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Show I WEEKLY REFLEX-DAV- NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 24, 1977 IS iaysiille: Raise Rates? By GARY R. BLODGETT HE EXPLAINED that the rate charged Kaysville by UP&L from which the city buys about 25 per cent of its total power source has tripled its previous rates because UP&L has had to purchase power at higher prices to meet commitments. Utah Power and Light had supplied its share of power to Kaysville through con- - Kaysville City may have to increase its power rates by 15 per cent or place a large deficit on the city's budget. - POWER Supt. Walter Meacham said Kaysville residents will have to pay more for their power, one way or another. "But the proposed 15 per cent increase would still be less than the Utah Power and Light rates of neighboring communities and would compare favorably with old UF&L rates before its last increase," said Meacham. tracts with hydroelectric power projects he said. in the Pacific Northwest, BUT DUE to drought and the loss last of a Huntington generator, UP&L has had to go elsewhere for its power source at a higher rate. And this added cost was passed on to Kaysville and other UP&L subscribers. Februarys power bill showed $20,515 cost for the UP&L power and $10,434 for the remaining 75 per cent which was supplied by the Intermountain Conser- summer - LIKE EVERYTHING else, cost of power has gone up and we must find some way to meet the increased costs. He said the city has $47, OtX) to pay for power for the last four months of this fiscal year - but last months bill alone was for $39,919. vancy Power Association through the Kaysville Power and Light Company. THIS W AS an increase of $8,537 over the previous month and at this rate, the city could have a deficit of between $75,000 and $100,000 by the end of this fiscal year, Meacham explained. I dont know if the city is willing to absorb this kind of deficit, he said. The council earlier agreed to accept an expected $55,000 deficit, but that deficit will definitely be much higher. 825-03- TALL TOM JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walker have returned home from a week of visiting at the home of their son and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Kay Walker who reside in Mesa, Ariz. They went especially to spend some time with their Elder grandson. tion approved it, and so plans have been progressing for the Both towns of Kaysville and Fruit Heights are anxiously awaiting March 28 when the performance of Tall Tom Jefferson will be performed in the Salt Palace at 8:30 a. m. THE for the National Musical Educator's Convention. well-know- n professional musicians. The music is thrilling and is contagious! This is an event that Kaysville and Fruit Heights will long remember. Kaysville Births . Its a son for Mr. and Mrs. John McCleary of 163 South 150 East, Kaysville. The 8 lb 5 oz lad arrived on March 9 at the Lakeview Hospital in Bountiful and will be named Patrick C. At home to welcome the playmate are a brother John Jr. and a sister Tamra. Mrs. McCleary is the former THIS IS a two community effort and the general public will be given a preview of the performance on March 26 at Davis High School at a matinee at 3 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the Kaysville City Hall, Kaysville Jr. High, Kaysville Elementary, Burton Elementary and Davis High School. Price of admission is children, 50 cents; adults, $1; and families, $3. is The production long approximately and many small children sit spellbound during the entire performance. Kaeleen Corbridge of Layton. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William B. McCleary, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Corbridge of Layton. The are S. Ray Corbridge, West Layton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mayne, Brigham City and Isabel! Tobin of Denver, ts one-ho- Colo. Rejoicing over the arrival of their firstborn are Mr. and Mrs. Adam Campbell of 600 West Mutton Hollow Road, Kaysville. A 5 lb 13 oz son was born on March 3 at the Hill Air Force LAST YEAR, Kaysville and Fruit Heights were treated when Mrs. Ruth Roberts, author of the musical, flew from New York to Kaysville just to see the performance. She was so delighted with the performance that she made application for the same group to perform for the National Musical Educators Base Hospital and will be named Adam Ceasar Jr. He is receiving much attention from the new parents. The new mother is the former Pamela Quarles of New Orleans, La. The excited grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Deromy Quarles and Mrs. Emma Campbell, all of Convention. The committee of the Musical Educators Conven- - New Orleans, La. Mrs. Annie Campbell of New Orleans is RADIO & TV the Proudly announcing the arrival of a baby daughter named Shelly Ann are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. (Bert) Warren of 168 North 500 East, Kaysville. She arrived at the McKay-De- e Hospital in Ogden weighing in at 7 lb 2 oz and is their fourth child. At home, delighted to have a little sister are Vicki, Ricky and REPAIRING ALL MAKES Calls 5 Anytime BRAVING TV Matthew. Reasonable Rates By ROSELYN KIRK Gibbons and Reed Construction Company received approval from the Davis County Commission to excavate fill at Shepards Lane on the condition that and the area be reclaimed. THE excavation of the property is being undertaken at the request of LDS Church officials from the Farmington Stake who want the 43 acres leveled for agricultural use. The construction company will use the fill for road con-- ' struction on the interstate. The request for the excavation was first presented to the Davis County Planning Commission on March 4 since the planning commission must rule on all excavation sites. The commission requested a study from County Engineer Davis Right To Life Slates Meet To Life of Davis County is presenting a public educational slide program on Wed., March 30 at 1 p.m. in the Davis County Library,, south branch, in Bountiful for anyone wishing to join the local chapter. Right THE SUBJECT is Abortion: Death versus Life. Mrs. William Cassun, Davis County Right To Life director, explains, In response to the calls numerous weve received, Right To Life offers this opportunity to the public to educate themselves on prenatal development and to on the abortion issue acutely affecting our State. become informed immediate conon stopping tax monies for abortions has Glen Austins office. THE STUDY determined that the land would be suitable for agricultural use after North, Sunset the fill was removed. County Planner Joseph Moore told County Commissioners that the Planning Office approved the proposal. He said that since the company will be moving material, this will be considered an excavation and they must meet the basic requirements of the county resolved until the commission holds a public hearing to see whether a portion of a road should be abandoned to allow the construction of a triplex. ..VERNON Peterson had requested that the property at 350 West 3400 South be excavation ordinance. He said Gibbons and Reed plans have satsified both the county rezoned from to allow the construction. Rl-- engineer and the DON KEARNS, project manager for Gibbons and Reed Construction, said the company plans to remove the top soil and stockpile it. They will then excavate to a 510 grade before replacing the original soil. When replaced, the top soil will be reseeded with crested wheat, the same vegetation that is planted along the state We will meet the highways. state specifications for seeding, Mr. Kearns said. to Com- COMMISSIONERS agreed the rezoning could not be allowed, until the road abandonment was resolved. They will call for another public hearing on the road abandon- THE COMPANY agreed to have the soil back on and reclaimed by next spring, although their contract runs until Oct. R-- 3 missioners had delayed action until they could determine whether there was enough acreage to allow the construction. Mr. Petersons plan, as drawn for the city planner, Joseph Moore, could be allowed only if a portion of 500 West and Orchard Drive is abandoned. County Planner Albert Cole said if the road were abandoned, it would force a county planning office. ment proposal. Mr. Cole will contact adjoining property 15, 1978. holders and inform them of the hearing. Mr. Moore questioned whether more multi-familunits should be allowed in the Val Verda area, saying they Commissioner Wendell Zaugg moved that the commission approve the excavation and reclaiming the land. In the absence of Commissioner Glen Flint, the com- y mission voted approval. of duplexes. aroused much local interest in Right To Life of Utah. Call 9 for more or information. 3 Lie. Gen. Custom Homes, Additions, Remodel Build with someone who Cares style vacuum cleaner. urv, The approval will allow for the purchase of a refrigerator for $250, a vacuum cleaner for $210, a recliner couch for $200 and two electronic printing calculators for $175 each. THE EQUIPMENT, which is already included in the Mental Health budget, will be needed in the Farmington 3 BPiniip) the Insulation experts help save on your fuel bills Let Insulation pays for itself in added comfort and in the savings youll realize in fuel costs. Weve been providing insulation for new homes for years. . now we are expertly installing insulation in older . homes. you own an older home or an under insulated home, let us show you today how we can save you money and add to your familys Com- missioner C.E. Moss observed that there seemed to be little And Poise A person is one who makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous. The Progressive Farmer d -- year-roun- d living comfort. Having your home insulated NOW save you money on your fuel bills ALL YEAR! will r- FOR A FREE ESTIMATE DIXON P. REISBECK CALL. . . TODAY 295-610- 766-030- 3 -- ALL tense Evans of Layton; and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Egbert, Preston, Idaho. Mrs. Warren will be remembered as the former Christine Panter of FORMS OF INSURANCE-1North Main, Layton Phone 376-427- Intermountain West 9 Insulation AUTO, HOME OWNERS & $10.00 OFF 97 LIFE INSURANCE Any :PG W0 fTKi W JOUNeet Kaysville. np stMFu1 o' KAYSVILLE THEATRE renings 7:30 I 25- 26 - 28 - 29 9:40 Sat Mat 1:15 t 3:25 OtNH At Its 2.M HS4JHS1M CMMree lit Under 1.M Job with This Coupon Kaysville oGEE9uQQ6 from the terrifying No. 1 best seller. on Ofler expire. March 31, 1977 W3 mm TURTLENECK The terrifying motion picture Contractor - 825-981- 2 to leave the North Layton Medical Center, Saturday afternoon after undergoing major surgery and also suffering some setbacks during his ten days there. Mr. and Mrs. Bradden Mann entertained with a Mental Health office in Farmington, subject to Commissioner Zaugg checking on the advisability of purchasing an THE troversy at- tended. Wayhe L. Burton was able If IN OTHER business, commissioners approved a zoning change from Rl-- to R2 to allow prospective builder Howard Bunker to allow the building Twenty camp members provided. industrial John D. McQuade Construction Co. Thursday afternoon. Hostesses to Mrs. Rampton were Mrs. Rubie E. Holbrook and Mrs. Virginia S. Bennett. IN FURTHER business the commission approved the purchase of equipment for the 15. ts 25-6223 Pioneers gathered at the on The other zoning change requested in the Val Verda area, and also the object of a public hearing, will not be Panter all of Kaysville. The are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Panter, Pocatello, Idaho; Mrs. Hor- - -8- Utah. The Iris Camp Daughters of home of Mrs. Alice H. Ramp-to- n for their regular meeting increase density of population. If allowed, he said, more recreational areas should be March party at their home on Tuesday evening for Michael M. Jones. Those enjoying the time together were Michael and Shamra and Tiffani Jones, Zene and Virginia Bennett, Shauna Lynn and Lynn and son Niederhauser Nathan, and Travis Mann, vsb and Mrs. Dean Briggs of Logan, spent last week in the warm sunshine at St. George, Mark opposition to the zoning change from residents who attended a public hearing on The pleased grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moll, Mr. and Mrs. Garth 141 West 1900 6 is com- munity effort and has made special arrangements to attend the performance, talk to the cast and give the opening remarks. Other dignitaries from Salt Lake City will be in attendance as well, including THE GROUP, which performed the musical last year, has been selected to represent Kaysville and Fruit Heights This at the convention. should be considered, indeed an honor for the whole comto be selected to munity perform before such a distinguished group," said Gregg Hanson, who is chairman of the National Band Association.' Mayor Cundall, mayor of Kaysville, plans to attend the performance, along with the city council. The mayor of Fruit Heights, Lon Christensen, will be in attendance in the roll of a performer. He plays Thomas Jefferson as a politician. 825-367- GOVERNOR impressed with the surprise birthday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Briggs, accompanied by Mr. County OKs Excavation performance. superintendent said, grb Walker who is leaving very soon for a LDS Mission to Vancouver, Canada. By VIRGINIA BENNETT Mr. Hamilton, right, played by Alyric Ray, disagrees with Thomas Jefferson, left, played by Lon Christensen. He believes the government should be by the rich, welborn and the able. THE POWER pinch will probably be felt through the remainder of the fiscal year when UP&Ls Huntington generator blown out last summer should be repaired and in service. Until then, all residents are urged to conserve power, just as theyve been asked to do on water. The less we need to the buy, the less our costs will be, m o(MB) aflsfflEsigga OQf-4TM- (HUMES') tTTTTO |