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Show H j Grove's I is the Only Genuine j Laxative J Bromo I Quinine I I tablets The first and original Cold mnl Kj Grip tablet, the merit of which I is recognized by all civilized I nations. Be sure you get 1 I ! BROMO The genuine bears this signature Price 30c. I . ssssssCbsbss9bsbsssbbs8 '"V sssBssBSssssssslssSSsB 1 I ASK YOUR DEALER FOR 11 'Ncvcr-Rip" Brands 'Overalls, Mechanic Suits, Khaki Pants and Coats, "All-Overs" "All-Overs" for Children, Riding and Hiking Pants, "Made Rite " Work Shirts Manufactured by John Scowcroft & Sons Company Ogden Since 1880 Price, Utah Idaho Falls, Idaho II . . H Millions Have Weak Eyes And Do Not Know It How to Test Your Eyes and Strengthen Them Wesk Kyea snl Poor Eycdgrtt Rob I Mllllom of Pcoplo of Much Happl-H Happl-H seal nt Their Full Maura ef Huccoo. B XolnR voiir dally work with weak tr H ts tike rating with poor teetti difficult. H If not actually painful. Uui tho one whom H 'Ves ache. water, or cauee hedach v H S not o uafortunnto the one who i m H eM aitd dooa not know i and iiiH there aro rullllorui of them. Weak eyes H be ma.de to do their work In over) H . You ran quickly teat your H Uit following ways: If the printed H blura; if readlnx or rloa work tires yuur B nrsa or glvss you hoaUUehea: If your oyna H water and look red and biriamvU thy H nood uttrntlon. To good e with perfect B ilsbt tho printed p looka bU, m j wdtnsry llcht and th- blacker it looka H the hotter. To weak ooa it blura or looka fray or faded itrid la net ao car 11 rd. Thero aro a thouoarxl dlfffren' h . . . f H oalor between tho daop b!ck of perf . . t &M J11 ,h D,ur tru t mikrf It uupuoai H tB to road without glaaoea. 'Thvro la. secordlng to 1 r Uewia, bop KVKVJ (or tho Who tr if!. o or are vW-thna H oC oyeatraln aod othor oe weaknaea, and thla hop la found in the Bon Opto H lOJOjlhod. Mum t.o' e,. wyr,' .k B J folllfUS SA.y they bsve hail Ihelr eyes re- B i ttorod tbroucb the lion Opto principle H rn of (ba rratefu! ot aaa 1 ti --S ittneat . ould not aee . at loJl. Now I run read every thine wttheutl ny frliiaaea anil niy eyeo do not water I ii more. At nl-ht thoy would pin dreadfully: now thr foci fino all the time " A lady who tiaed It saya ' Tha at moaphere ecemcd haty wltl or without !-laas. but after iialnic Mon-Optn tor flf-i flf-i U-en daya e orytfilnj itemed elear. I can II read fine print now without kUmos " It la belicAed that thouaAnds bo wear rlaaaea can dlaeard them In a reaaonable tJrir n nnltltudea can ao atronsthon i thoJr era na to ho spared the iroublo and epnae of retting aiaaaoa t,. treublea of many descriptions may be wonderfully hotieflted and eyea atrenath I a nod in many InaUuicoa in the following simple way Oo to any drur a tore and rvt I a bottle of 1 1. r Opto tableta DtaaoTvo one Hon tnfo tablet In a fourth of a daaa jof water. With Ibia liquid bathr the eyea I aa dlractod. You ahould no to your evea i ;-r.pilbl from the rary start and Inflammation quickly dlaappears. n youi ee botbar you even a little i II lake atepa to atrencthen and Treat r r them without dta Do not neglect I thorn. Many now beyond hope aomo ac I tually blind. misht have boon aavod If tl" bad i a red for their my tm in time XOTE: Phyalclans and spocialiala iDTOsCrtba; Uon-Opto aa a aa homo rni -dv In th tratmnt of ye t rouble and to atrena-then eyeataiit It la harmtea to t he tnoat aansiUv eyva and im b "'J I'eeiv k any one of fbe rul'".n 'who ua it a Svn lasss twtj LAST TIMES TODAY 1:45. 3:30, 5, 6:30. 8. and 9:30 p. m. milium QpX y resents TOM MIX Prairie Orails Story 2rp domes B.Otendrpr Also CLYDE COOK in His Latest Comedy "ALL WRONG" OGDEN THEATRE Thursday Corrinne Griffith in "Trie Broadway Bubble" Sunday Charles Ray in "Peaceful Valley" is Rig the Meal is Right BACK in war dayi, war bread waa a patriotic duty. We ate it dutifully. But it taught u a leon. We learned that bad bread apoiled a good meal. Wo learned that a aubttitute cannot take tho place of the genuine. That'a why all over the city tbe up-to-date housekeeper ordora e i AMERICAM-MAID i EHEAD Sh, orders it by name, to that no other bread it substituted for it, and looks at the wrapper to be sure about it. She knows that it is clean, crisp, wholesome, dainty, appctizinf-She appctizinf-She knows that it U perfectly made, baked, handled. Puts roses into the cheeks of the children and develops bone and mu,c,e- At Your Nearest Crocerg He Advises, He Sj Surp rises "The Devil" Jm Valentine ! yjk. Buy Books for Valentine? o Aspirin Take only as Told In each package of genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin' are directions and dosage worked out by physicians during 21 years, and proved safe by millions. Take no chances. If you see the "Bayer Cros?" on tablets, take them without fear. riaib tin ef 12 tabUta roal bat s few cents Lar-r tvu Asrr.a ,a u. a.-a af Sr Ma.a,a-. Maaaaca JCJ I "They WORK while you sleep" You aro bilious, constipated, headachy, head-achy, full of cold, unstrung. Your meejfl don't fit breath la bad. skin sallow. Take on or two Cascarets tonight to-night for your liver and bowels and wake up clear, rosy and cheerful. No griping no Inconvenience Children love Cascarets. too. 10, 2 3, 30 cents. j Adv. Sure Way To Get Rid Of Dandruff There is one sure way that never falls to remove dandruff completely and that Is to dissolve it. This destroys de-stroys It entlrelv To do this. Just get about four oupces of plain, onli nary liquid arvon; apply It at night arhen retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and nib It in gently with tlx finger tips. By morning, most if nol all. of your dal&draff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy everv , singl.- sign and trace of It, no matter; how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too. that all Itching1 and digging of he scalp will stop Instantly, In-stantly, and your hair will be fluffv, lustrous, glossy, eilky and sort, and look and feel a hundred times better. You ran get liquid arvon at any drug store. It Is Inexpensive, and four! ounces Is all you will need This simple sim-ple remedy has never been known to fall. Advertisement. Vas a Good Judge of Liquor j "Since a young man I had a liking , for liquor and was considered a prt-fy prt-fy good Judge of It at one time, but COnetant drinking gave me stomach trnuble which became chronic. My stomach would have been a valuable .addition to a gas factory. Doctors did not seem to relieve rne. One day my druggist a;ot me to try Mayr'e Wonderful Won-derful Remedy, and I am now as good an new." It is a simple, harmless preparation pre-paration that removes the catarrhal mucus from the Intestinal trart and allays the Inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and Intestinal In-testinal ailments. Including appendicitis. appendici-tis. ne dose- will convince or money reiunded. AKImyre Drug Co. and druggists elsewhere. Advertisement. BAUME A NALG ESIQUE CUE IF iiW BAD TAKE Sill Says Backache js 1 have been eatm nTuchmealy I When you wake up r;,, , J- nd .lull misery In the UaiBj i generally means you haf2!fiWaTl too much meat, My a , ' W M- form. urte'aSBP -rk- the klilnev, i0 ,?Ip. o filter i, rrom ,1 '-'"i" Hort of paralyiM ul'lfcl1 h. n your kldn. v -, , ,1R, ' ,Mi ; -v ' g rell.Ae Nu,r bowels; reawL'fcl body s urinous waste (i. wB1 bai kache, sick headach- i.m " ..ur sbuiacb fours. tflrciiBlL and when the weather 1 rh. .v mr . ?v' cl.iu'h. lull ..f -'!:n,.ni'(Vlfl!?K g.-i ore. w..ter ,ral.. tMasaaiW bll to seek relief tw, aV1 'iin . durlns the niRhi wfca)c Either consult a good, rviiUhsSS Iron tcenHst clat uboul (our ouncf c' JuK1" take a tabiespoonful n -water before bre.ikf&M tortljB an. I ..iir l.-Kln. ys will Ojft IjP " '. s jacld of grapes and lemon JtfSBf i I with llthla, and hu beBtt)', f..r t;. nera ions lo cle..a RsaLr-slugu'lsh RsaLr-slugu'lsh kidneys, al.sj to MsaVf Jn.l Sr lt i. ,1Vfr fcr meat enters. It Is iaeipairt,iW-. injure i.nd mokes i '.itt'Kajl vesreni llthla water drlm -KiiEv ment. K I Kki'i Heaiihj Comes to yon and th childnH you have lr. 1'iprce's GaK n Medical Dicriverr in tbeiam1 For "little-one'' and ups" this old fashiorid rfjlBfcg i tonic and Mood-maker lBp used by the million boltltsftAyty year. It was first usedbTfKjt tody 50 years ago and brfiOS and sano beean-e it ((fJtaaL alcohol or narcotic. ItuiSr, up of Blootl ro.?t, OrpCaJ1?!'' roof. Queen's root, StoMP ' Cherry Bark, Trithout Kaat Make your blood roidffMpi your health letter bT piaJ your nearest drucji UP iaining Ir. lVervVinMailBjj ir-nl Discovery in tgbletorliW Walla Walla, WASB."-a had the mea.-iie I wfd oal boo a and took ojW oa tS-" 1 h id t-l.arp r,na- ' Sn medicine thai I got fro tore hat nothing did at Et"- ontil I look a b-iUle of Ttti? ttolden Medical DiacoTery, it"Kr jfreat good. The 'DieoTiifWiC! .lone my mother and Mbo e,, , !, loo. (or neural;! -JKJ Will Radium at luj Open the Door (J ; the Great Unkrw If vou ar hk and ' -,.! Keep W. I! . rite for II. f to ,. , wr Mtis. NViimlirli -N 'SliaeSM Ills). r-.,,.fs 'a JfSgM rv-IB.- other s'1"""'" Jlr1 calvlna Um tui. - . , W liur a-"m Vm 1 m X flt , 3l applla.e 'r-' ' . ,,xrl a asaS r. h in.1 yrT. d j9tr m tO l.a . - I Infonnation r . 1 rS- LasLaaaaaf -Diamond Dcs" I Fade, or Give -Dyed-Look Ocden women can pyaM aV J mona. dress. rV aLLLLLl ' 3mm rertlona m earn sfBk. |