIB loaded JBAKETIIE3I Mr. Bamberger stated yesterday that rry toter the present outlook for the business wai PROMISES and. let in per ucb that one vessel copld n t keep up thi Insist on seeing on ImLt seeing the withthe orders, and that an additional won; let (hem schooner would shorvlv have to be put signatures of Messrs." Chamber into service before they sccept snd Kearns ' The do not, it-- It of you only permanent cure for chronic any portion case in ie to thoroughly expel the poison the that catarrh assured rest mar you w.ll furn from the made pocket system by the faithful and per is your removal but eiatent use of Ayers Sarsaparilla. This 110,000, many not only i,h wonderful remedy proves" successful thousands besides. have a certified when all other treatment has failed to rou tell they They 7 T' check lor 10,000 on deposit in the bank. relieve the sufferer, ns - fonder well ry tax-paye- rs id rt "! I'' O .A -- gun-boa- ts t. iis herehe y, Ten-roun- ' n d, ce pre-ein- ct lie .fVhiiev'etr?0 .. Y x 1- - |