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Show I WEEKLY iti REFLEX-DAV- IS NEWS JOURNAL. MARCH 24 1977 v By VERNA WILLDEN A W 825-352- 3 1C Shelia Williams :1 'I 'v:i Janet Bassett sustained. Ilene Stettler was released ' I v ....,? of the Fourth Ward was released as a Sunday School teacher. as Fifth Ward Sunday School . i - , ' 4" t chorister and sustained Sunday School leader, Janine DeWitt was released i $. s p mA A A A A 'rrf W iOVZ among 150 people in a caravan in Mexico recently when their trailer caught fire. was a The Airstream complete loss, fortunately no injuries as it happened while they were traveling and no one was in the trailer. They returned home, en route bought a new one. Guests of the Thomas Lightfoots over the weekend recently were Dennis and Carol Deanson of Oklahoma City. The Deansons and Mr. Lightfoot have been attending a seminar in Denver so decided to come to our area to do some sightseeing. Susan Dastrup and her children David, Kimberly and Ben of Champaign, 111. have been visiting here with the Gary Kidmans. Susan is Mrs. Kidman's sister-in-laand Melanie Pam Shropshire have been here the past week visiting with the Donald Mrs. Whitelys, Shropshire's parents. Since their marriage the young couple have been living in North Dakota and Illinois. They will go to Texas now to make their home. The Glenn Rooks family have moved to Sunset coming from Clearfield. Randy and Shelley Brown have a new daughter born on March 8. and David Charlene Ottleys new daughter arrived on March 8. m IWs-- 4sJ 1 She visited in Anaheim with a brother and his family Mr. and Mrs. Allan Crittenden and in Leucadia with Col. (ret.) and Mrs. William .i i.ayuie iintn vvara senior girts DasKetDatt team took Iirst place in Kaysville East LDS Stake playoff, under direction of Kaye Michie, stake sports director. Members include, front, 1 to r, Leslie Smith, coach; Colleen Johnson, Evelyn Johnson, Lori Johnson, FIRST PLACE Jessica Turner. Back, Rana Langevin, Karey Michie, Debbie Taylor, Cindy Gerber and Alena Collier. Sunday, March the 19, Kaysville 9th LDS Ward senior girls coach, Leslie Smith, presented the Kaysville East Stake revolving trophy to Keith Brimhall of the Bishopric to be displayed in the trophy case. She also explained the new point system used in determining the team that receives the award. FIVE POINTS winning, ten points for net, five points referees and sccrekeeper, five points proper uniforms, five points conduct, five points dress standard and five points being on time. Leslie complimented the girls on their accomplishment. This is the third time they have received the revolving trophy. CAPTAIN Evelyn Johnson and Karey b Lori Johnson, Cindy Gerber, Langevin, Alena Collier, Jessica Turner and Leilani Curfew. Also to coaches, Leslie Smith and Rana Tracy Jorgenson. Aaronic PriesthoodYoung Womens President, Fern Jones presented a yellow mum plant to Sports Director Karey Michie. THE BEEHIVE team, represented by captains Melany Jones and Kris Michie presented their coach, Leslie Johnson, a sports medallion in appreciation for all the time and effort she has spent with them. The Beehive team received the revolving trophy last year but lost by a few points this year, np 8 In Clearfields city council meeting Tuesday evening Mrs. Parker Dorothy addressed the council in a request for funds to close the American Legion Auxiliary books. MRS. PARKER, president of the American Legion Au- 134 of Clearfield, told the council that their books are at a deficit of $22 for the xiliary breakfast provided to the CALL 19 request to the council for the money to support a American Legion Boys State program. The council suggested that $100 the American Legion Au- xiliary secretary get together with City Manager Starks and appropriate for this pur- pose. PUBLIC hearing was held to rezone the Don Heninger, Ed Higley and Glen Porters A properties ffom present A1 zone to CT zone. The CT zone is an extension of the CT3 zone already in that area. Dr. Don Heninger proposes to remodel a house on the property to serve as his dentist office and eventually plans to build a completely new build- drive. They can be left at Carls Chevron Station at the corner, of Main and 200 North in Kaysville or if you do not have! any way of delivering them, they ask you to call either Commander Monte Selander, Bud Jeffery, and clear it up they can send the bill to the owner, by putting a tax lean on the property. The suggestion was made to contact the owner again and put a two week limit to comply before taking any action, mnm about it. The owner of the property has been contacted before and agreed to do something but as of vet with no success. THE ONLY enforcement is that if the city wants to move in 825-941- or Rodger Dennis at arrange to have them picked up. np 376-897- 0 Special Meet For Kaysville Chamber The Kaysville Chamber of Commerce has scheduled a special meeting for Wednesday evening, Mar. 30 at the Kaysville City Hall at 7:30 376-553- 8 FARE NEW ONE-WAANYWHERE IN AMERICA Y during construction of the new Freeway The citizens feel there or less should be an alternate route provided rather than have to use Shepard Lane in Farmington or Gentile Street in p.m. THE PURPOSE of this meeting is for residents, especially those from the West Kaysville area and the of Commerce Chamber members to voice their opinion on the issue of Kaysville Second North Street go- Layton to have access to Go anywhere out of state where Greyhound goes. Coast to coast. Border to Border. Stop over along the way, free. Tickets are good for two months or until June 15. And you can take a child under 12 free. Call us for tickets & Information. CHRISTOPHERSQN TRAVEL SERVICE INC. RED CARPET TOURS Kaysville business. BERT TAYLOR and Com- 453 WEST 500 SOUTH BOX 453 BOUNTIFUL, UTAH 84010 292-727- 3 missioner Ward from the Utah State Road Commission will meet with the group to discuss this issue, np ing to West Kaysville, closed and they will ing. ALL CONCERNED were in favor of the zone change. A motion was made to rezone the Personal Income Business Returns Partnership Returns rx MR. COTY a representative American Legion made of the In the past the council has given $50 per boy. Councilman GeneFesslermadea motion to In the Comfort of Your Home Yrs. Experience with same Company INFORMATION find out whether the city has expended the funds in the past for such an activity or if it has come from the Chamber of Commerce funds, who sponsor the July 4th activities. Clearfield Job Corpsmen who marched in the July 4 parade. SPECIALIZING IN: 376-26- The American Legion Post 82 of Kaysville still needs, your support in their newspaper and aluminum can. drive. They have been conducting this drive to raise' funds for their Boys State project and other American. Legion projects they conduct during the year. THEY ARE asking everyone to save their newspapers and aluminum cans and other aluminum articles for this Shaded. Mike and Jean Burson were Michie, presented individual trophies to the team members. Colleen Johnson, IKKSOMg TAX BARRY H. AVERY Legion Seeking Paper Drive Aid 1 area and the motion was carried. Mayor Sanders brought to KEPT CONFIDENTIAL the councils attention the eyesore problem on 200 S. West of the entrance to the REPRESENTING Bank of Northern Utah down to the Standard Service Station. THE sidewalk in this area is covered with weeds and quite a few citizens have complained Tax Corporation of America Our Spring Shoe-l- n 20 off these styles for toddlers and girls Sale 5.59 Reg. 6.99. Girls covered Vinyl wedge with with contrast stitching and crepe sole. In russet, tan or navy for sizes C, 8 74 Toyota Pickup 4. Radio, extra clean, low miles WEVE 1973 Torino Sale 5.59 Reg. 6.99. Toddler girls in patent vinyl black or white B 5 8) Squire Wagon 8 passenger, PS, PB, radio, air cond s1488 -- C D(4-9- ) E(4-8- ) 1974 Ford T. Vj F-1- Pickup. auto trans, 52988 Sale 5.59 1975 Ford Mach I Reg. 6.99. Girls' Mary Jane with adjustable strap. Patent vinyl m black or white for sizes C,D,8'2-4- . V-- Sizes C. D Sale price effective thru Sunday 5-- MUSTANGS, MAVERICKS, AND EXPLORER PICKUPS. ALL SPECIALLY PRICED TO SAVE YOU $$$$$. MAKE YOUR MONEY SAVING DEAL ON AN A-- 1 USED CAR OR TRUCK. WELL LET YOU KICK THE TIRES FOR FREE!. good1 52888 5767 1974 Pinto Sta. Wgn. 1972 Ford auto trans. P S. SfiVE BP TO 1971 Galaxie 4 feels auto trans. radio, heater, enough room to carry the kids & dog V-- Torino auto trans. door hardtop. PS. P'B. windows, door It sqotit1 handles, ash tray 2 51982 Reg. 7.99. Toddler boys' vinyl moc toe oxford In brown, black or white. EM auto trans. door hardtop. air cond. with an unbelievable price 4 cyl. 6.39 GOT SPECIALLY EQUIPPED GRANADAS, PINTOS, s1293 8 JCPenney Bountiful Shop Monday thru Friday till 9, Sunday noon till 5 p.m. Use your JCPenney Charge. qMEEH 825-972- 1 1573 N. MAIN LAYTON . .. |