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Show ntiPB- 33IIT3ZZ itiS SSssssjjjjb. m 'Hrink it for 'bealthSEffi m yand for pleasure, too ;ljg'f&P tt W j. A A BEVERAGE Jnere is twofold : hl satisfaction in " ' m Instant Postqm 1 1 I j You may drink it (reely with, benefit, j "ill II !i for it: contiris nothing harmful-and j ill) Ulll ! you will enjoy every sip, because ot - ml rich, coffee -like flavor. Givetl Instant Postum is made instantly .ook" ! in the cup chats COUVCTHeiZCG. : II $KM i u ' ere is n0 waste economy. : 1 here's a Reasoit for Postum j J j All grocers carry it j5atJ Co JBattle CreelcMicK. j O d Vacuum-sealed tin has made really tine coffee economical. Why? The finer a coffee is the more flavor it has more cups to the pound. Vacuum ealiny; keeps that rla i r tor you all ot it. Schilling's is one ot the two or three good cottccs packed in vacuum -sealed tins, and is money-backed. Schilling Coffee I - 'iTAH'S FINEST THEATRE I LAST TIMES TODAY I H I CARTOON COMEDY & S i ANIMAL PICTURE Children, under 12. any seat . 10c SHOWS AT Children 12 to 15, any sent 20c 2:15, 4:00, 5:45 B Adults, matinees, any seat 20c 7-30 9-15 Adults, evenings, any seat 30c I COMING THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY i II I Testing Block I I A romance of life on the redwood slopes, in the days of bandits and gold. Seething with thrills and the struggle of strong men. I AWTTT.IAM Tender with love and home and childhood. S . HART The greatest heart picture Hart ever made! j PRODUCTION B j! ADDl:L ! I: ATI Rl- I I SUNSHINE COMEDY "THE BABY" i I 1 ALSO FOX NEWS fl I DOORS OPEN SATURDAY 10:30 A. M. I y PRICES - SHOWS AT I I 10C - 20C - 30C 2:15-4:00 CHILDREN MATINEES ADULTS - Ol40 ANY balconV main floor 7.A QT Or 1 SEAT EVENINGS EVENINGS ' " F |