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Show t WEEKLY REFLEX-DAV- IS NEWS JOURNAL. MARCH 24. 1977 Board Approves Bond Prospectus For Wi Million Dollar Bond Sale By ROSELYN KIRK Davis County School Board awarded the contract to provide fill at the Centerville Elementary School site, called for bids on grandstand bleachers at Bountiful High and balcony bleachers at Woods Cross High, and approved the bond prospectus for a 42 million dollar bond sale. THE BOARD awarded the contract to provide drainage and compacted fill at the new Centerville Elementary School site between 5th and 6th East on 4th South to Foss Lewis and Sons of Bountiful on a $87,820 bid. The board had requested that Deputy Superintendent Steven White call for bids on the fill material needed before construction can begin on the 2 million dollar school. Van Staverson Con- struction was the second low bidder at $91,769. Seven contractors bid on the school. MORRIS HANSEN, school board member, expressed approval that the amount was less than the cost estimated Architect by Richard - Stringham who had told the board costs for the fill would probably run between $125,000 and $150,000. Dr. White said the bid was made on the specifications of the architect, who said the land fill must be placed under the footings due to the instability of the land at the construction site. The 53,000 square foot building will include 23 classrooms. BEFORE approving the bid for the six foot chain link fence at the Glade-Woo- d property in Bountiful, the board considered three bids which had been requested by Dr. White. United Fence Company was low bidder with a $7,700 bid. The fence will run along the north side of the property. opened, are disintegrating. A bid estimate, plus concrete or asphalt, would place the cost ing. THATS the report from the Ogden Job Service Office of the Utah Department of Employment Security which covers the Wasatch Front North District comprising Weber, Davis and Morgan counties. employment Non-far- at a steady four per cent annual rate with an additional 3,200 jobs over a year ago. climbed THESE gains have been in every major employment ca- tegory except government, said and this is encouraging, office manager Harvey Rich. Leading categories in which jobs increased were service, up 12 per cent; manufacturing up 6.7 per cent; and trade, which had a gain of 5.8 per cent. THE TREND away from government employment indicates local economic leaders have achieved a large degree of success and lessened the areas dependency on : government employment, Rich said. Total government jobs for area is now 41 the three-stat- e estimate for the powered units was $88,000. Bids will be called for at the next school board meeting on $82,000. The balcony bleachers needed at Woods Cross High School would be inside' the gymnasium. Dr. White said. The board advised Dr. White to call for bids on both and manually powered operated bleacher units. The 10 section, 12 row high bleachers would seat 1,560 students. or 12, aBd remodeling Davis Schools syn- separate con--sis- April 5. In approving the bond prospectus, as submitted by Ken New'man, bonding agent for Burroughs, Smith and Co., the board reaffirmed that the bonds will be sold at the regular meeting on April 19. MR. NEWMAN 11 estimated projects in ts THE BOND prospectus, as by the bonding agency, will provide informa- prepared tion on population base, Davis School District for 18 years. ACTING ON other school needs, the board instructed the school administration to begin a search for a school site in either North Farming-ton property evaluation and inin the county, which will be essential to bidders, Mr. Smith said. He is hopeful that the bonds, which will mature in 1988, will bring a 54 percent rate. Burroughs and Smith has been the bonding agent for debtedness or South Kaysville and approved a new principal at the Syracuse Elementary School. Superintendent IN ASKING the board for permission to advertise for bids for grandstand bleachers at Bountiful High, Dr. White explained that the wooden bleachers, which have been at the site since Bountiful High MUM HONE SWISS SIRLOIN TIP STEAK mu SI 39 LB. L98 LB. STEAK.... BLADE 7-- all employment, compared to 43 per cent a year ago, the report showed. per cent OHEPOnom B of bound BONE IN FACT, all three levels of federal, state government and local - declined slightly from a year ago. Thus, total non-faremployment in private industry increased by a substantial 7.7 per cent during the past 12 months while government jobs declined slightly. Service industry showed a gain of 1,147 jobs, the largest of any category during the past year. Trade employment rose by 960 jobs, and manufacturing was up 650 jobs over the past 12 months. LB. Clr raf VoaVt 51.09 LB. BONELESS POT BOAST 51.39 LB. HEEL 51.69 LB. 51.45 LB 45' LB. ROAST. ROMP ROAST BOILING BEEF POT roast .. .. $ BONELESS SIRLOIN STEAK lb. LB. " T-BO- ao RIB & STEAK NE STEAK lb. -- ROUND , A STEAK lb. , SERVICE showed a large gain primarily because of the opening of the Davis North Community Hospital in CHUCK STEAK lb. Lay-to- Opening of the Emerson Electric Companys Pacific poftf0 logs Chromalox Division in the Weber Industrial Park also contributed to the 7.2 per cent increase in local manufacturing employment, the report stated, grb 2 lor fa A dollar sign has been described as a capital S which has been double-crosseConstitution, Atlanta d. -- HOAGIE - OH -- SO IT'S HENNY PENNY PRESSURE FRIED CHIKEN GOOD! PACKAGED PIPING HOT, READY-TO-G- SANDWICHES ' Other Sandwiches Available Pastrami Corned Beef SNACK PACK 4 pet, o potato log & drawing DINNER BOX 8 pet a potato log A drafting BARN FULL 16 pet., t potato log 6 CITY MAYOR Glen Cundall said Kaysville will use as : much water as is available from Webb Creek, east of the city - relying on only a small portion of its Weber Basin drafting allotment. - He noted that Kaysville used 1,500 acre-feof water from all sources last year and that the lowest amount ever recorded in Webb Creek was 1,235 acre-fee- t in 1961. ; JENO available this year from the creek is unknown, but its certain to aid in the citys water shortage. Kaysville has 1,235 acre feet of water contracted from Weber Basin this year, the mayor noted. We can save approximately 900 acre feet for next year, and add that to next years water - assuming there is some water next year, he said, grb HOW MUCH water will be PIZ,?5 1 WITH CS33B3T I j STATE INSPECTION Reg. 3.25 QEe UW LETTUCE 3 825-224- 8 376-123- 4 33.10 15 off enpne parts 1 labor reg. 38.95 a nd 6 cylinder engines are slightly less. HEADS $4 9..,99c "v W NO. 1 i9: RUSSET 10 lb. BAG POTATOES 73c FAMILY 646 NORTH MAIN - LAYTON, UTAH 825-224376-123- 8 4 STAR KIST CHUNK TUNA DEL MONTE NEW POTATOES LIBBYS CATSUP CORONET PAPER TOWELS LIBBY'S VIENNA SAUSAGE CABBAGE SPRING TUNE UP SPECIAL OPEN EVENINGS i.'" 2? OFF BLUE BONNET LABEL 6V4 OZ. CAN HUNTS SNAP-E-TO- $ 79 No. 303 CAN MARGARINE TOMATO JUICE TOMATO COCKTAIL VLASIC DILLS ST, -- sons BREAD HAWAIIAN Dimpu SIZE CASCADE WATER OR OIL OO AVOCADOS J - offer good to march lift Other Olsen Chevrolet Service Special OFFER GOOO I U. 05 JU to march lam $in Lube. Oil Change and oil filter VS V1v I 646 No. Main Layton, Ut. MARCH h Effective March 24th, 25th, & 26th COUPON C - O - U- P - O - N OLSEN CHEVROLET 73c Prices Farm-Fres- Invites you OLSEN CHEVROLET to take advantage of our state inspection special 95 . for the month of March. Reg. 3.25 I I TV DINNER -- . BANQUET MAN PLEASER LARGER ORDERS AVAILABLE -- : K in Bologna Ham & Cheese Chicken Turkey , Roast Beef ' . : ff s While other communities are still at the drawing board ; trying to work out ways and means of getting sufficient : water for culinary use this summer, Kaysville may be in : for a welcome surprise. ; ORDITH BOURGEOUS was named principal of Syracuse Elementary School on the recommendation of Superintendent Wrigley. He has been employed in the district for several years. The board will wait for a recommendation from the superintendent to name a principal at Sunset Elementary School. O : : at possible sites in both areas and prepare a map showing possible sites for board approval. Dr. White said he is hopeful Kaysville Water Outlook Is Good Mayor Reports r Bernell Wrigley said the growth in both areas has made the search necessary. The board asked administrators to look the board can sell the material in the old fence for salvage. Looking Good The job market for the northern Wasatch Front region is strong - and grow- that dicates will be biddings the bonds. Each syndicate of seven or eight different dealers. After the bonds are purchased, they will be sold to buyers throughout the country, Mr. Newman said. This bond sale will be the second series of bonds sold from the original 18 million dollar bond issue passed by Davis County residents in May 1975. The additional bond sale will fund construction $43,178. The of the bleachers at about Wasatch Front Job Market Is By GARY R. BLODGETT estimate on the was bleachers A BID manual 22 oz. jar WHOLE OR HAMBURGER CHIPS 4 Hb. loaves 46 Oz. Aatt. Flavors 1 t;r;c Vtl 447 No. Main, Highway 91, LOytOfl Utclfl |