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Show I Mother finds I L0IGM30I Former Ogden Woman Locates Missing Boy A Foil Leavenworth M a j A mother' search for her Mold for- . jj ron, starting In Minnesota and oxtmd- si infr throughout western and northwes- jj ter Mates over a period of eight "M 1 months has been ucces3iully termln- -M atcd at Fort Leavenworth, according IS to press dispatches reaching opden to- ! 'jj Th mother, Min. E. li. Friekson. a was in Ogden Just before Chrlstmsj OR v3 ber way east. 9h had followed false -fl .lues until reaching Leavenworth, I :J1 working at odd Jobs to pay her VTA) J .she wns o'.cr Srt yearn old and trav- j 3 i led alone. Sho formerly ii ei in , yl iK.jti end made ;.n Intensive -'-:irch 1 ' m ir the Vicinity, U ehe thought that I !1 her fon might have returned to old fjl scenes. j A dispatch telling of her seaicb fol- 9 lows: if LINCOLN, Xcb.. Feb, 3. Mrs. E. B. I j Erlckson, In Lincoln toplght, on heri ll way to her home at Siou:: Falls, B. D., yk , (.'ld how, uft ci an eight months search :! over the western half of the country, she had found her son last Friday In J the federal prison nt Fori Leaven-, ll worth. The young man. after serving '9 in tiu- army thirteen months overseas,! rl .'during which he fought the German ' ij . In several battles, was discharged on j J liis return to the United States, but re 'I enlisted under the nam? of John E. Johnson. Following a iuairri with an j Officer h deserted, wns apprehended ?a and sentenced to a two years' term. .'II , The mother had begun her search in Jj Minnesota. From there she went to; 1 Montana, back to North Dakota the i Xortb Pacific coast to San Francisco, j ) to Reno. Nevada. Slurldan, Wyo., and i I Nebraska, always following false clues a until she reached Leavenworth, where j 9 her son greeted her an 1 told of his n sidventure. Mrs. Krlckson left for' J , Sioux Falls tonight, happy, she said, j In the belief thut ber boy will soon; 1 gain his release and join her. |