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Show Iii RING AND MAT I 1 I-'ARIS, Feb. 9. Term., tor fiKht m between Georges Carvenller, heaVy- jl weight champion :' Ki.n.n.. nid a I'ranU Moran, Of Pittsburgh. i:. li 3 now in Paris, to bo held before IB 3 '.'onllnental Sporting club oi LJat have been accented b) the latter Fro- 9 iiioler Both, it is sulci. I meeimg with 3 oine difficult;. In obtaining Catyen- 1 mci-- iittnttlure to r rontr.Ki owing jjjjjj i in the high terms Instated upon. H 1 The tentative cute for the hout I? H I given as July 14. ; w NEW YuiiK. l'. i. Jack Birit- H ton, welterweight boxing champion. H ! today was orl red I i lyj't ir before H 1 tiro stale boxing commission on l'rlda H Jl j to explain a breach of fLstlc etiquette he is said to have committed MOndaJ Ml in his fight with T u ' Kul" Lcwia j After protesting jtir:st the use. by A Lewis, of a rilibi-r iig.:n potr i tor !a Brltton became involved in an ini- J lu'ompiu bout with eiig Goodman. ono of the Knglishiiian s seconds Brit-j Brit-j I ton said he was sorry, that he was 'l excited at the time T)i. second, the, j referee and judge:: of the bout also have been requested to appear. ( NEW YORK. Peb Charles li. Cochrane, Zhlglish boxing promoter, has not withdrawn as a Joint promoter of the proposed Dempsy-Carpi.-niler championship match; Dan McKetrick, j tormer promoter 61 this city, aunounc- McKetrlck said he received a cable caterday in which Cochrane said he would stand by hi agreement if the other promotcrj lived up to their con- I I MIAMI, Ariz.. Fob, 8. Ernie Goose- j man, of Los Angtle, Knocked out ' Smiling" Parker ot Globe In lh fourth round of a scheduled ten-round bout here lonlght. Joo Miller of Los Angeles, fought n ton-round dniw wlt'n Casey Smith of Globe. BISBEE, Ariz., Feb. S. Al Delmar or s?an Franclaco, and Clarence Ligon of Blsbor. middlcv eights, fought ten fasj rounds no a draw here tonight. CBDAR RAPIDS. Iowa Feb. S -Jack Reynolds, welterweight cham-pion. cham-pion. defeated Chler Mutter of Clier-okee, Clier-okee, okla., in two f it- UmlghL Ben-n Ben-n Reuben or Chicago, .tud Chris Jpr- lan of El Paso, wrestled one hour .iml fifteen minutes to a draw. iii.w AUKE j IsUus Zbynio ib fi ited Charley Cut- ler In two straight falls in fheii wrest-1 wrest-1 Itng match tonight. LOUISVILLE, K . Feb. s -Sall-or" Friedman. Chte.ig... v. as jlvei newspaper decision over .io Welling, al" f Chicago ii, I - 1 1 1 1 1 1 d bout ' tonight. .Both men arc lightweights. H' 1 ' BOSTuN. Feb! h Fred Fultdn Hudson. Minn. toni;il knocked out lUttllng McCreery, of Cambridge, in fhe second round of then scheduled ;i ten-round bout. Both men .. he.iw- vrightS. |