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Show BEDTIME STORIES BY HOWARD R. GARIS I UNCLE WIQGILY AND THE NUTMEG GRATER. Copyright, 1921, by McCluri Newspaper Syndicate. "Ker-choo! Ker-choo! Ker-choo! sneezed Nurse .Ian. Pussy Vii7iy In the hollow stump bungalow of Uncle Wlg-glly Wlg-glly one day "Dear me Are you catching cold?" asked the rabbit gentleman as he hopped out to the kitchen, where Nurse June mhk frying get lunch. "Either that or the cold has caught me." ai.i the muskrat lady housekeeper. "It's all the same i cr-kersnltzlo: ' and she aneesed again "You had better gel straight to bed and let me make y on some hot carrot-a.le" carrot-a.le" salil I'ncle Wlgglly. "Whut is carrotade?' asked .Nurse Jane. "It s the same as lemonade, only It Is made from carrots instead of lemons," ! answered Uncle Wlgglly. "Hot lemon-1 ade or hot carrotade Is very good to! cure a cold. You get In bed. cover up warm, and I'll bring you a bowl full of I hot carrotade." "You are ery klml." spoke the musk-I i .1 1 lad; "i thlnk-er-ker foosluro! l believe i a'ould be better off in my-ga-zooktum bed" she sneezed. "Of course you will.' declared Uncle Wiggily So the muskrat lady, who had caught a cold without oven trying lo play tag or bean bag with It. got In bed. and I'ncle Wlgglly started to make the hot drink lie BQUeeSed Ihe Juice out of some carrots. Not that they had .1 much juice as lomons. but they had enough. i'ncle Wlgglly healed some water, and got out tho bowl of .sugar, to finish making the hot carrotade. And In a little while he took a bowlful of It up to the muskrat lady. "lrlnk this. Nurse Jane." said the rabbit uncle. "You'll soon feel much better " Misa Fuzzy WuBSl sipped the hot carrotade. car-rotade. and she made a funny face, sort of wrinkling up her no.-o like an accordion ac-cordion plaited skirt. 'Don't you like ItV asked Uncle Wlgglly, Wlg-glly, anxiously. "Oh. It's very good for me. no doubt." Miss Pussy wussj answered. 1 But I'd like it to have u little more taste. If there was a bit of cocoanut or cinna-! cinna-! mon In it. or some 1 - . j i "How about nutmeg'.'- asked I'ncle Wlgglly. "I meant to gTate some nut-meg nut-meg ni the carrotade, but i forgot it." Nutmeg will be Just the thing!' said Nurse Jane. So I'ncle Wiggllv took the bowl of car- i rotade down to the kitchen t grate In 1 It some nutmeg. Nutmeg, yni know. Is something like a hb-korynut. only not. unite so hard, and It has a sweet, splcyj taStC and smell. You rub a nutmeg up' and down on a rr:it ) to scrape off ... fine dust that flavors' hoi lemonade and other things. "Well, here Is the nutmeg and now for the grater." said I'ncle Wlgglly. as in- came out of the kitchen closet "I'll prate some nutmeg In Nurse Jane's carrotade car-rotade ami It will cure her cold," spoke the bunny . But jus! as bo was going to rhb the nutmeg up and down on (he rough, scaly grater all of a sunden the door opened and In popped the bad old bear. "Oh. ho! 1 smell something good '' growled the bear as he hnlffed with his black nose. "And 1 see something good." the bear went on, as he looked at Uncle Wigglly's ears. The bunny gentleman was beginning to gel afraid, but he made up his mind to be brave and play a trick on that bear. "What you smell." said the bunny rab- i bit ' la nutmeg. I Juki grated some In ' .Nurse Jane's carrotade." 'What do you mean grating nutmeg?" nut-meg?" asked the bear, who was a very Impolite, snobby chap. "I'll !how you." said I'ncle Wlgglly. With that I'ncle Wlgglly. holding the nutmeg grater In his paw, made a jump for (he bear. Now. the nutmeg grater was made of tin; sharp, rough and scratchy! And. all of a sudden. Un Is Wiggly rubbed the harsh grater up and down on the bear's sofi and tendei nose., "That's how 1 urale nutmegs and that's how I grate you"' cried Mi. LongeerS. "Do you want to know anything el.-ov "Oh. no. Indeed!" howled the bear Then he ran away to get some Btickutn plaster to put on his sore nose. I'ncle Wlgglly put some grated nutmeg In Nurse Jane's carrotade and soon she was all better of her cold. And if tho chocolate cake doesn't try (o hide Inside the apple dumpling. When the sugar cookie wants to slide down the Ironing board, l it tell you next about Uncle Wiggily and the rolling pin. |